Hi Guys

I just want to share an experience I had with Tiger Airways recently which I think is quite out of line. I even went about complaining to them in an email but got no response. I was flying Tiger Airways from Adelaide to Melbourne on a Sale Fare, was still $89, with extra for 15kg of checked baggage. Due to a traffic accident on the way to the Airport we made it to the check in lounge with just 5 minutes to spare from their 45minute cut off time. Proceeded to check in myself, wife and 6 month old son and when we weighed our luggage we were 16.5kg, so 1.5kg over. So fair enough the girl tells us we need to take something out of the checked baggage as we only have 15kg paid for, what happens in the minutes immediately after this though was quite unnecessary. We were told we had 3 minutes to take 1.5kg out of our luggage, 1 minute later, after we had just opened out our luggage we were told we had 2 minutes or the baggage check in will close, then 1 minute later as we were closing our suitcase we were told we had 1 minute or they won't let us check in. Seriously, what kind of non-existent customer service is this? It's got to be the worst I've experienced and all during that final minutes my wife was carrying 2 bags and my 6 month old son and I was frantically trying to open the luggage to throw away one item. Can't they see that we're at the airport and that we're doing our best? Never will fly Tiger again and I suggest anyone who expects good customer service boycott that airline. Before they were grounded a few years back they were a decent service, heck sometimes they even let us on with 2kg over, but now all they want to do is try to get money from people. Exact words from check in girl: "Sir, you've got 30 seconds left to check in our you'll have to buy another ticket and wait for a different flight." Is that even legal?

Tiger Airways - I wish you'd see this and respond but I doubt that
Everyone else - BE WARNED!!!


  • To be honest, I'm surprised by the lack of sympathy for the op. As a family man myself with a young child I understand the pain of being on time, you can't control everything.

    I for one sympathise and if I can make a few points.

    1- we are talking about 1.5kg at $50? That's insane, especially when all you are doing is taking a jacket or something out of a bag and wearing it.

    Honestly if we want to be fair by weight we should be paying for our total weight person and luggage. I know it's discrimination and all that but seriously, to really get bang for your buck you want to be a couple hundred pounds overweight when travelling

    This is how regular cargo is calculated worldwide (not people)

    2- common practise is 30mins close before checkout, counting down the seconds is extremely poor service. I am flying with tiger now because it's grand final weekend and flights were crazy expensive so but there was a 2 hour delay on the way here and currently a 30min delay on the way back to Melbourne and they have no such computer restrictions keeping them from giving this guy another minute

    3- tiger is by way the most commonly delayed airline because of their poor business practise for example now allowing customers to checkin or self checkin at the airport online etc.. Which is common with every other airline now

    4- there was nothing spotting the operator checking in the family while they took the extra weight out of their luggage. Weighing the gear could have easily been done after the deadline.

    Yes the op should have been more organised, weighed his luggage etc.. But we are not really taking about that, we are talking about the poor customer service that we are deeming acceptable by this company.

    To tiger I'd just like to say, as a frequent flyer with all airlines, I will avoid flying tigerair unless the fare is at least twice as expensive because of your poor customer service and business practise. I thought the make over would show me a new tiger but my current experience has ensured I will almost never fly tiger again.

    Just (edit typo) my 12 cents :P

  • Just to add and clarify

    1- $50 per kg when the flight was $89, might as well buy another seat, stick a baseball cap on your bag. Give it a name and call it your son

    2- to clarify, they adjusted the checkin time when they had a delay from Melbourne to Adelaide so that confirmed they have no computer limitations delaying checkin deadline

    4- stopping not spotting *typo

    Before we mob hunt the op, let's remember we are all people, we should care and act compassionately towards each other and put customer service first. Remembering the fact that looking at the bottom line is a short sighted way of operating a company when you rely on customers and repeat customers to keep your business operational.

    Just my extra 8cents :;)

    • Seems like a mob of classists here, how many of whom will be even slightly more inclined to fly Tiger after this?

      • I wouldn't be more or less inclined after reading this.

  • A timely reminder to pre-check baggage weight, and to arrive at airport early. BUT I feel sorry for the check in staff. I have lined up waiting for person after person messing about with their baggage trying to get every free/included ounce of baggage into their bags, unpacking, repacking etc and locking up the staff with discussion and disagreement. They can take up to at least 10 if not 15 minutes of check in staff time. Allow 1 minute past the deadline, then why not allow 2 minutes etc. A deadline is a deadline!

  • It's so funny to read all these comments that mock the OP. They are all supporting Tiger's iron claw policies. Yet why is it that none of the mockers dare to state that they will actually fly Tiger in the future? Because they are feeling so gloriously rich attacking the people who want to save money. Haha go fly Tiger if you think it's so good to see customer service draconia, spoiled libertarian brats…

    • +2

      What is draconian about it? Everything is clearly spelled out - check-in times, baggage allowance etc. Last time I checked, even third-world airlines followed policy. What you and the OP wants is for them to bend the rules to suit you (and naturally, other paxs shouldn't be given that same privilege, right? Only you guys.). And you're calling us "spoiled libertarian brats"? Sheesh.

      • Ha ha another one. Gonna fly Tiger are you? Not one shred of commiseration with your less-elite brotherman?

