Retail giants having laybuy?

I know that kmart and target does laybuy, but does coles and woollies do the same?


  • I've never seen a layby section in Coles, being 95% groceries, I'd assume no laybys.

    • Agree, the concept just doesn't work with grocery items!?

  • Big W does.

    • +2

      I always assumed it is because they are low on liquid assets. Perhaps at a pinch they could be low on storage and don't need to item right now?

      • +2

        I know some parents do it so the stuff is basically kept at the store for birthday or Xmas presents. They can then go pay them off a few days before and take them home. Less risk of kids snooping.

        • Yep, this. Also so I can buy toys at the mid year sales and not have to find somewhere to store them for 6 months.

        • Did this with a swing set that was an xmas gift. That way I got it on sale and there is no way I would have been able to store and keep it secret it otherwise.

          A lot of people I see at the laybuy counter are just buying one shirt or something like that, so I assume they want to buy the item but can't immediately afford it.

    • +2

      I used to use layby because I simply couldn't afford the Master System game or Lego set and the local Toyworld offered layby…

      Sigh Those were simpler times…

      • mmmm….miss those days. Like when you had only enough money to buy one game and you played it for weeks/months…. Nowdays I have a library of steam and consoles games and barely play any :(

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