Travel Insurance

A friend of mine had travel insurance for his daughter with Allianz. They missed their connecting flight in London, because there was a fire at the airport, and flights to the airport had been cancelled. So they had to book alternative flights to return to Australia.

His claim for the cost of the alternative flights is being rejected by Allianz. They said it is only covered if the delay is caused by a strike, riot, hijack, civil commotion, weather or natural disaster.

1. Under what circumstances would a fire at the airport be a reason for a claim?
2. What travel insurance provider actually provides cover for delays like a fire at the airport? I looked up some PDSs - Medibank, 1Cover, Virgin (Allianz again), and I can't find any travel insurance provider that would cover these costs (should we need to travel soon)…

Any ideas?



  • Personally I would look at appealing that decision. Is there a higher authority you could take your claim to? Viz; Flights were cancelled by the airlines themselves, due to the fire. Would not the airlines themselves have rescheduled the flights for them free of charge? When a similar situation happened to my brother they were provided with overnight accommodation, meal vouchers and rebooking for the next available flights the following day - no additional charges, just the inconvenience.

    • Think they had to fly with another airline to get back. The original airline, British Airways, have claimed that they are not responsible for consequential loss.

  • I would agree with JediJan and appeal the decision so it goes higher up to management. I would also reread the terms and conditions as well just to make sure what they told you is stated in there. Just a quick search on the keywords should do it.

    If they are getting technical, a Fire is a natural disaster (do not claim it under civil commotion as it fails).

    TID is decent as they actually call you to follow up on matters. You just need to be careful and call them if something does arise before making any plans. They will tell you what the best course of action is so you can claim.

    I'm not a lawyer but I have come across a lot of corporates who try to screw people over for every penny. Best of luck.

    • You cannot rely on for what constitutes a natural disaster.

      There should be more detailed definitions of what constitutes natural disaster in the PDS - that's the first place to check.

      Also check whether missed connections are excluded - I thought they were, hence the need to book on a single airline ticket for complete insurance (and most budget carriers won't give it either even if you book all legs with them, check the airline's t&c)

    • If they are getting technical, a Fire is a natural disaster (do not claim it under civil commotion as it fails).

      did you actually read your link?

      An emergency situation posing significant danger to life and property that results from a natural cause. See also domestic.

      natural disaster = natural not human cause :)

  • +2

    Travel insurance DOESN'T cover strike, riot, hijack, civil commotion, weather or natural disaster, war, radiation(Japan) etc

    You must have had 1 ticket for each flight - so they aren't connecting flights. You simply missed boarding your 2nd flight. Unclaimable.

    If the 2 flights were on 1 ticket, the airline would have taken care of everything.

    Did you get a letter from the airline explaining the cause of the delay (airport fire) ? This would be the best evidence for a claim to be paid out.
    Handing in an invoice for a newly purchased ticket wont wash.

    Did you use a travel agent - if so, speak to them.
    Contact the Ombudsman/Fair Trading - but have you EVIDENCE (on paper) in order.

    " What am I covered for with my travel insurance policy?

    Insurance companies have an obligation to express potentially devastating policy terms in language their customers can understand and appreciate. This is a requirement of the law which governs all insurance contracts.

    Make sure you read and fully understand the policy details so that you are sure what is covered and what is not before taking out the insurance cover.

    If you need help at any stage make sure you ask for clarification. If you have any questions regarding a general insurance topic or you have a dispute with your insurance provider and are unhappy with the decision made after review by the insurer's internal dispute resolution service, please call the Financial Ombudsman Service on 1300 78 08 08"

    • The booking was BA from Geneva to London, then China Eastern from London to Melbourne.
      They did get a letter from the airline explaining the cause of the delay.
      BA booking was done online, China Eastern through an agent.

      So, given the circumstances, would it still be completely unclaimable?

      Would going to the Ombudsman be useful at all, given the above?


      • So, given the circumstances, would it still be completely unclaimable?

        you would only have a claim against the airport

        Would going to the Ombudsman be useful at all, given the above?

        no :(

    • Travel insurance DOESN'T cover strike, riot, hijack, civil commotion, weather or natural disaster, war, radiation(Japan) etc

      huh? it does in this case

      You must have had 1 ticket for each flight - so they aren't connecting flights. You simply missed boarding your 2nd flight. Unclaimable.

      If the 2 flights were on 1 ticket, the airline would have taken care of everything.


  • +1

    I'd talk to the aqent firstly - let them earn their commission, they may have contacts within and you could push them for a free trip in lieu, but basically you missed the flight. That's the problem with separate flights - you have to leave plenty of time inbetween just in case…, which means long transits or layovers or even overnights. Sometimes it's best to single ticket all the way- more convenient, more expensive (look at it as an insurance cost guaranteed to get you there).

    You probably should have called the travel agent (phone number is on the itinery) as soon as you were aware and on the ground, but it may have been out of business hours. Their job isn't complete until you get there/receive the service you've paid for.

    Next would have been to ring the travel insurance company (the international 1800 number - that's what it's for) as soon as you became aware - then they can assess, advise and assist. They're more than a bank to draw from when you get back home at the end of a disastrous trip.

    You took it upon youself to second guess the insurance contract and went ahead to book alternative tickets.

    "you" above=friends daughter
    Good luck and let us know how it goes.

    • Thanks… I've passed your advice along… will update when I hear anything! :)

  • +1

    .1. Under what circumstances would a fire at the airport be a reason for a claim?

    besides strike, riot, hijack, civil commotion, weather or natural disaster, for the cost of alternative flights, only special events -…

    14.1 We Will Pay
    We will pay your Reasonable additional travel expenses to reach a wedding, funeral, conference, sporting event or prepaid travel/tour arrangements on time if your scheduled transport is cancelled, delayed, shortened or diverted and that means you would not arrive on time.

    .2. What travel insurance provider actually provides cover for delays like a fire at the airport?

    none afaik :(

  • Go through the internal dispute resolution process with Allianz. They will likely reject your claim still but it is worth a shot.

    If that fails then go to the ombudsman. It is free so doesn't hurt in trying. Sometimes insurance companies will just settle claims if it will cost them more to go through this process.

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