Hey OzBargainers, any one know where to buy Mexican food supplies in Perth ? masa harina dough or dry mix,to make tamales etc Also the authentic sauces, not the supermarket varieties. Would just like to know what the real Mexican food should be like, aside from our westernized supermarket supplies. I have several Mexican cook books, as well as my google recipe collection, but cant always get the ingredients. Thanks :o)
Mexican food supplies in Perth ??

Just had a quick look online and it seems that other people have found masa harina flour at all the Kakulas stores. Kakulas Bros will have the biggest range, which will be good if you need to get other spices etc.
You can get a lot of things at usafoods.com.au that you can not get in perth. I bought a case of green chilis from them, as well as other items. The postage for the weight was not that expensive to perth. I think to weighed nearly 20 kg and postage was about $35.
Green chilis used in Mexican recipes (or americanised mexican recipes) are NOT the same as any fresh ones you will get in Perth. You can now get tomatillos and chipotle chilis in many IGAs, but I always look for green chilis. Not there. They are not jalapenos, no matter what anyone tells you. Green chilis are completely different.
You can get 450 g bags on ancho and chipotle chili powder ay iherb.com very inexpensively. Other specialised chili powders as well. You can also get other mexican products from iherb.
The Kakulas in Freo has the Masa Harina in bulk. Put it in your freezer for a couple of days, as with all of their bulk products.
You can get tinned poblano chilis at this place I think is called Chillin out in WA. They specialise in chili products, mostly aimed toward the trash end of the market - chilli salt for chips, etc.
You can get corn truffle, sometimes at Chillin out.
You can buy dried epazote from Fireworks foods in sydney. You can also get drink mixes and a number of other goodies. I do not know of any place else that sells epazote in Oz.
Good luck.
Hi mysterysusan,
Chillin Out here, we have a large range of imported groceries from Mexico. Dried chillis, tinned, spices,flour etc.
Check our website www.chillin.mobi for details. Thanks.hey you can buy a lot of these Mexican ingredients (including epazote and epazote seeds) in Poblano Mexican, www.poblanomexican.com.au, also recipees there. Free postage to anywhere in Australia if you buy over $59.
Have you tried Kakulas Bros in Northbridge? They have a huge variety of grains/flours/spices.
Or there's also the related Kakulas Sister grocers in Nollamara and in Freo. But I would try Kakulas Bros first, if you haven't already. They're located on 183 William St in Northbridge, pretty much at the end of the horseshoe bridge on the Northbridge side.