This was posted 11 years 4 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Sale (All Digital) up to 50% off: Uncharted, Infamous, LBP Franchise FROM $12.02


Bunch of PlayStaion exclusives on sale from the PSN store, so they're all digital copies. First price listed is the currently on-sale price while the second price is for PS Plus members which is usually just an additional 10% off.


$12.02 - $10.82

$16.21 – $14.59

inFAMOUS Collection - include inFAMOUS 1, 2 and Festival of Blood
$29.61 - $26.65

$12.02 - $10.82

LittleBigPlanet 2
$12.02 - $10.82

PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale (cross-buy)
$16.21 - $14.59

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
$12.02 - $10.82

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
$12.02 - $10.82

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (GOTY edition)
$23.96 - $21.56

PSP/PS Vita:

LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
$5.87 - $5.28

Gravity Rush
$15.37 - $13.83

LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita
$18.36 - $16.52

Uncharted: Fight for Fortune Complete Edition
$8.87 - $7.98

Uncharted: Golden Abyss
$19.77 – free (remember PS Plus only)

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +1
    • Thanks, will update!

  • +4

    If you haven't played the Uncharted Series, Uncharted 2 (and to a lesser extent 3) are some of the best action adventure games ever made. Same studio as the Last of Us and it shows. Oh and Gravity Rush is one of the best games on the Vita as well

    • -1

      I dont like The Last of US. so boring, very clumsy, sad & heavily stressful background music through out game

      • +3

        Wow, I feel the exact opposite about every point you mentioned.

      • Lol.

      • Poor guy. Negged for having an opinion….

        I'm still waiting for my copy ofTLOU to arrive in he post. I loved the uncharted games!

      • Bring on the negs, but I agree with you. The plot in The Last Of Us was boring, predictable, and the end (which I won't give away) is unnecessarily unavoidable. You're forced to kill everything no matter what.

        I couldn't bring myself to play it again on the harder difficulty to get the rest of the trophies. It's a visually stunning looking game, but that's about it. Whereas the Uncharted series… great characters, great story and the gameplay is far more enjoyable.

        I know Naughty Dog are focused on these types of games now, but I really wish they'd relaunch the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy in HD like other devs have done for Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank, Jack & Daxter, etc.

        I guess I should comment on the deal though. There's nothing here that hasn't been discounted before, and most of us probably already own these.

        • +1

          My 2 cents worth, I actually found the game 'Enslaved: Odyssey to the West' to be more enjoyable than the Uncharted's. Technically I would place it between UC1 + UC2, but I found the characters and plot to be far more engaging.

        • Yes! Enslaved was incredibly under rated! I would say I enjoyed it more than uncharted 1 but I enjoyed uncharted 2 more.

          Naughty Dog don't own the rights to the Crash Bandicoot games. They are owned by activision so unless Sony can somehow strike up some kind of deal then a CB bundle is not likely to happen :(

          Regardless, I recently played Crash Bandicoot and the game doesn't hold up very well :(

        • Naughty Dog is all about telling a story, rather than meaningful choices though. When I first played it I was also upset at the forced ending - it wasn't the choice I would have made, but it is the choice the character would have made (based on what we learned about him throughout the game).

          It is a weird thing to play as a character you don't identify with though.

        • I thought Enslaved was average in every sense of the word. I really wanted it to be great. The previews and the screengrabs looked great. But the game play became repetitive very quickly and the world design felt unfinished. You could see the intent in the design, but it clearly had developmental roadblocks.

        • I don't think Enslaved was as good as the Uncharted series. It just felt unpolished on both a technical level and control level.

          However I thought the characters were great and the level design was really cool. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • If I tend not to enjoy 'make your own fun' sandbox-style games, will I like LBP and LBP2? Is there a coherent set of things to do, or is it just 'here's a toybox - do whatever you like!'?

    • +2

      They each have a story mode to run through. You don't even have to bother with the create your own levels if you don't have an imagination or the patience to do it

      • It's kind of like Super Mario. It's the side angle view while you run through the levels. I've only played it once or twice, but it's nothing like an open world sandbox game.

    • It's more a question of if you like platformers, it can be fun two player, but it gets bagged for its physics and floaty jump.

      • you dont need to do the sandboxing millions of other users have already done that for you, think there is like 1 million plus custom levels already done in the little big planet universe
        i got LBP1 when i got my PS3, one of the best games imho, LBP2 is good but not as good but has alot more flexibility for custom levels so you can always do that
      • I have never noticed other levels. How do you get to them?

    • -2

      No. bought LBP for $20 and played it for an hour. Very kiddy. Moved on pretty quick.

      • who knew a title like Little Big Planet would be targeted for kids eh?

        • -1

          Didn't it come packaged with God of War III as they are so similar?

        • Neg me all you like but people have no sense of humor here….. Nor can they stand an opinion that differs from their own… Neg buttons should never have been invented :p

        • I want to neg you for your comment about Neg button, but agree with the other fourteen points, so you get a Plus instead.

      • Bet you also didn't know Mario was targeting younger audiences.

  • After playing couple of chapters of UC3, I put it away & bought first Sony 55" TV & then UC1 & 2 last year. Finished UC1, 2 & then 3….100% recommended if you haven't played yet.

