• expired

Mr. Data 10 Pack Blu-Ray Media $4 at MSY - 2 Day Sale Starts 7 Oct


This is my first deal post.

Mr. Data MRD-BD-R4X 10 pack (Mr Data 25GB Printable Bluray Media 4X Write)

Original Price is $17

Sale price is $4

Product detail:

BD-R Single Side Single Layer offers 25GB capacity
- Supports MPEG-2 TS used by digital broadcasts and MPEG-4 AVC High Profile
- 1920 x 1080p high quality video resolution
- 405 nm blue-violet laser and 0.85 NA to achieve the higher density
- User data transfer rate of 35.965Mbps


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closed Comments

  • I'm tempted to + this because it's amazing value for money, but … as the saying goes, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.. Either they have a small quantity on stock and use it to get customers into the store to then buy other stuff OR customers complain about the media and they are trying to sell it off…

    My suggestions:
    1 ) Keep more than one backup
    2 ) Enable detect management when burning. BD-R has built in management of bad blocks and while you loose a bit of space with this feature turned on, if during a burn the drive sees a block is un-readable it will remap the sector to a spare one - reduces the risk of a coaster disc.

    Finally I may be totally wrong with my assumptions and MSY are just doing a really good deal and I'm being overly paranoid….

    • +4

      We have plenty of stock. Please don't worry

  • +1

    I remember posting this when they were on special for $8 http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/96746 , but at $4 this is twice the bargain. But mine are still sitting there untouched and collecting dust.

    • +2

      Price will be updated at 10:30 today when branches open

  • $17 for me too :-(

  • -7

    Me too!!

    • +1

      it starts tomorrow…

      • Still $17…

        • Still $17 even 20 min's past Midnight. I think staff have to change the price during the business day. So much for 24x7 eCommerce at MSY…

          Also, this deal is apparently a way to promote sales of the required Writers, priced at over $100 each (external).

          All's fair in Love & Business… :-)

        • It could be because it's a public holiday. Only a few of the MSY stores are open today.

  • another almost out-dated technology.. :(

    Few of us has a burner, 25 GB cant be a 2TB drive for 80 dollars :(

    since the amount of time it take to burn it :p

    • Well i don't know about that 250gb worth of optical storage for $4 or 2TB of optical storage for $32 that's not bad. At least one advantage of optical media over a hard drive is that optical media can't get infected by a virus which corrupts all the data.

      • +1

        if your data is a already infected then it will be like spreading a virus?

        I just went over to a friends place and they were playing dvd's entertaining the kids and i thought I just walked into a 2009 time warp.

        (I still buy them, but I rip them to hdd and carry just one rather than having a whole wallet of dvd's that can be scratched/irrerplacably lost/a fuss to find)

        • +1

          Haha, what's wrong with 2009? It's not like you were just born in that year. You are probably still the same guy as in 2009. Or worse now :P

        • yeah but likewise your hard drive taking a knock or being dropped may just be more susceptible than a cd would be. sometimes scratched cds still (remember those days of rubbing/cleaning it) work, and the plus is if you lose or break a cd you lose alot less data per cd than a whole hard drive usually.

          anyway, both have its positives. in a perfect world a large hard drive with alot of data will most likely be more of a plus than a cd. I'd say keep a backup of your hdd and you'll be fine, but in this day and age with so much data im finding that real hard.. gonna have to start keeping only photos and important docs/files and folders on one, and media like music, movies etc on another since movies and series are endless…. guess we have to let go of them eventually. unless your the type to rewatch series or movies.

        • Still the same or worse lol

        • if the hard drive gets destroyed I still have the original dvd's - if you scratch the original dvd's what do you have then?

          Dunno, for me finding the disc, putting it in the drive and waiting for those menu's are a PITA. (also some original dvd's have ADS that cant be fast forwarded!!)

    • Bluray is originally intended for data archiving and media delivery. Your comparison of Bluray to a '2TB drive' is apples to oranges.

  • +1

    I've used these before - no coasters in my batch.

    I am completely broke until Wednesday damn it MSY! I'm on my last few bd-r right now too :-( oh well, will have to keep my eyes peeled, hard to find bd-r that are not stupidly priced.

    • +3

      I'll lend you $4 if you promise to pay me back.

      • +2

        a true ozbargainer will charge interest aswell

        • +5

          Au contraire, it's not Ozbankers. We're scrupulous rather than scrooges.

        • +1

          ..or free postage.

