for those who thought $539 (16GB) was too expensive :)……
for those who thought $539 (16GB) was too expensive :)……
The 4s is a crappy phone by today's standards, I think you can buy better for $500+ or don't be so tight and get the 5s.
You are reminded you are paying for the OS here. Not so much the phone…
Cheaper better ways to get access to ios than this. For around this price you could buy an ipod touch 5 16gb and nexus 4. Then you have the best of both worlds. 8gb is poor amount of memory too.
Not really best of both worlds - the 5th gen iPod touch has the A5 processor, the same as the one in the iPhone 4S.
I think he meant you can buy both ipod touch 5g 16GB + a Nexus 4. The best of both worlds refers to iOS and Android.
8GB in iOS world is really quite space limited. Though I know some people like the size of 4S.
Exactly my point. Yeah ipod 5th gen is pretty much = to performance to this phone but was recently selling for less than 1/3rd the price with double the storage. Of coarse there are negatives too, but the bang for buck easily beats this.
Too much for old tech.
Not value for money.
I should explain.
first thought poped into my head = "what! why is it so expensive…"
That's way too expensive. I wouldn't even pay $300 for a phone that is now 2 generations old…
That's not how the Apple demographic works.
$500 is cheaper than $869 for the current base model.
If you want an iPhone but can't afford it, you get an older model and you can still have the Apple emblem (that all the cool people have) on your device. Just don't tell people you only bought it now.
Not really.
Consider this. Your mum living interstate is looking for a phone. Would you recommend an Android or an iPhone? The right answer would be the iPhone, even if its 2 generations old and still more expensive. The reason is that you can just point her towards the nearest Apple store for help, instead of spending countless hours over the phone trying to teach her how to use the phone.
The proliferation of Apple stores mean tech support is close and "free", well not free since its build into the cost of the hardware.
Pretty much… while us savvy folks would not buy this, that doesn't mean it's not a viable option for some people.
Still, i dont find this to be a bargain (for me)
huh? how is iphone any easier to use than android? I don't get it.
I bought iphone4s my mum 18 months ago but she only used it for 2 months and changed to S3 because she said the screen was too small to see and she still uses s3…
huh? how is iphone any easier to use than android? I don't get it.
He's saying that both will be hard to use for a mum, but Apple provides free support by going to an Apple store where there are literally dozens of staff on the floor at all times (more staff than customers I've seen). Android doesn't give free tech support as easily accessible.
Why is "the right answer" an iPhone? I know women with all types of Android, WP & even Blackberry phones. Please don't speak for everyone.
See my reply above.
Support for your Apple devices is readily given and easily accessible by going to an Apple shop. There's no such thing as an "Android shop".
Wrong, there are Samsung Experience Stores in both Melbourne & Sydney, not that I've ever seen anyone need them to use a phone before…
Yeah well I'm betting these Samsung Experience Stores won't help you with your Sony Xperia or HTC One, right?
Will they fix your iPhone?
You mean an Apple shop? If it's under warranty, of course they will. Why wouldn't they?
No the Samsung one, why would they fix a Sony or a HTC?
Well that's the whole point you've been missing.
There's only one type of iOS phone, and it's made by Apple. If you have a problem with your iPhone, you bring it to Apple where they are happy to help you.
There's a billion makers of Android phones, and if you have a problem with it, there's no single Android shop you go to for help.
So if you're buying a phone for your computer illiterate parents and can't be arsed doing the tech support for them yourself, you get them an iPhone and tell them to go to Apple if they have problems. You can't do that if you bought an HTC, Motorola, Nexus or Huawei.
This was the whole point he was making.
Or get them a Samsung and tell them to go to Samsung if they have problems. Support for your Samsung devices is readily given and easily accessible by going to a Samsung shop.
Did you not know the majority of Samsung devices now run Android?
Parents actually prefer bigger screen Android phones (assuming you give them a decent phone - Samsung S3 or better).
Phone 8 is actually not too bad for parents because the tiles are bigger than icons.
However, if you compared a $150-$200 Android phone (< 4 inch screen) vs. iPhone 4S for example, of parents would "prefer" iPhone 4S. The actually issue is mid/low-end Android phones are for people who are willing to compromise.
Its pretty amazing what you can get for $100-200 now on android or windows side of things. There's been 4 inch dual core phones for around $100 on android for a while now. The telstra frontier 4g for instance with snapdragon 1.5 ghz process was selling at jb for $99, and its quite sad but I prefer that to this phone since it has lte. lol Also the customization of android such as the senior launcher can make it much easier to use for those tech limited older folk who may never take advantage of all the functionality of a smart phone and probably prefer to use their $ for something they actually will use. And yeah I think windows is even better out of the box than android or ios for its simplicity.
I'd recommend Android and be happy to help with teaching how to use the phone rather than giving Apple another customer.
Fobsessive, your decision was based more on the hate for Apple than the love for your parent.
I would personally drive my parent to the Apple shop and let them play for a while, let them talk to the Apple store staff to see how comfortable they are with the store and the phone.
Then drive them to another shop and let them play with the many Android phones. Again, let them talk to the shop assistants and see how comfortable they are with Android.
After all, it comes down to taste and user experience - their experience. The phone is for them.
I will gladly buy any phone for them as long as they are happy. Knowing my parent, they may like it so much that they will pay for it themselves. :p
Probs better off looking around. I bought a brand new in sealed box iphone 5 16gb unlocked for $500 off gumtree. If you do go down this path ask for documentation and check the IMEI number online.
