This was posted 11 years 4 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Western Digital 8-Port Gigabit Switch $19 at MSY Was $29


Western Digital
MyNet 8-Port Gigabit Switch

Available from 17th at 10am for pre-orders.
It's cheap comparing to $79 at JB.

Compatibility - Devices supporting IEEE 802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.3u Fast Ethernet or IEEE >802.3 Ethernet.
CAT5e or better for Gigabit performance.
Package Includes - 8-port Gigabit Ethernet switch, AC adapter, Quick Install Guide

Related Stores

MSY Technology
MSY Technology

closed Comments

  • It's funny, I got the email but it's showing as $25 on their website already. So in reality, it's only $6 off not $10 like they claim..

    • This can't be the first time you are seeing something like this..

      • Haha course not, do just find it strange though how so many company's can get away with it.

    • guess u got to wait till 10am?

  • Perfect timing. Was just looking at this the other day :-) thanks op!

  • +2

    If I have an ADSL 2+ modem/4-port router, can I connect it to this 8-port switch and share Internet on all the computers connected to the 4-port and 8-port routers?
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    • Sure, and because the modem ports are likely to be 100 Mbit/s, you should connect up the computers with Gbit ports to this switch, then the slower devices to the remaining ports.

      How prices have dropped. I paid 3 times this price for my TP-Link switch several years ago.

      • It is amazing. JB has this listed on their site for $79

        • Has anyone tried to price match JB?

    • +1

      Yes it effectively creates more available ports running off the same network and subnet so you have 4 on your router, if you connect this you will have 3 available afterward on your router and 7 available on the switch (you lose one spot for the uplink to the router)

      All ports on both the router and the switch are working on the same network so you wont have any issues getting internet/sharing/local network connectivity.

      • This is what I wanna do, my modem router has 4 but I need to connect it to more so I will need to connect this to my modem to give me more outlets for Ethernet

        Do I loose speed?

        • No you don't lose speed.

        • No, most switches are designed to allocate bandwidth so you don't lose speed. Not everything that is connected will all be using bandwidth at the same time.

        • Great
          Will I need to set this WD so it will work the way I want it to, I'm guessing it won't be plug and play

        • Actually it is plug and play. You don't /cant set it up from the switch end.

        • Even better

          Seems that my local branch is out of stock anyhow ;(

        • +1

          Please be careful with loose speed.

        • i've seen some movies where someone loses speed, and the dealer always comes after them, so make sure this doesn't happen to you :)

        • +1

          Might blow up if you have broadband slower than 5Mb/s…

        • You should always keep your speed under control! Letting it roam around is a bad idea.

  • +1

    It's $19 now

  • Is this worth the $19 plus the extra $8 for shipping?

    • +8

      Totally worth it :)

      • Ha ha ha ha ha.

        Hey rep, how's the stock levels on those $369 GTX 680s?

        • +1

          All the branches have at least 1 unit in stock. Only Pascoe Vale VIC is out of stock

        • Well ur online ordering system is so poor i dont even think its worth it. Of the many orders i place online i dont hear back for 80% of them.

        • Branches are supposed to confirm the order within 24 hours. We are still working on it. Really sorry about this problem once again

        • In the past I've made many orders online to Auburn branch; they never confirm & when you show up at the store they say they've sold out. It shows as in stock on the product pages when ordering.

        • +1

          yup. their stock levels are for some reason not live. They really should have a system where you order online and pay online so ur order is then reserved. and the minute you place the order that stock amount is taken off the inventory list.

    • Shipping was $13.50 for me :(

  • Would this come in handy for the NBN connection? I'm guessing the one that comes with NBN connection would provide only 1 port?

    • You still need a modem (customer or ISP supplied) to connect to to the NBN equipment. They usually have 4 ports minimum. So if you have more than 4 devices you need to connect then yes it would come in handy.

      • +1

        I think you mean router. The NTD is the fibre 'modem'.

        • Sorry, yes you are correct.

  • +3

    8 port giga switch for $19. Only wish I needed one.

    • +18

      you must be new here

  • I didn't even know WD makes switches and even Gigabit switches :D

    Price is going to be ozbargained pretty soon.

  • cheers needed one of these.

  • +1

    Awesome just bought one at MSY in Altona!

  • Good price but beware of the short 1 year warranty (a few web sites say 2 years, can anybody confirm?) and the hard-wired port-based QoS (okay for home use, not good otherwise).

  • Ordered one but on checkout, the confirm order page it doesn't load :(

    Have tried and tried and still cant get to the end of checkout

  • rep, can't order. is it sold out?
    sorted now can't get past order stage.

    • May i know which branches is it ? I just logged in as a customer and ordered it. The order went through. Problem is now I have to pay for it :(

      • Not available in Brooklyn,Victoria. Also says "Available in branches: Geelong | VIC_WH |"

  • Postage for me is 9.93
    Why so much?

    Postcode: 2099

  • thanks op. ordered 1.

  • Just picked up mine from Ultimo, had to substitute the cat cable I ordered with it but otherwise painless :) The guy had a stack of 7~8 of them behind him, dunno if they're reserved or not though

  • Rep, please confirm my order, invoice# 2348. It's been charged to my card, but does not appear in "My Order History" on your website.

  • Thanks, I picked up two of them from my local :)

    • Please sell me one with reasonable postage :P

    • which branch?

      • Pascoe Vale :) They seemed to have a few in stock.

        My house is all cabled up (gigabit in the walls), but with only a single port in each room, so I use gigabit switches to expand the network at those points :)

  • Anyone know which VIC branch has stock?
    Postage to my VIC metro address is over $10…

    • Clayton does.. just ordered one

  • I picked mine up at dandenong, not too far from clayton. $19 is super cheap. they also had the n600 router for $19, which is a good price for an average router.

  • Picked one up at Morningside QLD this morning

    They had a big pile (20+)of them left

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