Does anyone have any codes to the show in Sydney 20-22 Sept 2013??
Better Homes and Gardens Live Sydney 20-22 Sept 2013 - promo codes + Soniq Australia Free Double Pass giveaway

Not bad, but maybe they will discount more in coming days. Wondering whether to chance it. Good that it allows you to buy an odd number of tickets instead of packs of 2 though.
They did a 2 for 1 offer on the 9th. Now I'm waiting for a cheap offer on scoopon or groupon since I missed it. Haven't ever seen promo codes for this one. Here's hoping….
I'm gonna try liking the Soniq Australia page and seeing if it works
Works in Firefox not Chrome.
Did it work?
All you do is like the page and enter your name and email address. No email as yet.
New to this. Set up an account. Followed your directions and it says I'll be notified "if tickets are coming your way". Guess we'll see… Great way to get "likes", but will they send the tickets I wonder… Here's hoping.
Ah yeah sorry. Yeah I got the same message. I forgot to mention that it depended on whether you were quick enough.
I didn't try it as I'm too far away (Qld).
From the comments on the Facebook page it looks like a few people have had problems with it. If we want to take advantage of the "today only" discounts we may have to purchase anyway or risk paying more next week. Oh well, I'll wait to see if the email shows up in the next few hours while considering whether to wait to buy tickets. Thanks for the advice. On the bright side I guess I've got a new facebook account to take advantage of other freebies that turn up on OzBargain.
Has anyone got an email from Soniq Australia with free double pass yet? (I used Chrome )
No. I used internet explorer. Disappointing. I waited to buy so missed the 2 for 1 sale again and it doesn't look positive for free tickets.
I wonder how many double passes there actually have? They gave out 50 double passes (first in, best dressed) to the Melbourne BHG Live show earlier this year.
28 mins ago: Better Homes & Gardens Live Sydney 2013! Only 3 more double passes to give away.
The request for our double pass giveaway has been overwhelming. We have already given away well over 100 double passes. For those who have already registered, your tickets will be sent out today, Tuesday and Wednesday.
See you at the show.
Here's another offer Ticket offer for Domain subscribers – 50% off!
As a partner of Better Homes and Gardens LIVE, we are pleased to offer Domain subscribers a standard ticket to Better Homes and Gardens LIVE at a special discounted rate of just $10, saving you 50% off the door price!
Simply enter the following promotional code ‘DOM13‘ HERE to receive this special deal.
Children under 16 are FREE with a paying adult.
This offer is valid for Better Homes and Gardens LIVE Sydney 2013 and expires on Thursday 19th September 2013 at 5pm or when sold out.finally got double pass for bhg live from soniq australia !!!
These are discounted currently on lasttix…