I started buying groceries from Aldi maybe 6 months ago and never looked back. The products are great quality and heaps cheaper than buying from Coles and Woolies. The best thing I like about Aldi is that most of the products come with satisfaction guarantee. So if I don't like them, just return it the next week when I do the grocery run. My shopping bills have gone down by $20-$40/week (for 2 people) and we got plenty of food. The only downfall is that I still need to go to Woolies just to buy a few things that are not available at Aldi (Luckily, the shopping village that I go to has Aldi and Woolies so it's not a big issue).
So who else love Aldi and what's your favourite item?
Need self serve checkouts…too many retirees where i live :)
they definitely have forced colesworth to drop certain ranged prices, easy to see that happening when they open nearby :)