Ok guys I have searched the web and called telstra extensively to find out 1 simple question of which I can't find a definite concrete evidence (telstra staff had no idea about Billing to Carrier from Google Play).
- So I'm on a 59 freedom Plan which gives me $550 a month for calls and sms.
- I know you can use your pre-paid ones
- But can you use your Post-Paid $550 credit to buy movies and whatnot from Google?
Cheers in advance!! I never use more than $300 or so worth of calls and stuff so I always feel like I'm wasting money.
LOL then 30 seconds later I find this:
For Post-Paid customers a monthly limit of $100 applies for app and content purchases charged to their Telstra bill. This limit can be adjusted by calling Telstra on 125 111.
Hope someone can find this useful!