        You are spoiled (a vaguely defined word if there ever was one) — demanding that your way is the true way and that even thinking that Tiger bending slightly could DARE to be even be considered, perish the thought to "want" anything like a bend, I must be in the wrong, sorry kind sir. You are obviously libertarian, favouring the right of the company to do what they please, even to the extent that to speak up about some trouble is a horrid thing. Nor were you polite in one way to me, thus deserving the term brat — an impolite person. I just don't see your point, Mr SLB.

        Edit: By the way, here is the definition of draconian. Draconian is an adjective meaning great severity, that derives from Draco, an Athenian law scribe under whom small offences had heavy punishments. What would make you disagree that there was not an offense and punishment?

        Anyway please don't take it too seriously, I was just trying to bait some reaction.

  • -3

    Wow, never thought my little thread would garner so much attention.

    I just wanna make it a bit more clearer. I am not at all pissed off about there policies, most posts are correct when they say the rules are set and it was my fault for not planning ahead. I did mention though about the horrible customer service and the reminder every minute for the remaining 3 minutes that I had 2 then 1 minute left and how I thought that was unnecessary, I mean to blatantly tell me I have 30 seconds or buy another ticket?, well finally got a response from Tiger, this is what they thought of that. Read it and make of it what you will:

    Hi <My name>

    Thanks for your online enquiry

    We are sorry to hear about your check-in experience.

    Thank you for your feedback, I will be sure to pass this information on to the relevant department as that is not the customer service level we wish to provide our customers with.

    Unfortunately we are very strict on our 45 minuet check-in policy as well as our baggage policy.

    We have new regulations for check-in and all carry on luggage and will be weighed and charged accordingly.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused you.

    Kind Regards
    Customer Care Team
    Tigerair Australia

    I am aware even though I got away with it in the past that it didn't mean I'll be okay again, somebody mentioned russian roulette and having to take a bullet once in a while, but as you all can see, even Tiger say this is not the type of customer service they wish to provide. So I guess what I'm saying is be warned, fly Tiger and you'll risk that occurring.

    Additional points for discussion, my sister in law just flew tiger adelaide to melbourne and they made her weigh a tiny sports bag, which was 4kg and then they made her weigh her handbag as well, this a new policy they brought in that this person is talking about? In total she had 4.5kg for carry on.

    Cheers for the responses

    • +1

      You're not entitled to break or bend any rules.

      Just because you have a child and a wife doesn't give you special service sorry!

    • mate, that was a yum cha typical Customer service response.

  • +2

    What does the OP actually want?
    With 5 mins left…
    1. As per story, check in staff letting you know how much time you have left.
    2. Staff doesnt countdown, you have no idea how much time exactly you have left and the check in time is closed.
    3. Staff says "oh no worries, take your time, we're all about customer service, we will get you on the plane! Even if that means delaying the flight, the other passengers will have to wait!

    Tiger airways may be dodgy in some areas, but in this particular case, the fault was in the OPs- organisation.
    If you want first class service, go fly first class plane. I thought Tiger Airways was already famous for being unreliable, so if you need a reliable flight, pay to fly with a reliable company and stop whining.

    As for the luggage weights, Ive flown with Cathay Pacific and Qantas before with luggage being 1-4kg overweight, yet they still allowed us through without extra charge (international flight). I found it depends on the check in person's mood, perhaps how likable you are, and maybe the baggage weight of other passengers. Arriving with 5 mins left probably doesnt help.

  • +4

    Sometimes you just need to let people do their jobs.

    Did they give you bad service, or were they just trying to manage a timely and safe flight?

    Society isn't this wonderful place where the service providers can bow down to your every whim.

    YOU'RE the one that screwed up and WAS LATE and UNPREPARED.

    Not Tiger.

    They were there quietly processing customers that did get there on time and with correct baggage.

    Tiger did what they could to accomodate you.

    The problem is, YOU feel EMBARRASSED because of YOUR MISTAKES, but instead of ACCEPTING BLAME for your own mistakes, it's easier for you to BLAME TIGER with the blanket "poor customer service" routine that we're all supposed to be shocked and appalled by.

    Oh Tiger, how dare you try to run a timely and safe service. Don't you realise that you should have done more for this disorganised and selfish customer.

    Explain yourself Tiger, now - or this uppity customer will declare publicly that they were inconvenienced by your unwillingness to cater to their selfishness.

    If you get bad customer service. Deal with it.

    You don't have to go with them again.

    You don't have to cry about it.

    You can just make the decision yourself and act accordingly.

  • i agree Tiger is crap. when i flew with them, they said check in time was at X but didnt actually open the check in counters till a good time later. they are uncumfortable and just yuck.
    but in saying that….

    i take roughly 6 flights every 2 weeks. i always show up AT LEAST an hour before my flight and i always make sure my bags are the correct weight. not too hard OP. you should have known that this was even more important being on a budget airline as they will charge you for whatever they can.

    • It's a budget airline of course they wil charge u for check in luggage and etc.you pay just for your ticket and they give 10 kilos Cary on as it should be 7 kilos,because people like u think that cabin crew have to find space for your bags.

  • the monkeys from the zoo rang,and your due back at 6pm.Dont take a flight!!

  • +1

    Typical tight ass who pays nothing for a seat and expects business class service.its a budget airline which their job is to take u from a to b.what else do you want you idiot .go take a shower you dirty as@hole panlicker

  • +2

    Mate, thanks for providing me and my mates great entertainment at my barbecue. You made our weekend. Just wondering, did your fat head get counted as extra luggage or did you have to pay extra for that?

    PS are you available for kids parties you clown.

    • +1

      Nah he is to busy eating bananas with monkeys in the zoo

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