Hola. Does anyone know the cheapest outfit in the Brisbane area to print extremely long documents such as this? I dont need it bound or anything, just printed.
I need to print a 6000 page pdf document, cheapest option?

What is it, if you don't mind me asking?
Its for a trial. Probably none of it will ever get read, no. We murder a hell of a lot of trees in the legal game.
Even 5c a page would be okay.
Especially when lawyers charge $1 a page or more for printing. I'm not saying you're doing that, but it is a rip off in this day and age.
Officeworks used to do about 5 cents a page.
In that case, we can assume your time has some worth and it is better to get somebody else to print it ;-) as opposed to a struggling student seeking the absolute cheapest option even if it took all day.
I second the suggestion of double sided, and print two sheets to a page if the document is set in normal type (you can squeeze it to four, but that challenges those with poor eye sight).
Head off to Officeworks!I feel sorry for the poor bugger that had to spend months writing all of it up…
As mskeggs mentioned, purchase a cheap printer and a LOT of paper.
Print out at 2 pages per side and double sided, cuts down the file to a quarter… so that's only 3 reams of paper… as opposed to 12.
Also, cheaper than an iPad, purchase a cheap no-name Tablet that can read PDF's… load it once, put it on the shelf for anything else.
I don't think a cheap tablet with limited RAM can handle the load. Even on a computer the PDF may struggle to render properly particularly if the CPU / RAM isn't modern enough.
You would have to break the document into smaller chunks of <100 pages… seperate them by chapters or sections or something.
Yes, excuse my your honour. I know we're all standing around at at least $400 an hour on this side of the bar table but it appears my no-name Tablet is having sort of hissy fit. I'm sure you won't mind waiting while I reboot it and try to wrangle it into submission.
Will it actually get read?
I could bind all the textbooks together that I've owned over 3 years of university and it still wouldn't be as long as that document.
Did you even attend bro?
Officeworks will do it for $0.04 per side on A4.
http://www.officeworks.com.au/retail/print/documents/documen…Well, if a sheet of paper weighs 4.5 grams, 6000 sheets single sided will be 270kg, or approximately 5400 donuts.
Laid end to end, 6000 A4 sheets will be 1.7km, a distance it will take an average snail about 20 days to traverse.
At .1mm a sheet, it will be 60cm tall or approximately the height of a 2 month old baby (unless the baby is wearing a hat).
At .05c per page, it will cost $300 in ink alone, or about the cost of a set of Holden Camira headlights.
At 500 sheets a ream, it will require 12 reams of paper, or about the number of days in Christmas.
Hope this helps.Funny, but it would only weigh 27 kg.
Well, if a sheet of paper weighs 4.5 grams, 6000 sheets single sided will be 270kg
6000 sheets / 500 = 12 reams.
I don't think 12 reams of paper weights 270kg :S
Nuts, that's what I had originally! How did I change it?
Bah my art is ruined.I think you had one too many donuts lol
No this fails the common sense test. It implies that each ream is 270/12 = 22.5 kg. When was the last time you were unable to lift a ream of paper?
Please don't take up civil engineering.
At .05c per page, it will cost $300 in ink alone
Woah, a twentieth of a cent per page?!
So that means 0.05c x 6000 = 300c = $3, printing bargain of the century!!!Edit: Don't mind me, I just like to stir lol
I would buy a cheap old laser printer or photocopier such as http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/HP-LaserJet-P3005dn-Duplex-Networ… on ebay in brisbane print up document then put it back on ebay when im done might even end up making money sometimes or might only loose $50 plus cost of paper. etc
speak to Officeworks for a discount deal.
Buy an ipad to view it on? ;-)
Just the mechanics of handling that many pages is tricky, more than two full boxes of paper.
Probably the cheapest would be to buy a cheap laser/inkjet with OEM ink/toner available and print it yourself.