How do I kill this damn weed?

My front yard was just a plain area, only dirt. After the winter rains loads of weed has grown. Approx 70 sq meters. It's thick roots, nasty stuff.

I bought that round up stuff, it didn't work. Only few areas went crispy brown.

So what do you guys think is the best way to get rid of this nasty stuff. I don't mind if its permanent.
But need solution soon, only have this weekend to work on it.

Tried pulling from roots also, just too much effort.
Or I am too lazy.

EDIT: here is a pic, this only shows half of the yard. Picture is taken 2 m above ground so dwarfs the whole situation, but take my word for it, that weed is huge


  • You could try putting copper nails around. From memory, plants hate copper.

    • +1

      NO do not do !!!!

  • +1

    Smoke it.

    • +2

      maybe ;) first sensible suggestion…almost

      it is very possible to do this…but you may see the council/fire brigade called by neighbours :)

  • Buy a plastic spray unit, get some more roundup, undiluted. Not pre mixed. And make it up at double strength.

    • +1

      @ sraymond
      …and waste your money ? roundup works extremely well when you have used it correctly and if you have done some trade studies you would know what you are suggesting is actually against the law in some locations.
      It is dangerous to more than just plants.

      • "It is dangerous to more than just plants."

        Really? - I thought glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) inhibited photosynthesis.

        And glyphosate breaks down in the elements in 24 hours so has low residues.

        • +2

          And glyphosate breaks down in the elements in 24 hours so has low residues.

          I put it on salads for that extra freshness taste! Next, Tom will show you how to make a table out of a piano.

          /Better Homes and Gardens

        • +1
          my memory is poor:
          "The average half-life for glyphosate, based on 47 agricultural and forestry studies conducted in diverse geographic locales, is 32 days."

          but i still contest Snappy's claim that it is dangerous to more than just plants…

        • I don't trust Monsanto- do u? ;)

      • @ Snappy1234

        It's not wasted money if it gets the job done. Unfortunately going contrary to the label instructions is illegal everywhere. But we do it every day. "Dry clean only" is a good example.

        Unless you live on a riverbank or there is a colony of crimson throated bell frogs living in your garden roundup will be fine. Probably best results for this issue would be gained by painting it on the plant neat.

        • -1

          If it runs off it will enter the gutters, which feed the stormwater drains, which discharge the water untreated at your favorite beach swimming spot. Its nothing like washing your jocks with water when the label says to use some petrol product

          Weeds generally only grow when the soil conditions are bad ie you have taken shit all care of it and the ph/nutrient levels are out of wack. Either take the time to improve the soil yourself, pay someone else to do it or rip it out and replace the lot with concrete or synthetic grass.

          getting rid of the weeds ain't gonna make that dirt patch look any better.

  • Need a pic to see the weed type…roundup works for many weeds,but depends on time of year/following application rates correctly/moisture level in soil etc etc

    • See link in post for pic


    There is a lot more info than this available elsewhere on the net.

  • +1

    Sometimes roundup takes a second go, roundup only works on green so if the weeds arent green that may be your problem, it takes 3 weeks for the weeds to die so try again and youre right stick to the instructions, I find your local nursery will tell you especially if you take a sample of the weed to them.

  • Trouble with roundup type sprays is you need to allow at least 12 hours without rain and you may need a repeat spraying a few weeks later to finish them off. A friend of mine swears that pouring boiling water over weeds also works, but I am yet to try that one. You would have to ensure that no pets or children were about when applying too.

    If you had more time the best solution is goats; they will most certainly eat anything. Have a reputation for their love of blackberries too. Can you borrow a few for a short time? Ensure that dogs etc cannot annoy them though, and don't tie them up with chewable rope …

    • +1

      We've tried boiling water and it doesn't work (for us, anyway).

      • I tried boiled water last week.
        We seriously considered a goat, if only it was back yard.

    • Goats.. but with their droppings who knows what other weeds they carry with them. I heard a story of someone being lazy to mow the lawn and he got a goat and named it Goat. Soon enough his lawn was full of weird weeds

      • Spender that's true, also chance of mice infestation

  • try sliding the blade of a spade just below the surface so that it cuts the roots. you need to remove any seed heads or they will just germinate again.

    isn't any vegetation better than a patch of dirt?

