Just wondering if there's a way for me to get tickets (maybe on really short notice) if I don't really mind where I'm going? I'm not sure if airlines have something like this for when someone pulls out at the last minute or if there's a better way. Just trying to save as much money as possible. :P
Is it possible to get extra cheap overseas flights if I don't care where I'm going?

Wow, thanks for the great reply!
Courier flights sound great, I had heard about them before but weren't sure if they were just a myth. Any idea of what sort of items they get you to courier? Nothing illegal or dangerous I hope?! Do you know anywhere I can find more info on them?
Flight vouchers are also a good idea that I haven't heard of!
I was investigating perth flights as it does seem considerably cheaper to fly from there, but I live in Brisbane which restricts me to flying with VB which is like $200 each way.. kinda defeats the purpose. Pity Tiger don't fly to Perth from the Goldcoast.. I worked out it would be a bit cheaper to fly to Melbourne or Adelaide and then to Perth with Tiger but it still works out about the same price as just flying direct to Singapore or KL. Will have to wait for some sales I guess!
Thanks again for the help, I appreciate it.
I think Jetstar now have a fantastic offer to Japan for like less than $200, departing from Brisbane. I took up that offer back in January 2009 (I paid $800 pp return, as I depart from Melbourne). It's great because I do not think I can ever go to Japan at such savings! And I paid $2 for the movie on board! Great savings!
Have you heard about courier flights?
Very good option, however as far as i understand it Jupiter Air was the only airline offering this from Australia, and it has been since discontinued (however its still wise to look into this option if you find cheap flights to Singapore etc and go from there)
Also check eBay/Gumtree etc for flights/vouchers. People who cancel their flights get a credit voucher paid back, which you can regularly find on eBay.
Such as this:
Your best bet would be to look out for a cheap tiger/AirAsia Sale and purchase cheap flights to Singapore/Malaysia. Another good tip is to first buy cheap domestic flights to perth from wherever you are at (disregard this if you live in perth) as its usually much cheaper to fly straight from perth.
Good luck with your travels!