Experience the new creamier velvety taste…New Moccona Café Moments are richer, creamier and smoother than ever before. Available in a range of flavours, they will delight your senses. 3 flavors to choose from..
Free Moccona Café Moments Coffee Sample. Facebook Required

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Yep no like required!
Hows is a no like deal a bonus? Don't want your friends to know you cashed in on a sample?
Or maybe they dont want the page to clog up their news feed?
Wow you guys are so sensitive. Was just asking a legit question.
After signing up with my 'Sampling' Facebook account, I got this message:
Do you know a friend that deserves to treat themselves? They should get a free sample of Moccona Café Moments too.
No friends found.Forever Alone.jpg
Yeah, I used an inactive facebook account for these things too. No friends there. Lol
Using fake accounts or are you selling out your friends list for a free sample of cheap coffee?
Change the visibility of the share to "Only Me"
Having a secondary facebook account is good. I use it because a lot of things require facebook logins nowadays.
Fake accounts for samples.
Got the Latte variation.
Did everyone get a different flavour?I got the Mocha one, tbh they taste quite bland.
Great, no facebook like needed!