Looking for Canon IXUS 100 IS (black)

any idea where I could find this?
i saw it at chatswood today but the price was rather steep

or perhaps some popular and cheap online stores?



  • cheapest i can find is at MSY for $345

  • Why are you strictly after this camera, and can you wait just a tad or go for a slightly cheaper but well featured alternative? I don't mind helping you out mate, but yeah, a bit dear for a camera.

    • yeah i know, i hate buying tech when it first comes out
      but its for a present and it looks good =\

      • I understand. Well I'll have a look around if I visit a retailer and give you a heads up if I find something decent.

        • cheers!

          i'll take alook on thursday and post what i find also
          so far, msy seems like a winner as usual

  • +1

    That model has been superceded by the SX110IS. Have a look for each on staticice. Also, don't buy from Digitan- had a really bad experience with them.

    • Yeah me too, paid in full then told a week later item was not in stock. He refunded in a pretty rude way too :/

    • yeah, but not entirely fond of the chassis of the ixus 110

      thanks for the heads up about digitan

  • bing lee offered it for $390, not willing to match MSY
    camera isnt at bigw or target
    jbhifi willing to go down to $360, which was pretty alright

    ended up buying it from JB purely for convenience

  • hm i might try officeworks

    • +1

      officeworks pricematched msy + 5% so $327 for ne

      • oh wow, thats awesome
        i'll keep that in mind for next time, thanks!

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