Does anyone have a spare diet coke code that they're happy to swap for a regular one please? From memory you only need one code every 3 months to be eligible for the diet coke rewards, so if someone could help out please that would be fantastic.
Diet Coke Rewards
Geewhizz on 27/09/2013 - 18:38
Last edited 29/09/2013 - 06:36
Last edited 29/09/2013 - 06:36
Thank you for clarifying that. We don't drink diet coke, though, which is why I'm asking for a swap.
Oh, you still need one? wow, this was posted ages ago.
PM sent.
I did not yet heard that one for a diet coke most of the time i just drink them.This one seem pretty amazing.
The Diet Coke VIP area needs to be re-activated monthly.