Account details programmed into modem, can't remove

I gave my old Telstra Bigpond ADSL WiFi modem router to a friend (i think it was a Thompson TG782T) when I upgraded to a Billion.

Before doing so I performed a hard reset by holding the pinhole reset button. Then I set it up with their account details. However for some reason it keeps on reverting back to my account details, all on its own, once every few months, and I think this is causing dropouts for both of us.

How is this possible? I thought a hard reset cleared all defaults. Do they actually hard-program the account details into the modem or something? I'm kinda stumped, thinking of just getting them an ASUS N55U instead, but surely there must be a way to override the defaults so it can be used by other people..

Unless.. maybe the modem is meant to remain the property of Telstra?? So they don't allow it to be used by others? But I'm sure we paid for it… I dunno.


  • Yes, your details are hard coded into it as the "default factory settings." You could try and flash/update the firmware to fix that, you might get success.

    • Ah ok, any links to some good instructions on how to do that and where to get the firmware? Cheers

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