This was posted 11 years 5 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles Blu-Ray Box Set $16.60 (+ $3.50 Postage) @


Amazing (prematurely terminated) series on Blu Ray for an equally amazing price. Best price I've personally ever seen for an 8 Disc Blu Ray Box Set of any description. No idea about how long it has been available at this price, how long it will remain available at this price, or how much stock is available - though my order has arrived (within 3 business days), so I can confirm that the price is valid and the item is currently in-stock.

Summary (from webpage):

Season 1

The mother of all destiny. Her son, the future leader of mankind. Their protector, a Terminator from the future. Together they must take back the future as Sarah Connor (300’s Lena Headey) prepares
her son to fight the war against machines determined to annihilate the human race. The clock is ticking. Can they stop Judgment Day?

Season 2

The hunt is on in a season of powerful revelations,breathless pursuits and bravura effects. A mysterious 3-dot symbol (do UFOs provide a clue?), a girlfriend for John (is Cameron jealous?),
a mysterious tech company ZeiraCorp (can it master the renegade software the Turk?) – Season 2’s 5-disc action arsenal is locked, loaded, ready to amaze.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Anyone know if this contains all the extras of the US release? the DVD sets didn't blah, missing out on the commentaries etc. EDIT: there's a Special Features tab on the linked-to page which lists the extras (presuming it's accurate, of course). Extras listed for S2 seem to match what's on the US disc. However, season 1 of this version only has "Terminated Scenes: Unaired Moments". The US disc has commentaries plus other extras apparently not on this version. I have the DVD set of s1 though so I already have those extras in SD at least, so maybe I'll spring for this since s2 doesn't miss anything out. Thanks :)

    • +5

      Dug out my copy. Here are photos of the back of the sets outlining the special features:……

      Just checked, got this for $22.50 from Sanity last year, assume part of a 2 for $45 deal, so this price is quite nice!

      • Oh, thanks for that! well, that seems to show that s1 does have all the extras then; my bad :)

      • +5

        No probs.

        Tips hat to the asswipe who figured my comment and photos were worth a neg.

      • +1

        Thanks for the pics, sparkles!

        I can confirm that the copy I just received is identical to sparkles's, and yes, it has a buttload of special features. Another thing I should mention is that all special features, along with a complete episode listing (WITH writer/director credits and a description of each episode) are printed on the interior sleeve of the cover (the inside of Season 2 looking like a Gideon Bible).

        It's a small thing, but I love that little bit of extra effort - especially after once spending half the night trying to remember the name of the episode in Season 2 of Castle where Nathan dressed up like Mal (it's "Vampire Weekend", btw).

  • sigh…the only reason i watched this was because of Summer Glau, feel sorry for her, she was really good on Firefly, that was cancelled, various bit parts including Dollhouse i think, then Terminator, that too was axed, maybe she has bad luck, or a crummy agent!

    • +2

      Not to mention her cameo on the Big Bang Theory!!! :)

    • She was also on The Cape, and that got cancelled pretty quickly too.

    • +9

      She's going to be in the second season of Arrow. So it'll probably be cancelled soon :p

    • someone in Fox hates her :(

    • +1

      I guarantee she'll turn up in Agents of SHIELD or whatever it's called…

      • +1

        Nooooooooo. Agent Coulson cannot be cancelled! He already died once!

    • Adam Baldwin has left a string of cancelled shows in his wake too, as has Morena Baccarin, about the only actor to make a career after Firefly was Nathan Fillion if you count Castle as a career.

  • +1

    Does the series actually have some form of resolution or does it just stop with an incomplete story ?

    • From memory, it's like the show Alcatraz. It just stops part way through the storyline!!!

      • +1

        the last episode gives you a glimpse of where it was heading for season 3 it's a shame because it was getting good.

        • +2

          I preferred this storyline vs the last terminator movie.

        • +1

          I don't buy tv shows that don't end.

        • +1

          Guess you never bought Lost then. Because the ending of that does not exist in my mind.

        • I only watched lost when they finished it. Hard avoiding spoilers on that one hehe. It finished even if it was unsatisfactory

  • Screw WB! I'd rather not give them any more money after, as the OP puts it, "prematurely terminating" the show!!! But apart from my personal grievances with them, this is a bloody good price!!!

  • +3

    Don't forget if you register for a new account you will get a further 10% off on your first order.

    • sigh hah. Didn't know, too late. Thanks for next time :)

    • Do you receive a voucher code in your Inbox?

      • +1

        nah they just deduct the % at checkout, I believe its 20% for first order vip

        Subtotal: $16.60
        Discount: $3.32
        Shipping: $3.50
        Total (inc GST): $16.78
        GST: $1.33

        • Sorry, 20% off is correct.

  • +1

    Got 2 for $30.06

    Good deal.. thanks op.

    • You can get 3 delivered for $39.84

      • +1

        cool. I will make a new account and buy another 3. thanks.

  • -6

    People buy Bluray disks? Well now I've seen everything …

    • ?

    • +1

      I copy them with a 3D printer I copied from another 3D printer.

  • Awesome price. $16.78

    Thank you.

  • Spooky - it's almost a year ago to the day I purchased the Kubrick boxset from Warner Bros for $18

  • Thank you sir.

  • +1

    Thank you sir too. Just bought for $16.78 delivered. Another absolute bargain. This is why i check Ozbargain every day!. I swear this box set is $80.99 at JB HI-FI.…

  • Thank you very much.
    Ordered one. :)

  • +1

    I wonder if this show 'will be back'?

  • Wow! This is a bargain!

    I got mine from AmazonUK for £20ish few months ago. And I have not even viewed it yet (still waiting for bargains on the Terminator movies, find anything guys and gals?).

    I wish the new Terminator movie help tie lose ends from the series, and link the two (or three) timelines.

    I'll be back.

  • Bought. Bargain. Thanks.

  • Great show, really a shame that it was cancelled.

  • Mine turned up today - pretty quick delivery for WB

    • Did you receive a delivery dispatch email or any other notification that it was even sent out because i hadn't got one?. I've got no idea whether it's on the way or not.

      • I didn't receive any email either. (only the Thank you for your order email)

        no idea if its on its way.

        • I guess we might not even know unless it turns up at the door. Maybe a recommendation for WB to introduce a dispatch notification email service so customers can even know if it's been sent. If mine turns up i'll be sure to let the thread know.

        • i received mine today - no dispatch notification email was received

  • All i can say is my Sarah Connor Chronicles blu-ray didn't arrive today so maybe next week some time.

    In the mean time my Battlestar Galactica Complete blu-ray box set arrived this morning from Amazon UK so i've got plenty of videos to watch in the mean time.

  • my Sarah Connor Chronicles Blu-ray arrived today(Saturday) so check your letterbox

    • The postie doesn't deliver on saturday here unless it's near christmas.

  • I received mine today too. Not bad for $16.78 delivered. JB HI-FI still wants $80.99 for it.

    • Still waiting for mine… might be because I'm in WA? Hopefully its there when I get home today.

      • I would have thought it would be there by now unless some one pinched it from your front door step. I got mine on monday and i'm in Central Queensland.

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