Which AUS gifts for UK friends family?

Heading to UK for Xmas and looking for austrslian gift ideas to take over.
Was thinking Double coat tim tams, caramel lo koalas, Beerenberg products (adelaide origin) haighs chocolates, maybe some Maggie Beer products. Bonds stuff?
Maybe some microbrewery beers?
I think you can buy jurlique over there.


  • +3

    Are these friends of your Australians living in the UK? (i.e. are they unaware of what they are missing?)

    Tim Tams you can buy in Tesco.

    I seem to remember getting Maggie Beer when I was over there too at some places.

    Fantales are always good, as are Jaffas. Haighs are pretty nice chocs and would be appreciated.

    I always missed violet crumble when I was living there, along with Chang's fried Chinese noodles(https://www2.woolworthsonline.com.au/Shop/ProductDetails?Sto…).


    • Yeah I forgot about violet crumble! I lived there 10 yrs ago, memory a bit fuzzy. Our friends are uk born and never lived in oz. fantales are a good 1

      • +1

        Depends what they like, but I always tried to get over there a couple of bottles of nice wine which would be exorbitant in price getting the imports, if they are not in limited supply.

        Something from Giaconda, or Penfolds St Henri, etc.

        • +1

          Keep in mind though that nice French wines are dirt cheap in the UK. And there are plenty of Aussie wines available on the regular supermarket shelves. Also Tim Tams and Vegemite easily bought in Sainburys (Trivia: vegemite is significantly cheaper there LOL).

          What about some Aussie TV on DVD like Underbelly etc?

        • +1

          Just be careful about dvd regions

  • +1

    Chicos or any other Allen's lollies
    Cherry Ripe

    You can get tim tams in Tesco (well you could when we lived there 10 yrs ago)

    • +1

      Can't believe I forgot cherry ripe also! Our housemate had her mum send over those massive blocks of cherry ripe and she'd do the whole block in 1 go.

  • +1

    Twisties and Smarties!

    Two things I rarely eat here but craved when I was living in the UK!!!!! I hate Vegemite at home but was estatic when my mum sent a tube over, haha.

    Asda used to always have Shapes and Timtams and I could sometimes find Milo in various supermarkets in London, and there is an "Aussie" food shop in London, but prices are exorbitant. It might be worth having a look at the Websites for the main supermarket chains and seeing what you can already get there- Asda, Tescos, Sainsbury's, Morrisons and Waitrose were the main ones we used to use.

    • +1

      And a lot of stuff can be picked up in the Shepards Bush area (meat pies etc). I believe the shop in London is in Covent Gardens?

      • Spending time in Northern England and have 3 sml kids so not running around to loads of shops. What about presents for older family?? The St Henri wine is a great idea. I thought they'd like haighs and Maggie beer. Gone are the days of Ken Done! (Showing age)

  • +1

    Our UK friends requested that we bring Shapes (the flavoured biscuits). I'm not a fan of these myself, but I assume they can't be bought over there.

  • +1

    I had a friend who took over Aussie bum undies as gifts

    • Good 1. I guess that's what I'm asking really- Aussie made icon clothing and products. Bloom cosmetics? I don't use them tho. And uggs are US these days. Maybe billabong gear?

  • A couple of decent bottles of wine and some nice cheeses. Find your favorites, or get out to the cellar doors or whatever local wineries you have and get the local bottles.

    Carry the wine - fragile stickers are inversely proportional to the likelihood of them getting smashed to bits! Of course, everyone but me knows that, but I learned the hard way…

    • The wine is a definite, will source locally but can't bring cheese into uk from outside EU.

      • Red wine through all your packed clothing??

        • +1

          Not quite… I had them (well) packed in a separate box. The box was a lovely burgundy color when it got to the baggage claim. I took my ace ventura-d package into town on the Heathrow Express, and sat at Padington station, miserable and jet-lagged, picking out the surviving bottles from the shards of the lost souls.

          I was more worried about everyone else having wine-stained luggage!

        • +1

          nice to see you worry about others :) I still would be mourning the wine lol

    • +1

      I tried taking a couple of decent bottles of Aussie wine over to the UK for family members, only to find them $1-2 cheaper in Sainsbury's.

      • +2

        That's why I suggested the local wines - labels that maybe don't export :)

  • pen fold wine over is cheeper then here.

  • +1

    Find some of those really inexpensive (about $2 a pack for 6) koalas wearing red santa hats and shirts on clips. Check out the $2 shops; they should be stocking the xmas things now. My mother took a few packets with her about Xmas time last visit and she had fun clipping them onto her friends xmas trees and as little gifts for the children she met on the way. It's the thought that counts.

    A few packets of TimTams won't go amiss either. My brother, from o/s, took several packets with him on his return. Perhaps Australians over there have difficulty finding them in the stores.

    • Cute idea the koalas x

  • +1

    I usually give jarrah honey as it doesn't crystallize and is Aussie. Tim tams. Caramello koalas for kids. Lanolin based moisturizers are good too as gifts. I ought some nice coasters with Aussie wild flowers made from recycled Ausisie wood from Australian geographic shop. They also had u trivet with Aussie animals carved on it. Ot heavy nd quite easy to transport. Relatives in Asia usually like macadamia nuts.

    • Will check out nat geographic thanks!

  • +1

    Some markets (like the Rocks or Fox Studios) sells Aussie-made hand crafted items or produce (jams etc)

  • Might look for quandong jam. Or rosella flower something. I'm sure they'd have lots of kitch Aussie native stuff in uk but will look for more homey stuff

  • +1

    Some years ago, I sent some UK friends a Tony O'Connor CD - tranquil music with the sounds of Australian birdsong. Yeah, sounds weird but his CDs are very relaxing and they loved it.

    • Good 1, cd idea got me thinking about other cd ideas- Roy & HG?

  • fake tan lotion

    • why is it that uk-born seem to tan so easily in the summer tho lol

  • Some dot-to-dot DIY art from Melbourne-based Thomas Pavitte: http://thomasmakesstuff.com/

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