Does buying stuff fill the emptiness in your life?

My family fills all the emptiness in my life with their love and smiles.
Oh they are.. Why do you think I hang around ozbargain?
Yes. What good is money if you can't spend it? :)
No. Emptiness can not be filled by buying. I read.
Me too..i read thro a lot of bargain buys
That feeling of emptiness is time being spent wasted. So short answer, Yes
Retail therapy works.
I enjoy buying stuff for doing things I love. Mostly outdoor hiking and camping stuff and ski and snowboard stuff.
There is nothing as satisfying as a good bargain.Please add price and shipping of this "Emptiness" to title.
All emptiness has an expiry date as well.
I probably have a different angle to many here. I hate buying things. Getting things as cheap as possible is a method to reduce the pain, rather than increase the enjoyment.
No, just the emptiness in my cupboards and drawers.
my drawers are not empty….. ;-)
The actual material possessions, no. The act and satisfaction of getting a real bargain, does fill some of the emptiness.
I enjoy seeing how much I'm saving not buying the vast majority of the stuff on OzB. :)
The thrill of the initial bargain is great -wether it was buying from a store or online. Buyers remorse can often set in after that -when the warm,fuzzy feeling wears off.
No, my wife and kids d……oh hang on who am I kidding, its all this stuff I buy that does…
I only buy things I need, which are things I need to do the things I love
Material possessions do not fill the void, nothing fills the void….. Except a well diversified portfolio of blue chip stocks.
My life is empty without Ozbargain
No but it's a real buzz getting a bargain!
Of all the things in the world to fill an emptiness in your life, bargain hunting is probably the safest…
…however if you are buying stuff and going in to debt…then perhaps you should consider easing off a bit.
…if you destroy relationships by buying stuff then perhaps you should also re-work your buying strategies.
However if you are genuinely in control of your habit and it doesn't have any major negative consequences, then there is absolutely no shame…you could do far worse.
Self Help alert, you have been warned.
Bargaining just feeds my addiction to bargain hunting. So it feeds my hunger, so technically it feeds part of my life.
No, but thinking about buying stuff fills the emptiness in my life.
Buying stuff just leads to disappointment as each product fails to live up to its idea. ;-)
It fills lots of voids, quenches my thirsts and give me happiness, something new into life everytime
We are not genetically made to feel happy and satisfied all the time. That empty feeling is the thing that drives us to keep moving forward. Today's average person leads a better life than royalty even a century ago but we are not satisfied. We need to stop buying into the bulls**t that we have to be happy all the time.
No, but a lot of the things I buy help me enjoy my time with my family.
Alone, a lot of these items are just junk. But we have our fun with them and so they serve a purpose.
To a certain extent money can fill up your emptiness but achieving something meaningful in life will work better as medicine.
Human's appetite is endless and the best way to do with is some moderation.
I never knew how many things I "needed" until I started coming to OzBargain.
Shopping and food are pretty good at filling the emptiness within!
"Slave to the system" - A vicious cycle. Welcome to the materialistic nature of western society
I hardly buy anything. I usually hem and haw and toss things up and by that time the deal has usually expired and I go "ah bastard I should have bought it". Then I do the same thing tomorrow.
no it can not you will never fill emptiness in your life with stuff find people or thing u like to do.
I literally know the answer to this question.
I have no emptiness. I am one happy and content atheist. I like ozbargain as I sometimes get to save money on stuff i need to buy anyways.
Sorry to hear that you feel empty. Try doing some volunteer work with a charity - helping others can bring contentment.
Oh yes, yes it does! =D Buying stuff just makes me so happy! As long as the money keeps flowing let the good times roll!
You're only empty when you run out of it!
Oh and a study said spending pro-socially equates to happiness!
Not emptiness filling but satisfaction from researching and finding the best product to meet ones uses, needs or desire. And then finding it at a bargain price!
Ozbargain posts also provide some very useful information on what to buy and what avoid. I very rarely have buyers remorse.
When I broke up with my ex, I was sad at first but then I realised that I could spend money again. So yes.
The stuff doesn't really do anything for me but the rush I get in grabbing bargains does. Before knowing of this site I hardly ever shop unless I really need to. Now ironically, I am spending much more than I ever did lol
It's all in the chase…
For me, nothing fills the emptiness quite so well as needless worry and anxiety.
Buying stuff fills my emptiness :)……
then the digestion kicks in :(
buying cocaine fills my life with awesomeness
but seriously, I have everything I need. most things I buy are replacements or upgrades.
and the thing I really want is not yet available to buy.
No, my wife and kids do. Buying stuff is either for the requirement of living, or as a reward for hard work.