This was posted 11 years 4 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Steam] Free Wadjet Eyes Games Complete (Including Blackwell, Gemini Rue, Primordia, Resonance)


Most likely a bug as it is meant to be 1 free Blackwell game.

1) Visit

2) Click Buy Now to add Blackwell Deception to the cart

3) Enter Boo in the discount code area and the price will change to zero

You will receive a steam voucher which activates the following games.

  • Blackwell Deception
  • Puzzle Bots
  • Primordia
  • Resonance
  • Blackwell Convergence
  • Blackwell Unbound
  • The Blackwell Legacy
  • Gemini Rue

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closed Comments

  • Worked. Awesome :) More games to add to my Steam library and I wanted to play Primordia. :)

  • Sweet! Your a legend many thanks for the info, worked for me too.

  • Worked a treat. Cheers.

  • Nice post! Worked fine for me!

  • That's awesome! Thanks so much!

  • +1

    Very neat. I already owned a bunch of these, but not through Steam. Nice to now have proper Steam integration, for whatever little that is worth.

    Resonance is a rad game, everyone should play it.

  • work great thanks


  • grabbed it and then refreshed ozbargain knowing someone would post it :P

  • The website broke? I wish someone could get it for me.

  • +1

    not working for me page wont load after pressing buy it now

    • same here. probably being fixed :(

  • Looks to of been oZboned

  • +1

    Looks like Valve screwed up. I hope they reimburse these developers, the promo was only meant to be for Blackwell Deception.

    "Today I am not happy with Steam."

    "Steam screwed up the Deception codes royally. I have removed the codes from the free Deception offer temporarily."

  • +6

    I felt a bit bad about this one, they're clearly a pretty small development company…

    • Now I feel guilty about spamming the F5 key to try and get the deal.

    • I was trying not to feel guilty…then I read your post. :| Now I have to go to Steam and buy some games from them and give it to friends.

      • All the Wadjet Eye games are gold. Gemini Rue is very much like Snatcher/Blade Runner, highly recommended.

        The Blackwell series is great the writing is amazing.

        Primordia is fantastic.

        Support these devs.

  • Lucas arts nostalgia

  • +1

    never realised steam could so easily revoke the games that have been purchased. All fixed and everything you weren't to get is now gone off your library.

    being an ozbargain member I claimed with no intention of ever downloading or playing the games…does that make me a bad person or just a tight ass?

    • The local content of any of the other titles you downloaded is still on your PC but evidently Steam has changed those serial keys to only allow access to Blackwell Deception. Hence why I see 7 games listed as "Other games" in my library with a "Purchase" instead of "Install/Play" option on their page (I can browse their local content and see they are installed in their entirety).

  • looks like they are correcting the accounts that activated them too.

  • Yep, they're onto us.

  • It's kinda scary to think that Steam can so easily just revoke things like that, but I guess that's just how it is…
    I already had bought Primordia anyway…

    • +1

      Yeah, this whole moving away from physical copies and to digital only where you dont "own" anything (but are rather paying for a license to run the software) is a huge mistake in my opinion.

      And the fact that Steam has complete and utter control over your library like this is indeed very scary. If a publisher (or even Valve themselves) no longer wish to support or let you play a game any more, they can just yank it away and you basically have no recourse (read the subscriber agreement). It's a slippery slope.

      And with game sizes increasing significantly now with the "next generation", people are going to quickly eat away their broadband allowance with just a few games.

      The industry should never have moved to digital-only. We should have just moved on to Blu-Ray and kept things physical :(

      • +1

        On the other hand, is doing great things as a drm-free publisher. Witcher 3 will be drm free and I like to think that mid sized games are now going drm free as well (compared to only small indie teams doing so).

        I think digital is the only way forward. It allows for better distribution and access. And most devs have concluded that without digital distribution they would have had considerably less income.

        Valid concerns about steam's power to revoke and therefore lead to a point where you cannot access your games. However, I like to think that this is a risk you take to get cheaper and more accessible games.

        • +1

          yep right there .. as with the loss of many thing like "privacy" and "rights" we all tend to trade them away for short terms rewards like "convience" and "savings".

        • Benjamin Franklin must be spinning!

        • Most definitely. It's a trend now isn't it?

      • And the fact that Steam has complete and utter control over your library like this is indeed very scary. If a publisher (or even Valve themselves) no longer wish to support or let you play a game any more, they can just yank it away and you basically have no recourse (read the subscriber agreement). It's a slippery slope.

        Agree with everything you've said but keep in mind; the local game files don't disappear in instances where Steam revokes your access to a game, rather your serial key is simply flagged as invalid and will not work on multiplayer or activation servers.

        You could very easily circumvent any DRM on your machine locally (if say, Steam unfairly revoked access to a game for some arbitrary reasons or the developer went bust and suddenly supporting it) and still play the game; albeit without any online-dependent features.

        That is the case for now; who knows what forms DRM will take in the future, but as of now, no digital distribution platform has any clause or right to physically remove data from a person's PC (only to stop them accessing the platform and any associated features).

    • +2

      Even more scarier are the always online game models.

      What if Blizzard after 5 years plan to shut down all servers for Diablo 3? I can still install and play Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 in single player. Can we say the same about Diablo 3?

      • Yep, I think this is a far more concerning practice than giant digital distributors like Steam. Hopefully the whole Sim City 4 debacle will have pushed any advances in online drm becoming ubiquitous.

        The thing is, DIII's servers will most certainly be closed in the 5 year period if they don't plan to expand on it. If I were them, I would release an offline version when they decide to close off the online servers/drm.

  • This deal is back up, but only for Blackwell Deception as intended

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