I just bought this game, it's amazing! However, I find it weird how the 3D turns on and off constantly in scenes… Also, with trainer battles, their characters aren't shown in 3D which is a shame.
Pokemon X/Y opinions

Last edited 12/10/2013 - 11:46
pokemon x :)
It think its great I rarely use the 3d so that doesn't bother me
The 3D doesn't bother me much, but the game's many references to the previous games (eg. victory music harkens back to Gen 1 & 2, while the fact there's a forest after the second city reminds me of Gen 1) really please me. Also, FINALLY THERE'S PROPER FAINTING ANIMATIONS! No more falling through the ground.
There were fainting animations in Stadium/Colosseum/Gale Of Darkness/Battle Revolution.
The game is okay, I'm a bit disappointed by the technical aspects of it and the overall design doesn't seem very fluent. but I'm trying to let it grow on me.
It might just be cause I'm getting older (I'm 22 by the way) although I was pretty much over the game by about 1 hours in.
Don't get me wrong the game itself is pretty good although I'd be lying if I didn't say I was underwhelmed by it.
Anyways, the battle sequences reminded me alot of Pokemon Stadium on the N64 while the dynamics of the game is basically the same as all the other Pokemon games. The character models reminded me of a Java skateboarding game from my prehistoric amsung Z140 flip phone.
Game feels abit underwhelming compared to black 2 and it could have been better. Pokemon X&Y gives an impression of half finished which is expected considering majority of the effort is allocated on the 3D models of the pokemons. i have played over 6 gens of Pokemon and i find X&Y is on the weaker gens though my impression could change when Gamefreak ever release pokemon Z
why does it feel half finished? not as much to do?
not much things to interact and the city feels rather empty. Also postgame contents are not as good as the previous ones.
that's a bit of a let down. Did you go with X or Y by the way?