Open app>menu>unlock>appoftheday>restart app
One of the best apps to clear cache(according to reviews)
Removes all ads
Unlocks 3 levels
4.3 Star
Open app>menu>unlock>appoftheday>restart app
One of the best apps to clear cache(according to reviews)
Removes all ads
Unlocks 3 levels
4.3 Star
This a cache cleaner NOT a task killer (which is what your talking about)
Can any of you pls explain what is this discussion about. I am not saying this is the best one but if it's not it won't have 10000+ downloads and still maintain 4+ stars.
'Ad-supported free version' of one app vs. 'pro version (presumably with no ads) of another. I'm currently using AVG however will give it a try.
The ads are only in app, not pushed to device so you set it up once to perform the clean weekly and never look at another ad again.
Storage is cheap yet we still have to frig around clearing cache on our phones in order to free up wasted storage space…
Especially true for phones with no expansion slot like nexus 4.
It's been proven multiple times that clearing apps from memory actually makes your phone slower, not faster. Android leaves them there for a reason, don't mess with it.