Hi, how do you check the IMEI online? are we be able to find out if the iphone sold on gumtree is legit, and not a steal product? really curious and want to find out, as i lost my ipad a while ago. Thanks
Thank you
Thank you
This phone is ancient & only 8gb.
Buy a Nexus 4 from Google for $249 or $299 + shipping
Why waste $518 on this…
Cause they are reliable, have a good warranty and arnt cheap and prone to failure. Oh and LG suck!
The Nexus 4 is all of those things, what was your point again?
Point is nexus 4 compared to iphone 4 is a fair comparison, it certainly isnt leaps ahead. LG quality is pretty low and hardware support generally isnt good. So far i am unimpressed with Google (LG/Asus) products, very cheap feel. They are definitely going for low end of the market. inteersting reading if you read the user comments
Sure the price is terrible, the device is pretty good. Enjoy your Kit Kat operating system lol.
Honestly they sell out the name, what do you think they are doing with your information?
You can type xx phone into google and find list like that for any phone, including expensive phones iphones. Lets see according to this the iphone 4 has even more problems
Even if the lg is only = to performance (which it isn't) to the iphone 4s, its still offers significantly better value. Some people prefer paying less for more, others prefer paying more for a name, each to their own.
Agreed, the difference being you can take it to a store and get it swapped over for a new one that day. Or get help at least
What do you do with a nexus product?, i am by no means an apple fan. But i am realistic and aware of Lucky Goldstars reputation.
If you buy from a b&m shop you should be able to take it back and get it replaced straight away. I've never had any issues when doing this on any product, and this is why I'm not a fan of grey imports unless there's a massive saving. From what I've been told, apple have really great rep for after sales support, but there's usually fees if you want a replacement straight away. Like my uncle had to get his iphone5 replaced, and he had the option of paying $200+ (forget the exact figure) for a brand new handset or wait several weeks for it to be sent away to be fixed and sent back. That pretty much what all companies do if you have any issues…
There's a whole other debate about replacement from b&m shops, clearly thats a general statement. And not actually true unless you are talking big chains and still you will generally have to argue or know what you are talking about. With apple products you dont have to go back to the store of purchase.
Lets try and be factual here, and talk about during warranty. Even though your argument points towards apple being pretty fair after warranty.
That pretty much what all companies do if you have any issues, sorry couldnt disagree more on that one. Check out the forum for users issues with almost any company. Only a small few work in buyers favour.
No offense but you must not buy much electronics, just sayin.
Google sends a courier to your door to replace your Nexus, does Apple offer that?
Thats pretty good, no they dont. They do swap it on the spot though, which means you dont have to wait the days/weeks for the device to be returned.
Depends whats important to you. Again lets not make this an apple vs google debate. This post is for an apple phone.
The device is couriered to you before you have even sent the faulty device back. So much ignorance in this thread…
That makes zero sense, like your post. So your saying they will send you a new/refurb device. Before sending your dead/damaged one back. So in effect you have the new and old one before they collect it lol okay.
So what if its user damage?
It makes perfect sense actually, no offense he knows exactly what he is talking about unlike someone else… They send a replacement before you even send your old one back..
Happy to be proven wrong, dont suppose you can back it up?
You are wrong, I just did this with my Nexus 4. Please just stop now because you clearly have no experience/knowledge on the topic.
Actually i found it, looks like its not exactly like you say lol They do it but in some cases and they need your credit card. No nothing about the topic huh.
Temporary authorizations for warranty replacements
In some cases, Google Play may offer advanced replacement warranty service, where we place a temporary hold on your credit card while we process your warranty request. Please note that in the event of a warranty replacement, you are not being charged for the replacement device. However, your payment method will be temporarily authorized for the full amount of the device when you place your replacement order.
Typically, payment authorizations remain on your account between 1-21 business days, depending on your card issuer's policies. Please keep in mind that the hold represents an authorization request only, not an actual or duplicate charge on your account. If you still don't have access to the authorized funds in your account 21 days after placing your warranty replacement order, please contact your bank or credit card company to determine the authorization status.
It is exactly what I said, couriered replacement to your door before you've sent the faulty one back. Fantastic service, even better then the Apple store.
Since when does In some cases = standard everday service
Anyway im bored with your crap now, you and Ronnie can shove it!
Truly they need to provide that type of service to be fair, but its pretty weak that apple doesn't offer a similar type of service for customers that don't live near an apple store. And it is standard service provided for everyone, unlike ignoramus was suggesting above. Its funny how some people hate certain companies and have to praise others. I have owned a few nexus devices and plenty of apple devices, and the likely hood you ever have an issue is pretty damn low in the first place. Most people who have issues are usually early adopters, I bet very few of these devices fail that often or if do its someone else's problem by then.. I mean who would be foolish to buy old tech and drop $500+ dollars for the privialage of something this ancient, even if they thought service was marginally better, which it isn't for everyone as shown above. Only some fanboi I'd say would be that foolish. lol
Anyway im bored with your crap now, you and Ronnie can shove it!
Always a winning debating technique. Good form.
Actually only going to his/their level did i get a decent response. Fanboi lol i am agnostic but realistic. Seems like i was dealing with Android fanboi's in reality.
Some people are scared to hear the other side, it was nice to dig up the real answer though!
For 21 bucks I would go for the 16GB, then again the DSE sale never did have much stock of the iPhones.