    • It doesn't look nice at all. There are just huge patches upto knee high.

    • can't you just mow the stuff?

      • Yes but I want it completely gone

  • If you don't mind it being permanent/semi-permanent you could try salting the earth. Just cover the ground with a layer of salt. Depending on the size of the land a few kilos may be enough to do the job, otherwise you can buy in bulk from pool supplies or agricultural businesses relatively cheaply.

    • +2

      Won't work if the weeds are mangroves though so just check that first.

    • salt is not as strong as you think. I salt edges of yard every 6 months. it's not permanent and you need a lot of salt to be affective at semi permanent. depends on Ph of your soil but salt can help if soil too rich so would take more. does hardly anything to buffalo grass growing over paths. I use 18 bags pool salt and it only kept it back 4 months before growing back. killed the snail population though

  • chop the weed back as much as you can put salt at the base for the roots to sick up and die.spray vinegar on the rest of it as it burns leaf. best done on warm day. for bindis and clover mix 1 cup salt with 1 litre vinegar spray mist on broadleaf. for dandelion squirt in center base. better and safer than chemicals. safe for pets to eat and children to touch. corrosive on metal pressure sprayer parts so rinse thoroughly

  • I think I am out of luck for this weekend. Showers all week for Adelaide. Ill just have to keep pulling from the roots till warm weather returns.

  • I sympathize as we too have gardens front,back & sides which we continuously try to keep in order. Have tried everything over the years but because of the birds & winter weather - just keeps coming back.At the moment the front is so bad it looks as if the letterbox has shrunk into the ground. Unfortunately now we're into Spring but the wet weather is continuing the snakes will also start which leads to worries about the dogs being outside during the day. Two have been bitten in the past by dugites( luckily not lethally)but took a very quick trip to the vets for an immediate injection + a call to the ranger to take away the snake ( one had been bitten in half by one of our dogs but was still snaking around!)I know a trip to Bunnings might provide an answer but the expense of products such as Roundup is horrendous. Thanks to "Kwaker" for the imput - which vinegar?white or brown or doesn't it matter? Any other remedies will be greatly appreciated from all of you knowledgeable O.B.'s

    • sorry about the snake bites, that sucks

    • any it's all acetic acid.

  • +2

    i used this on small lawn

    very effective to pull out dandelions

    but won't recommend it for big garden, unless u have kids with too much energy to do it for you :)

    • agreed…. great product

  • +2

    Cover it with sheeting or plastic, leave it covered until it dies.
    The other best way to keep weeds out of the lawn is to have some lawn.

  • Do you mind killing/sterilizing the entire affected area?
    You could try EXTREME pH changes.
    For example, Caustic Soda (Basic/alkaline) pellets + water
    Once everything dies off, I would pour cheap no-frills Vinegar (weak acid) to neutralize the caustic soda in the soil to rebalance the pH :)

  • there's no magic solution :( we try to control it best we can by just mowing regularly as it helps the grass grow and keeps weeds under control. in summer we have to mow almost every week. even with weeds, it still keeps the lawn looking nice. fertilise every 3mths.. now is a goid time since it's spring.

    amd weed regularly! we use this small bottle. it lasts longer than round up. it kills the weeds but not the grass. i think it looks even more awful if you have huge patches of dead grass. get one of those pump sprays, dilute with water and spray every inch of your garden. your grass wont die. do it regularly, mow regularly and fertilize regularly… the grass will have a chance to fight the weeds.

  • Concrete over. Add a green pigment to show your green tendencies :)

    • +2

      Calm down guy. Me no that Kinda money.

  • majority of that "weed" looks like grass to me. Prob need a better pic of 1 actual plant pulled out.
    We use this at work, it burns off the plant in a couple of days. Much quicker result than roundupā€¦

  • Thanks everyone for your help.
    I ended up getting my hand on some commercial weed killer which had per/mg poison level much higher than the regular one everyone has access to.
    Sprayed that with some water, 1 week later, you can picture the Sahara.

    • Not sure how much you've had to pay but in the future if you head to your local bunnings/mitre 10/hardware store they sell Glyphosate 360, if you've got no plants in the area double the dosage and spray like mad.

      I hate gardening, I am the best at killing trees and plants but weeds thrive.

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