Hi all,
I'm just wondering what are some reliable websites for PC parts. I've had a realy bad run with MWAVE and pccasegear doesn't have what I'm looking for.
Good websites for PC parts?

Day2Deal on 28/10/2013 - 19:29
MSY. Whhat are you looking for?
Haha but know what you are getting…otherwise arm yourself at being heckled…
Also try UMART. Not as cheap as MSY but prices are still competitive.
pc case gear has everything that everyone is looking for. Most of the time.
If you're looking to find something specific then: www.staticice.com
I find www.cplonline.com.au quite good value for money. A bit like Msy though but more streamlined for getting the people through. Pickup also avail.
scorptec usually cost a few dollars more but have good service.