Tim Cahill is on his way to Brazil World Cup 2014.
If you are a socceroos fan, grab a hero shirt which is hard to find from retail shops.
Authentic Jersey, Official name printing.
Hurry up, limited stock.
Tim Cahill is on his way to Brazil World Cup 2014.
If you are a socceroos fan, grab a hero shirt which is hard to find from retail shops.
Authentic Jersey, Official name printing.
Hurry up, limited stock.
No small or medium?
It's made with the 'armchair soccer fan' in mind…
Maybe that's because he now lives and plays in New York !!!
Tim Cahill is on his way to Brazil World Cup 2014.
What you're selling is not the Australian Brazil World Cup guernsey though, it's quite different…
I didn't say it is, 2014 shirt with printing might cost you $150+ i reckon.
Last time they were $50, now they're $75, How is this a bargain ???
That's a 50% price increase…
well, it is a hero shirt with official name printing. I haven't seen them them in any retail shop for ages.
Sports people are not heroes. That word gets thrown around too much these days.
I haven't seen them them in any retail shop for ages.
Maybe because nobody wants to buy one ???
falls outside of your personal interest, you should know better than to hound someone because it's not a product that inspires you. I doubt that if it were a Carlton FC jersey you would feel the same way.
If you haven't seen them in the retail shops, are they still at the Auburn Nike factory outlet or did you clean them out of stock?
But I want my name on it…
Perhaps it would be more honest for the title to read: 2010 Cahill World Cup Jersey. The reason you can't find them in any retail shops is because they stopped selling them when the 2013/2014 jersey was released.
Why is he a hero he hasn't done anything ?
I think he slayed a dragon once…
St George Cahill? …….nah!
It's Sir Tim Cahill!
If you're reading this, Nothing personal Cahill!
whoops my mistake :P
Hurry up, limited stock.
You've only sold 1 of these back in early August and that was for $75.
So this is your normal price… I doubt there is much need to hurry.
This is more like SPAM to increase your sales on something that nobody is buying…
Whose Tim Cahill?
Not mine.
Are you sure?
no one neg?
edit: like jv suggested, price increase on outdated jersey…Hmmm… Vintage?
no one neg?
No one has found a cheaper price as yet…. (including you)
True, makes the nokia 3310 going for $1000 a bargain too?
Depends how much any other retailer is selling it for….
Just because you personally don't want it, doesn't mean others don't
No one cares Andy. If you had it your way this would end up being a rare Antiques spam site because no one has a website link to a cheaper alternative.
variety is the spice of life…..
Yep they say that a lot around mardi gras time in Sydney…
Yeah I'm wondering why this bit of spam is posted on here with one one neg.
No indication it's a bargain, I can't see an ABN (maybe I didn't dig deep enough?)
It looks like a tshirt with an iron-on transfer designed by a primary school kid.
Maybe he's bought this
& added it to a blank shirt
In fact here's a nicer looking one
or Retro 1974 jersey (woooow!) for $5 less
noun (plural heroes)
1 a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities:
By this measure, surely JV, with the outstanding achievement of 16705 comments (at approx 3:55pm), is a hero?
more like anti-hero by the negs his comments usually get! Such a misunderstood hero! Save us jv :)
Can't see a deal here … 75$ for a old shirt from 2010 ??? Or is it 7.50$
I would neg this, but the ozbargain thought police (aka mods) don't seem to like me negging stuff, even when it is clearly SPAM like the credit card "deal" last week
Please clear your mind of those thoughts.
Do the Australian soccer jerseys really look that crap??
What would actually make this a deal is the OP telling us the location of the Nike Outlet shop he buys these from to resell on EBAY…
He's probably paying $49.95 or less at the Nike Outlet…
So not a bad deal then considering ebay fees, free postage & packaging, dealing with user questions etc
When did Cahill start wearing the number y?
I thought there was a rule that an ABN was required for EBAY deals???
Relevant section:
Reps from Australia must have an ABN or are a Top Rated Seller
As eBay lists items from domestic sellers who might not be registered business, we feel that it is necessary to require all eBay items listed by representatives on OzBargain to be from sellers that have an ABN (Australian Business Number) or are a Top Rated Seller.
This seller is neither Top Rated, nor have they provided an ABN…
Rather a fake 2013 jersey from china for $20 cant tell the difference.
They certainly changed the font and numbers in the 2012/13 version - and they look a hell of a lot better
hard to find, but hard to print?
limited stock, being how many?