      • +1

        thanks if serious, but I'll live without them - when things are this cheap I just feel ripped off when I buy full price next time lol.

    • Thanks. I never would have bought a brand I've never heard of, without someone giving them a thumbs up.
      Let me know before you go and pay full price next time - I'll prob have some spares :)

  • I remember using Mr Data CDRs over a decade ago and am surprised this brand is still around. At the time they were cheap discs that generally worked just fine. Haven't tried to read any recently however…

    250Gb for $4 of off site backup is a bargain but the price does seem a little too cheap. I would be worried about losing the data even if I kept two copies.

    • Most of my Chinese no-name CD/DVDs (from circa 2003-04) refuse to be read in 2013 due to scratches and media deterioration.

      However, having suffered many HDD glitches recently, IMO $4 (plus time spent to burn it) is probably worthwhile to archive important personal data/pictures/home movies etc.

  • its 2 am and still showing 17 dollars , so much for the 4 dollars

    • +1

      Make that 4AM.

  • +2

    It's still $17. Must be Oct 7 CDT!

  • 4:20 and no change.

  • Can I burn a 8gb movie onto these with a Dual Layer dvd burner ? or do you need a bluray burner ?

    • +2

      it would work only if you colour your dvd burner BLUE!

      • +3

        Does it matter what shade of blue I use?

    • +3

      DVDs use a red laser to write the data, BluRays use a blue one, so you won't be able to at all.

      • Ok thanks.

  • So where is the cheapest place to buy blank dl discs?

  • It is still showing $17. I don't think the staff has updated the price online yet. Got this promotion from an email. It stated Monday and Tuesday. Don't think it will be updated today =/.

    • +1

      It is updated !

      • Thanks, I have already updated the deal =].

  • all I need now is a blu ray drive, I wonder what is better, backing up photos on these discs or onto 2 separate external HDs

    • +1

      extHDD + cloud storage - even though it may take longer - dont trust optical media backups / photos arent replacable if lost…

    • +3

      Keep multiple copies of your photos in multiple locations on different types of optical media. It's the safest way. The other thing to consider with external hard drives is if (or when) the drive fails you potentially lose terrabytes of data in one go. One disc failing out of a pack of 80 is a much smaller loss.

      'Cloud' backup is not a viable long term solution. The host could be gone tomorrow and really it's just outsourcing your external hard drive storage to someone else's hard drives.

      Photos cannot be replaced so my suggestion would be to buy media from reputable brands.

  • +1

    at $4 per 10 discs@25GBeach, its roughly $16 per TB, thats the cheapest I've seen in a while.
    this would be ideal for backing up HD TV Series!

    • yeah tv + 1080p movies/bluray (stuff you can redownload if need be)
      i wouldnt be using it to backup data/pc files

  • Ordered and received email confirmation, and now what's the best blu-ray burner in market?

  • +1

    Mr Data BD-R wouldn't be as good as Verbatim BD-R but for that price why not use it. The name Mr Data makes it sound like it's named after a certain character from Star Trek The Next Generation :)

  • Dandenong has 1 pack left…oops it's gone already.

    • +4

      Hi, we will allocate stock to Dandenong in 10 minutes. Sorry about that

      • +3

        man, that IS responsive.

        Good going MSY, you guys show up Centrecom to be the amateur deceptecons they are!

  • Anyone know how much postage is? Or how soon you need to pick up? I'll be going to Brisbane tomorrow, so just wondering whether I should order now, and pick up tomorrow, or order postage, or if any will still be available tomorrow (says 2 day sale, but might be out of stock).

    • +1

      If it is out of stock for the 4X model, we will honour the 6x model for the same price.

  • Just picked up a few packets of these just an FYI that they are a mix of 4x write and 6x write disks.

    • If they run out of the 4x model stock, we can still offer the 6x model at the same special price. Thank you

  • Can someone confirm if these BDs burn fully? Would anyone recommend these to back up photos and archive them away for years and years?

    • There is nothing wrong with the method you stated. As long as you have the medium to read it. I have many DVD's as far back as 2003 and they still work. I think longevity depends on how often the disk is read. However, don't take my word for it. This is just based on my experiences =].

      • Most of my Chinese no-name CD/DVDs (from circa 2003-04) refuse to be read in 2013 due to scratches and media deterioration. For important data you'd be better off keeping multiple copies on a both BDs, HDDs.

