This was posted 11 years 4 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Game of Thrones Season 1-2 Blu-Ray (Fishpond) $52.97 Delivered


The price of both seasons on Bluray are slowly going down. I would pay every cent again if I lost my copies.

(A small note about Fishpond: their delivery times are atrocious)

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  • +3

    Not as good as the previous deal prices from Fishpond. Where the majority of OzBargainers managed to grab season 1&2 standard edition for $23.57 delivered.

    • Last deal was amazing!! Got it for $23.

    • And i bet that deal was a pricing error which Fishpond happened to have honoured. And yet some people on this thread keep on insisting to bag Fishpond. I mean you can't create a deal post featuring Fishpond without the share of people bagging them.

      • So the last amazing deal was honored?
        Missed out big time on that one.

        • It's spelt honoured only the americans spell it as honored.

          Any way and yes you missed out on the big Game of Thrones deal from Fishpond that was back in July.

        • +2

          Perhaps Holly Billygoat is an american kid and he has spelled honor the way he always has!

        • +1

          And since we are in a spell checking mood (and making assumptions about the author not being American)….

          1) "Any way" the way you've used it above should be "Anyway".

          2) A comma was required after "Anyway".

          3) The "and" after that comma isn't required.

          4) Game of Thrones as you've typed above, should be 'Game of Thrones'.

          5) A full stop is required after Fishpond.

          6) "that" after Fishpond (and following the new found full stop) should be "Which".

          7) An "anyway" after July would tie it off nicely.

          You're welcome :).

          And yes, I agree with you…. Fishpond bagging out is almost as prolific as MegaBuy!

        • -1

          I c wot u did der …

        • ;)
          Why so serious?

      • Good to hear that FP honoured the last deal, but they have been extraordinarily crap in the past. Three out of three orders I've made from them over the years have been cancelled - one was a price error, one was out of stock (but showing as if it were in stock) and the other was cancelled for no apparent reason. All three occasions resulted in me waiting for my money for weeks. This is probably why people bag them.

        • Wow rather bad luck. I've made 6 orders (4 of them being within the last 3 weeks) and every single order has been posted out. That includes the recent Modern Family seasons 1-3 blu-ray box set for $27.47 delivered was honoured and posted out to me the other day. Nothing but success here with Fishpond.

        • Wow, I didn't realize they had such a bad history. Guess I was one of the lucky people. This is also a decent deal as most places would sell season 1 and 2 for $30+.

        • +1

          They haven't been so bad lately , but they've been absolutely deplorable in the past. I've ordered 3 things from them only 1 was a pricing error and I've had my time wasted twice, so they're worth biting if someone posts a good deal, just be prepared for some shenanigans

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