    • I found the first few levels of UC3 very tedious… Walking around town.

    • +2

      From experience I 100% don't recommend you play them 3, 2 then 1. It is so hard to go from the refined controls & mechanics of UC3 back to 'first generation' UC1.

      • +1000

      • Also there's a great plot that would lack impact if you played them back to front.

        • There was a plot? Was it something that continued between 1,2 & 3? Or was it just same characters? They just seemed to be self contained games that shared the same characters, but hey, maybe I missed something.

        • There's growth in the characters as the games progress. Perhaps not an epic story curve like Mass Effect, but the characters are engaging and you do want to see what happens next. It's just a pity that the endings of 2 and 3 are so similar.

  • The Infamous collection price is pretty funny. But, thanks, some nice deals here for people who don't have the games.

    • It comes with Festival of Blood which I should probably mention in the post.

    • A bit repetitive, but it's so damn fun gliding around town and shocking anyone who comes in your way. If you enjoy open world games and haven't played inFamous, definitely check this series out.

  • Games for the vita on sale?

  • Still ripping Aussies off for Okami HD? - I hope not.

    • +1

      It was free on PS+ a while back.

    • It was 50% off a couple months ago.

  • In being a ps member, does it have to be 12 months or can I get it for a month?

    • $10 for one month. but then you cant play the games once your sub ends.

    • You can also score a 30 day subscription trial via a facebook like

      Edit: that seems to have expired, they happen on occasion though.

    • Wait till a sale and fork out mate. It's extremely good value.

  • The LEGO games (eg LEGO Lord of the Rings) are also on sale.

  • -1

    Remember there's no resale value of digital purchases.

    • Remember you can play (PS3) digital copies on upto 2 consoles, go 50/50 with a mate perhaps?

      • they would have to use your account no?

        • Yes, to download, only.
          So you change password for them to download, when download started, change password again.

    • +1

      The resale value of most of these games is a few bucks at best at retail stores. Maybe a few dollars more if you sold them on gumtree or eBay. Not too sure what your point is. These are good deals!

      I mean you would pay more to see a movie in the cinema than UC1 or 2 which would last you 5 times as long and can be replayed when you wish.

  • anyone know if digital titles will work on PS4 when its out?

    • No. PS4 will not play PS3 games. They are going to have Gaikai streaming service for PS3 games on PS4. Not sure if you will be able to access games you already own through it or not. Here's hoping though!

      • Thanks, its a little disappointing if you cannot. I would like to see Steam style digital support in future for PS4 too. As in you have already purchased it to your account, and as long as compatible (could be the big issue here) it will then re-download and play again.

        • It's always linked to your account. There's a 'download history' section, which isn't as good as a 'library', but it holds all your purchased content for life.

        • Compatibility is the big issue, Cell chip vs x86, is a no go.

  • Thanks guys!! So if you download it digitally from this site you can keep it forever? No time limit?

    • That is correct. If you purchase a product you keep it forever.

      If you are a PS+ user and you purchase it at an additionally discounted price you keep it forever.

      If you are a PS+ user and you 'purchase' content that is part of the subscription eg, monthly free games, themes, avatars etc and these products are priced as free, then you will only have access to them for as long as your are subscribing.

      • That's exactly what I wanted to know :)
        Thanks for clarifying!

  • Is it better to buy them in hard copy or digitally? What's better value?

    • Generally if you buy hard copy the main advantage is it can be sold or traded in, which you can't do with digital copies.

      In regards to the PS3, digital content can be activated on 2 consoles simultaneously. This means you can share it between family members or friends. You might create an arrangement where you and a friend go 50/50 on the cost considering you can both can play it.

      Better value is hard to define and in most cases is user specific.

      • I've seen you say the 50/50 two consoles thing before. What's the story about account use? I imagine the second PS3 needs to be logged in under yourself?

        • +1


          Add the same PSN account to both consoles. When this account purchases content, both consoles can download it. This is because the account that owns the content exists on the console i.e. it is activated. You only need this account to 1) exist on the console and 2) to start downloading the content (once it's added to the download queue you can log in with another account to finish downloading). You can use any other account on the console to actually use/play the content.

          3 things to note;
          - if the account that owns the content is deleted, any content that is owned by that account will become 'locked' (can't be played).
          - periodically the account that owns the content must login to PSN for licence validation etc. Otherwise you will get error messages like "This content has expired"
          - I'm not sure about this, but you may get an error if you try and log into the same account on 2 separate consoles at the same time.

          Most items in the PlayStation store will say this in the description:

          One time fee for use of downloads on up to 2 activated compatible Home Console* systems.
          * See Terms of Service for further information.

          I hope that all makes sense.

        • Thank you sir.

          • periodically the account that owns the content must login to PSN for licence validation etc. Otherwise you will get error messages like "This content has expired"

          Are you 100% sure about this?

          • I'm not sure about this, but you may get an error if you try and log into the same account on 2 separate consoles at the same time.

          I do this all the time, as you log in on one console, it logs the other out straight away.

        • "This content has expired and is no longer available"

          Sometimes if I launch a game I haven't played in a long time (months) then I will get that message. To solve it I have to launch the game while logged into the 'correct' PSN account. After that it will be fine for which ever account I want.

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