        By the time (assuming 5 years) when new HDD storage is $10/TB - when a 16TB HDDs will be around, you may wish to restore from your BD archive back to (more accessible) HDDs. So IMO it's a good interim archiving solution. But I won't trust these discs for more than this timeframe (i.e., 5y).

        • +1

          I recently ripped all of the material I had burnt to CDs 10+ years ago, and none of my Kodak Gold had corrupt data. An early batch of Verbatim had corrupt data around the outer edge, but newer Verbatims (with a slightly different dye colour) were all 100%. (Apparently data rot always begins from the outer edge and moves inward).

          Conclusion: Purchase name brands with a good reputation on forums if data longevity matters to you. Taiyo Yuden is a good brand for DVDs, but I read recently that DVD+ is superior to - for longevity. I don't know if this is true; one cannot trust everything one readson the www.

  • +1

    Broden? Have you got these up on eBay yet?

  • +1

    Looking through the comments to find some sort of joke about the name, something about Mrs. Data for example.
    Nothing. You guys have disappointed me this time.

  • bought 10 packs at slacks creek for a rainy day.

  • Wonder when a BD-recorder + *50 50 G blank [ 2.5 TB] might be a viable package to offer ~AU$100?.. could be sufficient motivation to upgrade from my Combo drive, and to a MSY writer. Have stored hundreds of DVD-Rs currently, but plan to consolidate to 200 or fewer.

  • +1

    Personally I am using a dual backup system: 1 copy of data I want to keep to a 2 TB hard disk, and a second copy to a BluRay ( I wait until I have the magical 23.2 GB of data and burn to the brim with ImgBurn on my Pioneer burner.

    Because data longevity is important to me, I only use Panasonic BluRay x2 25GB blanks. They are really manufactured in Japan and very rare to find in Australia. I purchase them from Japanese merchants on Ebay or Amazon. My last 50 spindle cost me about $80 with shipping. A great price for quality media, and the spindle with probably last a year at the rate I archive data.

  • I've used many packets of this brand in the past. Almost every pack had a bad disc on the bottom of the stack.
    Expect a faulty one.

  • Just bought some, it said they're gonna call me to pickup, but last time I ordered a SSD but NEVER received a call…wa da?? Hey Rep, can you please confirm that once we placed an order you will call us for pickup?

    • +1

      Either you call them or just go there.
      MSY are hopeless like that.

      • will do, thanks mate :)

  • Picked up two packs - got 6X instead of 4X :)

  • I'd advise to burn these @ the rated 4x speed despite what your burner might allow you to do. For those interested the MID of these HTL (High to Low) disks is: CMCMAG-BA3-000

  • haha, I just picked up some of these from MSY. My word they still have not changed at all from when i used to deal with them several years ago. Back then they were usually amongst the cheapest if not the cheapest so they were quite popular with 30 min waiting periods at opening hour and stock running out within those 30 mins. I had been told / figured maybe they had changed as there are so many more cheap shops these days and they arent usually the cheapest although still decently priced.

    But sadly i found their communication or lack thereof disappointing as well as their gruff demeanour and lack of customer service. I received an email with my order and some questions from them on what i wanted to do, i replied to the email and asked them to add a few more things to that order via my response. I did not hear back from 2 of my emails even though they had asked for a response from me. I arrived at the store and i was only going off what they had in stock the day before according to their list. Anyway NONE of the items i had asked for in my emails or that were mentioned in their list were in stock…And i got the feeling even if they were, the guy serving was not interested in looking for them, he just kept saying..nope not in stock, not that , not this, not that, he didnt check his computer or look at anything. So either he knew for sure or ..he just couldnt be bothered and apparently my order hadnt been updated. He did try to upsell me on some other products that were in stock, I said no thanks and walked out.

    The main reason why i had stopped shopping with MSY was due to some friends have severe warranty claiming issues with them several years ago plus i found the lack of stock and communication as well as waiting periods quite frustrating, i guess its a good thing there are so many other better stores out there these days so we dont have to deal with the stores we dont want to. Shame how they still do so much business, i dont get it, so many other better stores with similar or sometimes better prices. I rocked up at 10:15 (I had thought they opened at 9 or 10 like most stores) but i was wrong, it was 10:30. Anyway thats fine, my fault for checking their old times and not their new hours. I was amazed to find that there was like 7 people in line…On a work day at 10:30am? Weird, Are they still that much cheaper in some products or is it that people dont realise about all the other good cheap stores around with far better communication and service?

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