Toyota Smart Key $730?! Cheaper alternates?

Hi guys
I need to buy a spare Key for a toyota 2010 camry, but official toyota quoted me $730 for a goddamn spare key.
There are diy keys on ebay, but does anyone know a locksmith who set up these ebay keys for you? Toyota Obviously told me these wouldnt work at all.
Please help!


  • +1


    can u please be more clear abt the spare key? do u mean the actual steel key or electronic lock remote. I guess in both the cases, it would work just fine if the steel key is cut to original key and remote is programmed to the car security system. I bought a remote for ford falcon and programmed it to my car and it works just like original(except it was half price).


  • Just got one for my honda civiv 2009, $430 total

  • A mate got an ebay key for a toyota echo, swapped the internal elctronic or whatever bits and it works 100%

    His missus used the key as a"lifting tool" when she opened the boot so all the weight of the boot wrecked the delicate parts over time.

    He is a good handyman and technical whiz and swapped the bits himself.

    I think the parts were under $10? at the time on ebay

  • Google ur local locksmith or mobile locksmith. Most places have aftermarket keys for cars that they can program to work with the existing security system. Often doesnt look as good as original key but wouldnt think it'll matter if its just a spare key.
    Got a key made and programed for my civic for $110. Dealership price almost $700.
    Of course they'll try it to see if it works but i had a friend who had to pay a dodgy locksmith 1/2 the costs coz he couldnt get it to work but had already cut the key so ask first if they guarantee it will work.

  • replacement blank key from america $11 delivered (this requires you to take all the electronic from teh old key if they still work)-|Year%3A2010|Model%3ACamry&hash=item3cc81f97e9

    or blank key with inbuilt transponder that needs programming (see below) $22.50 delivered|Year%3A2010|Model%3ACamry&hash=item43bffb004e

    google- how to program a blank key-…

    getting it cut at a locksmith/shoe dude -$5

    personally I'd be trying this.

  • If the OP is talking about an actual Toyota Smart Key then it's the wireless proximity with push button start. I know for my normal Honda key - I just imported a new one from the US as the frequencies were the same and the kind dealer programmed it for free provided I got the key blade cut by myself :')

    I was attempting to get a spare key made for my Lexus as well which uses the same key system as the push button start Toyota's. You can TRY and import one from the US but no guarantees that the frequencies are the same (most likely they're not) and they won't program. There doesn't appear to be any aftermarket keys for a proximity one as well.

    Used keys can be programmed however ONLY a Toyota head technician can do it - they call up Toyota and request authorisation for reseeding your immobiliser and basically program all the existing + used keys into your car afresh - how willing they would be to do this, I'm not sure. Although, I called up the Lexus dealership and they said they wouldn't charge me anything but no guarantees that it would work.

    If you can somehow get the part number for your Toyota smart key and it matches the part number in the US then there is a /chance/ it may work - you can also get a Techstream cable to program the key yourself as it's simple to add a new key.

    All the locksmiths I called told me to go to the dealer, including the specialists :( Call up all the locksmiths in your area and see if they can get them cheaper for what Toyota can sell it to you for - surely there must be some locksmiths that can do the job.

    • Hi maybeamacy, do you remember where you purchased the key from?

  • My Hyundai key was going to be about $250. So I took the little black transponder chip (inside the key head) and attached it permanentely to the ignition barrel.
    Then went to Mr Minute who cut me a new key for $8.95. (I splurged and got two)
    Search google Utube etc, there are 100's of posts of how to do this.
    I also manually lock/unlock my car by choice, so original remote key is left at home.

    It's Bullcrap charging up to $3000 (Toyota) for a non-essential part of an automobile.

    • +3

      Except a theif can now drive your car off with a screwdriver.

      • Actually no see below.
        The current technology you are paying for isn't safe either. A side profile photo of your key and a quick induction/scan of your transponder and a key can be created in 10 minutes (by a baddie). These devices are for sale for $1400 as an example, but I believe you can make your own record/playback device perhaps for less than $50
        In 2006 a recall of most cars globally was considered by many manufacturers see wikipedia etc (and rejected of course) due to realising it's security flaws.
        Anyway I have always installed my own cutoff switch(es) and bypassed immobilisers as I dislike them.
        I've never had my cars stolen even when living in flats or leaving car on the street.
        My issue is with the growing exploitation and artificially created dependency on professional servicing & repairs thru technology gone crazy with no real important benefit.
        Thats just me I guess.

  • Some locksmiths are able to get genuine keys and program them for you. My brother had a situation where he lost all the keys to his Mazda and needed a mobile locksmith to open the car. The quote from the mobile locksmith for the two genuine Mazda keys and programming was a lot less than what Mazda quoted and Mazda also required the car at their service department which means it needed to be towed at an additional cost.

  • +1

    I'm having the same issue - 09 NISSAN MAXIMA with intelligent/proximity key.

    I thought no worries, get one from the US - they cost $50 - $70 and get it programmed here. Unfortunately, Not that easy, same parts from Nissan dealers here are $300 - $400 but the American keys are a different frequency (315mhz vs 433.92mhz). I got the part number of mine from a Nissan dealer and even if you google it, there are hardly any hits.

    Mr Minit can supply and program it but charge MORE than a local Nissan dealer. The Mr Minit dude was like we will be heaps cheaper…Funny when I told him they were more.

    • How did you get on Alister? I have the same car and would love to know how to get it organised if/when the missus plays hide-and-seek with the car key again…

    Get this, will program new keys for you.

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