This exercise machine is specifically for developing your Abdominals. Its 200 degree of motion exercises your upper, lower, middle abs and obliques all at once.
Abdominal Excercise Machine - $49.95

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I'm a bit 'iffy' about these machines, cause I'm studying Physiotherapy at the moment and have heard that if you bend your back below 180 degrees, there is the potential of compressing your nerve roots and causing paralysis?? I would like to hear if anyone else has heard this or is it just a rumour???
If you really want a cheap "ab machine" then just do a drive around your neighbourhood and pick one up off the nature strip during the week of your local councils hard rubbish roadside pick up. I never fail to see at least half a dozen getting thrown out!
Either that or ya could post a 'Freebie' here - walk out your front door and go for a run - there's no point in building up ab muscles if you've got a layer of flab over the top of it :)
lol. is that why I dont have a six pack?
LOL! Everyone has ab muscles, the only problem is, you have to have like only 5% body fat in total for them to become visible!
completely agree gobbo.
Half the people who guys these could have the world's strongest abs, and yet you still wouldnt be able to see them.
Do people still buy Ab exercise machines? I thought every house in Australia had one tucked under a bed.
Voting -ve, as you can get similar at dealsdirect for $59 and postage is $14.95 australia wide - this is min $21 and $36.25 to me in Perth. And please disclose your affiliation with topbuy if you have one - 8 posts, all for topbuy.