Received a letter from my local council about my dog registration which was $60 and stated next to the amount that it included the late fee (accidentally filed with my rates so missed payment).
Went in to pay it today to be told that they were sent out incorrectly and that the $10 fee was not applied to that bill and to expect a new one in the mail shortly.
I know its only $10 per dog but am I wrong in being pissed off. In reality it cost me more as I was unable to pay as I didnt have extra money in the account and so it was a wasted trip. Its 17 days late, they made a mistake and yet it ends up costing me even more (fuel, time).
Not sure that there is anything that I can do but just wanted to see what others thought.
I would pay the $60 via Bpay, then ignore the next bill they send. If they contact you later about the $10 just show them the copy of the original bill you received and the internet receipt for the payment and claim you don't know what they are talking about.