Simonds Homes are a scam

Hi Guys,

Having issues with Simonds Homes.

Have been contacted today by the Simonds General Manager becuase they are concerned I am ruining the brand.

Like my post on the Simonds Facebook page


To whom it may concern and any Simonds interested buyers,

Our Simonds journey thus far has been an absolute disgrace. Below are some of the issues we encountered:

  1. We purchased our house and land property under the "In b4 X-mas" promotion however have been given a February completion date. Although I expect the house to be ready before christmas, why run a promotion if you are not willing to honour your word.

  2. Bank valuation was received far lower than agreed contract price meaning we had to save a lot of extra funds between then and now. The bank appointed valuer also noted on the report that the purchasers had paid a "premium" price for building.

  3. We attended Simonds Gallery and although we had bought a $7000 package to include carpet, stone bench top and driveway were advised we had to pay an additional $700 to fully carpet/tile the house. We have purchased Simonds smallest house, the 'Bristol'.

  4. Our "Customer Relationship Coordinator" has been the main reason for our disappointment for dealing with Simonds. She is always up for an argument and never wrong.

  5. 4-5 weeks ago we requested a payment statement from Simonds, after 3 calls and a 2 week wait I had to abuse someone before it was provided.

  6. After all the hassles we have had we decided to employ the assistance of an independent building inspector. Our building inspector liaised with our site manager and organised a handover date(27/09/2013). On the 26th,
    I received an email from our "Customer Relationship Coordinator", saying we never organised a handover date and your house is not at that stage yet. As a result we have now been penalised because we organised the following:

  • Moving Van ($186)
  • Gas & Electricity (Time wasted having to setup and cancel the service)
  • Delivery of Fridge, Couch, Kitchen Table and Council Bins ($110)
  • Home and Contents insurance (Time wasted having to setup and cancel the service)
  • Had to take the day off work (Costing me 1 days salary)

We have cracked and requested our "Customer Relationship Coordinator" handover to someone more senior, however since Wednesday we have not to been contacted.

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  • +3

    1) Bank valuation was received far lower than agreed contract price meaning we had to save a lot of extra funds between then and now. The bank appointed valuer also noted on the report that the purchasers had paid a "premium" price for building.

    You really can't blame them for that: you bought it at that price without seeking independent advice

  • +1

    YOU made the mistake of not getting a valuation beforehand and that's their fault? I can understand you're probably feeling a bit ripped off, but at the end of the day it's your responsibility. If your contract was subject to finance I think if it were me I'd have opted out at that point.

    And it's not clear why, when you have a February completion date, you organised moving van and utilities etc for last week???

  • It is unusual for the bank to disclose their valuation to you, particularly the detailed comments.

    Whereabouts (at least roughly) are you building this place?

  • Me and my broker are good mates so he sent me the valuation report.

    We built in truganina, purchased from the point cook office.

    We are happy with the house and price but are trying to get simonds to cover our $2000 shortfall from the valuation. This is the reason posted on ozbargain.

    The valuation is fair. I know simonds don't control it but they are the only ones who can influence it.

    The reason we booked all the move in items was because simonds advised handover was last Friday.

    The house is complete earlier than expected but even now when we request a move in date they say February 2014.

    The customer service is shambolic.

  • I feel for you. I have just bought a house to be built on a separately purchased block of land.

    I was seriously going to consider Simonds as they looked good and had branded appliances. However, upon visiting their display home for the first time, we were told "If you want any further information, you will need to make an appointment with M <not his real name>. He's not available on any saturday for 2 weeks. Can you confirm an appointment for <date in 14 days>?" - I was stunned. Business must be booming for Simonds. That day as we visited numerous builders, many made time for us and sat us down and gave us prices and inclusions, etc.

    Anyways, we visited another Simons office in the meantime and as soon as the guy found out we had spoken to "M", he said he couldn't help us with any of our questions and we had to refer to M as each Simonds rep doesn't help other rep's clients - I just wanted to ask for a brochure and price for the house I just walked through?! Even though I explained "M" had no time for us, and all we did was pass our phone number over and we wanted information now. Basically he fobbed us off and started talking to the next person who had just entered his office.

    Long story short, we went with another builder. I'm so happy we did. We made contact on a Thursday and he met us at a display on Saturday, walk us through, spent time chatting with us and going through the house in detail. Since then (3 weeks ago), he's been nothing but responsive and we're happy so far (even though it's just been a month) - the builder is Porter Davis.

    A couple of things - Banks always do conservative valuations and their valuers do make mistakes (they did on our property), so do your own research and homework on the area. Also, re the handover date, your building inspector might have organised one thing, but I do think you should've got that same info from Simonds in writing. The rest of your points I can see.

    Anyway, I do hope you and Simonds can reach an equitable outcome. Hopefully you get your house (and it's a reasonably good one). Thanks for posting - I'm sure there are others of us out there who could learn form your experience - I know I have.

  • +1

    Pity you decided to use the word "scam" to describe Simonds Home.

    Lousy service? Yes, probably so, but "scam" is a hugely defamatory call.

    • +2

      Sounds like a scam to me. Selling a deal of B4 X-Mas bur delivering in February, Over valuing the property on the basis that bank valuations are usually not disclosed to the bank customer. A $7000.00 that includes carpeting but an additional $700.00 required to actually carpet and tile the house…….

      Seems like a classic scam to me.

  • +1

    Death by social media :/

  • +4

    Are you kidding???

