I was thinking of getting x/y and I asked my friend what he thought of the game and he has already beaten the Elite 4 in under 13 hours. He also says its a lot easier to level up Pokemon. Every Pokemon game I've played has taken me at least 40 hours to get to the Elite 4. I checked my clock on Emerald and I've spent over 76 hours on that. So is Pokemon X/Y really this short? Or is there a lot to do when you finish the game?
Is Pokemon X/Y too easy and short?

A lot of people are powering through it which is entirely possible; someone beat the game in 10 and that's probably not a record. It comes down to your play style; I'm about 7 hours in and just up to the second gym leader.
24 hours and only 6 badges.
All depends how you play. If you just power through the game and only use the pokemon they give you along the way sure you could blast through it in 10 hours. Or you can take your time, catch different pokemon and train up a solid team.
certainly the game feels shorter compared to Black 2 and Soulsilver for some reason
that sucks :(
do you guys think i should buy a 3ds just to play pokemon x and y ?
probably not. But there are heaps of other good games on the system to play too
If that's the only game you're going to get then no. But as trumpedup said there's plenty of good games like Star Fox 64 3D, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart 7 and plenty more.
This is the problem - people are rushing through the game. A tip: If you wanna make the most out of the game, try and catch every Pokemon in each route when you first arrive in that route (or when it comes to inaccessible Pokemon, ASAP), instead of going back after beating the Pokemon League.
Oh and don't use Serebii/Bulbapedia or any Pokemon guides. Use your Pokedex, your common sense and talk to all the NPCs so you don't miss anything.
Me for example…I've got around 20 hours playtime now, and I've still only got 2 badges, but I've captured most of the Pokemon accessible to me in each route so far.
As for the thing about levelling up really easily, that's because of the revamped EXP share, which now works pretty much like the EXP All in the original Red/Blue games, where it distributes EXP to every Pokemon in your party. You can turn it off though.
Yeah i try to go slow and catch everything on my first play through. Once i beat the league i dont feel like playing anymore lol
currently 22 hrs in with 4 badges! So i reckon i will hit at least 30 hours before the game is finished. Not too bad at all.
10 hours, 1 badge, 75 pokedex (75 different pokemon in box) and 1 very over trained Quilladin, lol
haha yeah it took me a bit less than that to get my first badge. I assume you dont use the exp share? I reckon people who are finishing the game really quicker use it. It takes out the fun for me so i just train them the good old way.
Also have you made it to Lumiose City? The camera angles when you are running around is so annoying.
Yep been to L'City and nope not using XP share.
Anybody who finds themselves bored of X or Y already are welcome to lend their copy to me.
Maybe I am doing something wrong, what with being 30 hours in and up to the second gym leader. I've been scouring areas to catch every pokemon and doing Super Training a lot. Gotta get da most outta my pokeymans, yo. PUSH IT TIL YOU FEEL THE BURN!
While this topic is still rolling, Emerald was my last Pokemon game, so which of the Pokemon games on the DS would you guys say is the best?
It really depends on what you are looking for actually considering all the Pokemon games in DS complement each other. Go with Platinum for the fullest experience of 4th or Black/White2 for the 5th and if you missed the 2nd gen then play Soulsilver/Heartgold but personally i find Platinum to be the best.
I fricken enjoyed Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver simply for the nostalgia factor. I assume people had the same affect for FRLG, although I was a bit too young at the time to remember what I was doing while playing it lol.
My friend has been telling me Black/White 2 were a killer - story-wise and just how the game worked in general. He also told me I should play that before X/Y (told him I had White 2 just never played it) cause of the graphics? He was saying that he played Black 2 and then back to Soul Silver and he didn't enjoy it as much.
Indeed HeartGold and SoulSilver are by far the best imo.
My friend said the 4th Gen was his favourite, however he said not many others liked. I was thinking of playing SoulSilver but I have the original Silver and Crystal, its just that they're save batteries don't work. So should I just replace the battery for Crystal and play that or should I play SoulSilver? Which is better?
give the original silver a crack. definitely a good game worth playing if you are able to
But pretty much everyone says SoulSilver is better due to added Pokemons and what not. Why is the original better than the remake?
Well I don't know if I could say it's really a "better game", obviously there is a big time difference between the remake and the original, definitely value and enjoyment there (by no means a bad game). I was assuming you hadn't played Silver/Crystal, but have them - and don't have Soul Silver? If you've played the originals, then play the remakes as they are a great way to relive them in a newer light.
Otherwise, it is cool to play the originals to see how the games were in the past. But up to you in the end :)
Well I haven't played the original, but I have played 1st and 3rd Gen, so yeah.
I'm 47 hours in and only have 6 badges.. and I'm not one who likes to catch all the pokemon.
You can beat pokemon blue / red in less than 2 hours