For all the OzBargain faithful we've got another great deal on our Zimbabwean Peaberry beans. For only $26.95 inc Australia-wide shipping we're offering 1kg of roasted to order Zimbabwean Peaberry coffee. An absolute premium bean with a fantastic flavour profile, its a ripper for any style of coffee you enjoy. Also a fantastic way to try a top quality bean from a once flourishing coffee growing region that sadly doesn't produce nearly as much as it used to. All orders also come in foil lined valved bags to ensure optimum freshness for your enjoyment.
1kg Fresh Roasted Zimbabwean Peaberry Coffee $26.95 with FREE Shipping

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Generally we say they're at peak freshness for three weeks from roast date, however if they're left sealed in appropriate conditions then they will last longer. Personally, I have just this morning had a batch I roasted earlier this month (about four weeks ago) to see how they'd aged, and they were still delicious. But I wouldn't stretch it for any longer than a month.
Peaberries are a naturally occuring mutation where a single bean magically forms in the cherry rather than the two flat beans that we are familiar with.
Gotta love the peaberry, with its rounded appearance, also a nice bit of variety to roast.
Good coffee. Thanks Rep.
Glad you like it, we've been having it on the Hario V60 and enjoying it. I have my phases, ristretto, cappuccino and pourover. Lol, currently in the pourover phase.
Great delivery!
Cheers Chris, enjoy the beans!
How long can these last if i leave the bags in the cupboard unopened? I have just opened a 1kg bag and might take awhile to finish