    The valuation was $2000 less than what you paid, and you are complaining???

    $2000 is a drop in the ocean when it comes to house values….

  • +2

    Let me tell you about a real scam…. PORTER DAVIS.

    You go in fall in love with a display home..base price 292k by the time you add that prettty rendered facade 14k site costs 20k bushfire levy 6k etc…your sitting on 317k in a split second!! They then request you to sign off and hand over a 2k (non refundable) deposit…you then go to their world of style showroom to choose colours finishes etc…that is marked up ridiculously… upon that you find out that front fasacade you chose for that additional 14k is only partially rendered to the front of the house the other side do it urself at your own cost!!! When questioning their brochure pictures display home and marketing material that clearly shows the whole front rendered…the answer is "oh well the sale consultant should of told you" that should of would of didnt bullshit just cost us an additional 3-4k to render the rest of the front…and guess what that 2k deposit you gave based on misleading info…though luck.. now lets move on to the contract. They request 5% deposit without offering any subject to finance options only a 5 business day cooling off period if you don't get approved for finance. Mind you bank won't process loan application until they have the HIA contract…so you cant get a loan approval without this magical contract but you cant get the contract without giving them 5% without the terms of subject to finance?? Ok so what happens if we get declined for finance? Well you loose your 2k initial deposit…fair enough we made peace with that…but you also loose $100 plus any additional fees porter davis incurred for preparing your contract. Ok what fees are we talking about?? Well apparently soil testing some site costs bla bla bla that could total up to another few 1000s of $$. Mind you when i asked for the cost so we know what we are up for…she told us ill find out during ur cooling off period (of course because by then deposit is paid contract signed) if i cancel contract duevyo banks decline on finance you keep another few grand..really???

    But wait theres more….in their introduction letter they state they will advise you of final price so your aware what that 5% deposit is so u can bring it along and hand it over upon signing the contract. As it was the day b4 our appointment and no one advised us how many 1000s of $$ to bring i emailed and asked…only to find out that our price inc all our inclusions, site costs etc…went from 317k to 344k. I was shocked. When i questioned how that's possible she brushed me off and said i dont have time to go through it now we shall discuss at tommorows appointment. When i made it nice and clear there will b no tomorrow appointment unless you clarify this nowshe changed her tone and mumbled ohh the estate covenants plus additional site Costs bla bla… ok so even though we budgeted 20k for site costs plus 6000 grand for bushfire levy your telling me theres another almost 30k more? Ohh the sales consultant should of made you aware of these charges, her reply was. Of course handball it back to the sales consultant. Well i made it clear we are not going a penny over 317k so the appointment is tomorrow to sign and go through the contract….this should be fun!! So heads up ppl if they tell you base price to build is 232k which we chose the charlton 33 they actually mean is 344k and thats with the most basic inc no stone benches everything laminate… no down lights….no carpet….no flooring (except badic cheap tiles to wet areas only) no driveway…no fences…no landscaping…you get the drift??? Rip off much???

    • We were looking at Charlton 28 with the first home buyers price of 212k(+ Costs)but after reading your story I am a bit scared. Hopefully every thing sorts out for you tomorrow. Would appreciate if you could PM me your cost details and the location your are planning to build in.

    • +1

      I'd rather die renting than feather the nests of these absolute c**ts.

  • Building a house is a pain in the backside but i like the experience and uncertainty. I just built a house second time with a builder.I suggest you plan for the worst if building.Second time around i went with a brand new builder and i could not be happier. There certainly was a risk..

    • May I ask who you went with? Or PM me. Thanks!

    • Could I also bother you to PM me your builder?


  • These are cheap builder tactics and played by every other builder. Bigger players play with higher margin while others play with petty amounts.

    But, what I fail to understand is how do you guys even get into a contract or even decide on such huge investment without having everything in document/email or contract.

    For me i believe, even a simple deviation such as having a switch board at the bottom of wall to shifting it 2ft above has to be in the contract to avoid such a rip off.

    Difference such as Facade rendering v/s complete facade rendering is obvious and enough for those guys to play around.

    I had one built last year and refused to sign the contract or put in deposit unless the sales guy had every small details in contract. It was the only time I could arm twist the sales,it was simpler when they sent me excess invoices all I had to say was happy to pay, show me if I had not mentioned in contract. Overall about 38k invoices reached dustbin within no time.

  • Sorry to bring up an old thread.

    But can anyone tell me why Simonds would only offer 7 year structural warranty?
    I know others are offering 25/30 years & Simonds comes off much cheaper with all the bells and whistles.

    Also what would Building and home insurance cover at this stage then?
    Will this reduced warranty bring down my valuation?

  • Your posts are actually defamatory and I suggest you remove them.

    • It is not defamatory if it's true!

  • I wish, I have seen your post before I have signed up with Simonds. I kept on telling Simonds that I need my house completed before January 2019 and from the very beginning they kept on telling- "it's possible" . I have explained that I was going to move to Adelaide and the deadline is fixed for our move. After a while the General Manager requested to consider 2-3 months over the phone and I was fool enough to agree!Alas! Now I won't be able to get the house completed before June / July 2019, if Simonds keeps their word . I am in doubt if it will happen. Now I know they are not trustworthy. On the top of time, customers has to keep on adding money and sufferings. If someone has lot of extra money and time to waste then Simonds would the best choice. By the way, I was told that they will only give structural warranty for 10 years! Probably the believe that a house is like an iphone- you have to change it every few years!

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