Help me find a decent 4.5" android phone

Hey guys I'm looking for a cheap android phone that has 4.5" screen and is at least dual core. The main things I want are reliability, GPS, battery, >=dual core 1Ghz CPU and 3G optus. I know that's a long list for a cheap skate but that's my mission. I know it seems like a stretch but I was hoping there was fellow cheapskates out there that had the same list of needs as me and had found the phone that suited the purpose.
Currently I'm looking at the Huawei G510… which seems to fit the purpose at $150 but doesn't come with stock android is heavily bloated by "huawei ware". I'm retiring a Note 2 knockoff which worked great but, it's starting to rust under the glass between the LCD (in less than 8 months) so I was hoping I could find a good deal that didn't cost the earth. BTW my max spend is $150 although I wouldn't mind cutting specs to find a deal under that as the family is quite strapped for cash ATM.



    and may i suggest you consider a windows mobile as they are awesome and cheaper often (nokia 520 form $99 sometimes here on OZB)

  • +3

    Keep the current phone until it stops working!
    Who cares if it's starting to rust? Save your $150 and spend it on something useful if money is tight.

  • I've had a Huawei deivces before - they actually don't add that much crap really when compared to a lot of companies.

  • 4.5"? I think Windows Phones are tailor made for you. LG phones are not that great except for Nexus. HTC and Samsung dont make 4.5" phones. So you're left wit limited choices with Android but lots of choices in windows phones.

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