Looking for fridge ...

Hi guys,

My brother is after a fridge (no specific requirements - just enough for 3 adults) max 450-500AUD and parents are also after a fridge (no specific requirements - just enough for 2 adults) max 300AUD. Any recommendations?


  • Hi Stella,

    I went to my local Radio Rentals depot, where they sell ex-rental equipment… Got me a decent fridge and washing machine for less than $450 total… Sure, it's not "new" and there was (is) a scratch on the washing machine and a sticker stuck to the side of the fridge, but 3 years on, they're still going strong… I'm guessing there's an equivilent in Sydney?

    Hope it helps a little…

  • +1

    If they are both (brother and parents) after fridges, who wants the washing machine?

  • One to avoid: Whirlpool. They're made in India, which in itself isn't so bad. What is bad about it? I'm reliably informed they suffer impact damage during their long boat ride. Most arrive scratched and/or dented.

    Westinghouse (Aussie made) ftw.

    • but they are in boxes made of thick cardboard. and then shipped in shipping containers. how would most arrive scratched and/or dented.?

      this doesn't make sense

      • And shipping containers possess magical anti-gravitational properties? Unskilled or rushed stevedoring practices can wreck anything. Have YOU seen how they're arranged in the containers?

        For roughly the same price, it simply wasn't worth the risk IMO.

        Perhaps the sales fellow was slightly biased toward the Aussie product, but having read enough negative reviews for Whirlpool fridges, his advice certainly reinforced my purchasing decision.
        No regrets!

        • the reviews mostly say they are crap due to failing components. after reading 2 pages of reviews of different models i haven't read a single review about whirlpool fridges where "Most arrive scratched and/or dented."

          Based on the majority of the reviews I read, and my father-in-laws experience with his useless POS upright freezer, whirlpool brand fridges and freezers appear to be a bad choice.

          so back to my point - I don't understand your point of (or where you get the idea that)- Most arrive scratched and/or dented.

          And shipping containers possess magical anti-gravitational properties?

          this is a pointless statement that doesn't make sense and matches your earlier statement of "Most arrive scratched and/or dented."

          Unskilled or rushed stevedoring practices can wreck anything.

          so, somehow only whirlpool items fall afoul of these Unskilled or rushed stevedoring practices.

          Have YOU seen how they're arranged in the containers?

          no, tell me. However I'm guessing they are packed to get the most fridges in there? like tetris possibly? Again I am guessing but they are packed into shipping containers in the most efficient way, as would any company pack their products, so as to reduce transport costs.

          Lastly, I'm glad to have read that you have "no regrets!" about not buying a whirlpool fridge. The last thing I would want for you is that you spend the rest of your life regretting that you didn't buy a whirlpool fridge.

        • I went into that store with measurements of our fridge cavity and a short-list. A Whirlpool could have fit, and was within our price range.

          Aside from reading some reviews, (some of which DO mention physical damage to doors and panels, keep reading) we were further dissuaded by the salesman and the weird odour that greeted us when we opened the doors.

          Now, when a no-BS man in his 50s advises me to steer clear of something when it's around the same price (but a bigger gross profit for them) I listen. When he shows me two examples of that brand with dents, I pay attention. When he tells me many are returned for that reason, I tend to believe him.

          Additionally, when I reflect on the chaos of road transport, health care, entrenched corruption and bad customer service from that developing economy?
          Too easy.

          I won't waste any further time addressing your critique point-by-point.

        • I went into that store with measurements of our fridge cavity and a short-list. A Whirlpool could have fit, and was within our price range.

          wow, you went into the store to buy a fridge and there was a model by whirlpool that would have fit and was in your price range. that is amazing. I'm sure there was a couch that would have fit in that cavity albeit on its side.

          "a no-BS man in his 50s"

          yeah,a salesman. Have you recently attempted to assist that nice rich Nigerian widow in recovering her husbands unclaimed fortune?

          When he shows me two examples of that brand with dents

          right, so did that occur during transportation to Australia? or from the dock to the distributor? or in transportation to the store? or within store? again, a salesman is telling you this.

          Additionally, when I reflect on the chaos of road transport, health care, entrenched corruption and bad customer service from that developing economy?
          Too easy.

          what's too easy? you still haven't explained your statement of "Most arrive scratched and/or dented." except that a "salesman" -whom you trust because he is a "no B-S guy " has shown you 2 dented fridges and that's your proof for "Most arrive scratched and/or dented."

          I won't waste any further time addressing your critique point-by-point.

          you make a bold statement and back it up with nothing except for the statement of "a no-BS [sales]man in his 50s" which you claim is reliable.

          In future, if you're going to make a claim about a product, back it up with fact, not the one opinion from a guy whose job revolves in gaining peoples trust so that they feel comfortable in making a decision to part with their money on an item which they will rely upon for ,hopefully, a good many years.

          had you stated that "from reviews it seems that they are not very reliable and have an issue with failing components" then all would be well.

          but your claim that "Most arrive scratched and/or dented." is idiotic, baseless and lacking any credibility.

        • If I shared your paranoia that everyone was out to screw me, I wouldn't buy anything.
          Perhaps you'd like to share your barter system with myself and OzB?

          As for things landing at our ports damaged? Well, it's called the law of averages.
          The further something has to travel; the more it's handled, the greater the possibility of damaging it. Make sense?
          It did to me, but then, I'm easily swayed eh?

        • I can't work out if you are a troll or there is something wrong with you. Your nonsensical, baseless and random statements are unnerving. stop talking. please don't breed.

        • Really?

          I related my experience, the fact that I was given the good-oil and dodged a bullet.

          If this causes you resentment because an Evil-Genius Salesman with over 20 years in the business was actually helpful, then I feel sorry for you.

          A brief history lesson. This guy (an acquaintance of a neighbour) started in electrical retail a few years before I did. My two years served as a gap-year until I could get the tertiary spot I wanted.

          Back then, most (if not all) white goods were made in Australia. Visible physical damage was rare, but it happened.

          So when he told me the country of origin for Whirlpool fridges, we reflected on the current state of global trade. Yes, things can be cheaper, but there are also downsides.
          In this case, the traditional Whirlpool quality is no longer there and they have to endure a long shipping path where they often suffer damage.

          As I've already written, it wasn't the sole reason to avoid the brand, but convinced me beyond any doubt.

          If any of that doesn't make sense to you, Google "ESL course".

  • I've got a Mitsubishi - it was recommended to me on the basis that Mitsubishi make air conditioners etc and are refidgeration specialists. It's been great, and is really quiet to boot. They seem to have good reviews.

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