iPhone 5C and 5S sold at inflated prices

I have always been wondering why do people stand in the line for days before the new iphone is going to launch. I thought they are big apple fans. But I have seen a lot of ads popping up on Gumtree to sell those iphones for double the price.

This guy is hoping to sell Iphone 5S 64gb for $1800 each. Thats like $600 more than Apple's retail price.

I read in news today that Countries where these iphones are not launched yet, these phones are sold for 250% premium.

Thats insane.. atleast imo.

Do people just pay double the price just to show off for 30 days? I cant think of any other reason why someone would buy a $1200 phone for $1800.


  • The same thing happens each year, limited stock = high demand.

  • Pretty idiotic, it's just a peice of metal with glass. You can just by any other phone which does the same thing.

    • I agree.. but there are 100s of thousands of people who still fall for this apple gimmick.

  • A lot of people have more dollars than sense…

    A lot of the same people also complain rent or house prices are too high. That may be true, but those people have lost their right to complain.
    A lot of those people are spoilt brats leeching off their parents too.

    I guess there is a spectrum of fools out there

    • -5

      I have to correct you mate.
      Samsung users are those who complain about rent or house prices being too high.
      HTC users are the spoilt brats.

      Apple users have more dollars than cents, that statement is true.

      • Yay for baseless stereotypes!

      • Apple users have more dollars than cents, that statement is true.

        Especially after selling your kidneys, like the teen from China.

    • I highly doubt the people buying these are complaining about rent… maybe the rent that they are owed…

  • sorry forgot to put the link in the post. it there now :)

  • This guy is hoping to sell Iphone 5S 64gb for $1800 each. Thats like $600 more than Apple's retail price.

    It's actually $471 more, Apple has raised the priced of that model this year.

    • +1

      mate.. Iphone 5S 64gb's RRP is $1129. That makes it $671 less than what that guy is selling for. :)


      • My bad, can't believe I did such simple math wrong.

        • haha.. no worries.. u'll get it right next time. Keep the hopes high. :D

  • +1

    i sent him nice email : )

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