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Everywhere else > 600. Can this be a pricing error?
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Everywhere else > 600. Can this be a pricing error?
Bugger, it doubled in price while I was updating my postal address in Checkout… :(
Just bought 10 of them.
yeah, this is silly
Has anyone dealt with this website before? Looks a bit… new.
maybe it's the little bro of Kogan? ;)
they have been around for ages.
I've bought a phone from them.
It was an OK experience.
just payed for one using paypal
should be pricing error coz it stated 3% Paypal surcharge +$20, so assumed the correct price is around $667
Maybe they sucked at maths at school?
And afterwards, too.
Can anyone comment on the screen contrast and viewing angles of the Ultra? After the horrid viewing angles I had on Xperia S I can't go through it again.
allegedly much improved vs the Z
Z has great contrast, good viewing angle … z1 meant to be better
surely this cant be for real
Price match anyone ?
anyone know if this would work to price match it from here to a local retailer?
I've spoken to OW. They won't price match anything that doesn't come with Australian warranty. So that rules out grey imports from sites like Kogan.
Seemed to read about a few Paypal disputes with this company online. I can't be bothered trying even though this phone tickles a bit!
would never normally go for a phone like this, but at that price it is tempting
Just ordered one… Fingers crossed!
I admire your courage and I wish u luck! Its in my cart, I just don't have the balls to press that confirm order button…
Nothing ventured nothing gained!
Order status changed from pending to confirmed…
They should refund you $10.64 if they honour the deal.
They should, but I don't mind if I had to pay the whole $367 for the phone provided it arrives as specified, BNIB - full retail packaging.
will this work with telstra 4g?
This is the HSDPA+ model
I am expecting Ozbargainers to jump on this, then whinge about the company not honouring the deal due to pricing error. And rant about how they're never going to buy from them again.
367$ with shipping?
Just ordered one. But the order history is empty.
Also after ordering, it sent an email to a*** which isnt me..
Could it be hacked ??
Just ordered one… Hope this deal is honoured and not a fake phone!
$367 after postage, and paypal fee…
still giving it a go.
Pretty sure this is a pricing error. Looking at the top of the page, the phone is listed under 'Digital Cameras> Canon > Canon PowerShot G1X'. Good luck to all those who have ordered though.
is the battery removable? Otherwise it'll be a no-go if you have to post it back to hong kong if anything goes wrong…
so would that mean that if anything goes wrong and you have to send the phone back your basically shafted? (I only ask as I purchased a tablet from china a while back and am facing that very dilemma)
What's the problem with a battery being built in? Unless what was faulty about your phone was the battery itself, you'd have to be sending the whole phone back regardless of whether the battery was built in or removable.
Australia post dont allow you to send batteries in the mail
that was my point. Unless they offer to pay for the phone to be picked up by a courier they've organized there's no way you can post the phone back to them if something goes wrong (unless it's through one of those small companies that charge a huge premium).
So anything you buy from overseas that doesn't have local warranty and has a built in battery your basically buying without any warranty.
Just send it in the mail, no one cares. They deliver packages with phones from other providers.
By road. They don't allow by air.
By road. They don't allow by air.
This. I believe they also allow batteries to be sent by ship.
Batteries wear out sometimes before phones do and in my case I've never had a device fail before a battery (doesn't mean this is the norm). With some kernels (which doesn't mean available for this phone although it may given Sony's willingness to work with 3rd parties ROM makers) one can also speed up charging times at the expense of battery life.
Some people also like to carry spare batteries for longer usage as well.
For me it's an issue that is making me consider not getting this phone despite liking a lot of other things about it.
Australia post dont allow you to send batteries in the mail
Well they've allowed me to receive them no problem…
and if the battery is inside the phone, I don't see how that's any less of a risk.
And anyway, who cares? Their warranty is door 2 door, so a courier picks it up. Australia Post never gets their hands on it.
that was my point. Unless they offer to pay for the phone to be picked up by a courier they've organized there's no way you can post the phone back to them if something goes wrong (unless it's through one of those small companies that charge a huge premium).
So anything you buy from overseas that doesn't have local warranty and has a built in battery your basically buying without any warranty.
Their warranty is Door2Door.…
You won't be sending it back. They will arrange a courier to pick it up from your hourse.
This isn't an Australian company and this must be a pricing error as would be way below the wholesale price. I'm staying away from it as I doubt they will honour it but who knows.
C6802 = 3G only?
I bought my dslr from them quite few years back, their services is good, warranty is easy to claim, but for this one, I am not sure whether they will honoured it or not…
It is a HK based company…Should be fine to order via Paypal as they now offer Buyer Protection off ebaY..
I prefer pay using 28degree MC, something wrong, call them and ask them for chargeback
Then they might send us Sonnie Experia Dragon Ball Z
Juz kidding.. :P
it'll be ozb'ed soon
Order Date: Wednesday, 16 October 2013 09:45
Order Status: Confirmed
Looks like someone's been attending the Ruslan Kogan school of marketing…
Paypal has a pay after delivery option.
No phone, no pay, no hassle.
I didn't know. Please explain how?
under Add a bank account:
"…by linking your bank account to your PayPal account, you may be eligible to use Pay After Delivery and pay up to 21 days after your transaction."
Gave it a shot also with Paypal -> 28 Degrees. What's the worst the could happen?
It is a Hong Kong Web Site Contact Number start with area code 852.
You can try call them to ask them to see if they are real.
it just can't be real ;-)
we all just hope they may honour it.
Most likely is price error. Normally I will click to buy but will pass on this one, don't think seller is famous enough.
if youre into cameras you would know this store is quite popular
they have 1452 guests on the site…
lots of ozbargainers are looking and thinking about biting
Their servers handle heavy traffic better than COTD!
Bought with paypal pay after delivery. Will just play the waiting game now
The waiting game's boring, let's play Hungry Hungry Hippo.
If it's too good to be true, then stay away no matter how cheap it is..
I've bought and received plenty of things that were "too good to be true" pricing errors over the years. It's worth a shot as long as your payment method guarantees a refund in the event they don't fulfil the order, like PayPal buyer protection or a credit card chargeback. has the site snapshots going back 3 years. Seems legit, so Paypal it is!
You've got to in it to score it! The worse case would be the waiting for the refund. I think you have just alerted them and shut the gate for other Ozbargainers!
Arghhhh, what have I been thinking. Apology for my fellow OzBargainers.
No, the worst case would be not getting a refund at all :
Then I'll rely on Paypal dispute!
tried to order the website failed quite a few times. Then after choosing paypal i clicked next and it said thank you for your order instead of going to paypal address.
edit: ok it opened on a new page. pulled the trigger. Lets see how it goes :)
My cart says:
Sony Xperia Z Ultra C6802 AUD$619.00
Looks like we are about to find out if they will honour the sale.
the price is changed back to $639
price error seems to be fixed now
Added to cart and it reverted to $649
Pricing error. I just added one to cart and got this total AUD$698.99
looks like they've adjusted the price to $619aus
price now is back at 619
i think they just upgrade the the price back to 619
So wait for the paypal refunds…
so sad
u orderd any ?
Price updated to AUD$619
Yeah, price changed just before I tried to pay
yep same
Those taht ordered.. reply and let us know if you got the phone or not.
last email I got said it was comfirmed… havent recieved a cancelled order yet.
Do they seem to honor this deal? Or just canceling all orders?
These are the same guys who had S4 for $511 a few days ago.
Price is now $619
Price error — 640$ now. Wanted to buy 1
Yeah good luck with that.