Dell refusing to replace my refurbished outlet monitor [RESOLVED]

Awwww come on Dell, Kogan were doing the same type of thing to be earlier this year…

A bit of a backstory…
I purchased a refurbished U2412M monitor from Dell via their factory outlet page on Monday the 2nd of September.
I recieved it Friday the 6th.
Heres what I got,6UF3o3z
It came in a box for a 23" Professional monitor with manuals for a Microsoft Mouse, Inspiron Laptop, wrapped in bubble wrap, loose in the box and without a power cable.

I immediately called Dell and was offered a refund. Thing is, I don't want a refund, I want a replacement.
My time has been wasted, I still don't have a working monitor, and this was not my fault.

I asked to speak to the overseas representatives supervisor, turns out he was in a meeting. I got a call back about 1 hour later and advised him on Australian Consumer Law and how it entitles me to choose a replacement. He told me I would get a call back from the Australian escalation team on Monday (it was Friday afternoon and they had just closed).

Monday came and went, no call back. So I called them around 5:30PM and asked what was happening.
I was then told I would get a call back on Tuesday. Tuesday came and went and still nothing. I called this morning (Wednesday) and was told that I would have to email them at such and such email address. So I did.

After a day of emails, this is what I have just received (I won't post all our emails in public as this is currently in progress).

"Hello [namehere],
We’ll have to agree to disagree. If you would like a replacement monitor it will only be by direct order from Fair Trading after a hearing. I will be happy to provide you a refund after collection but we will not be replacing your factory refurbished Dell Factory Outlet purchase with a new replacement.

It is not a matter of cost at this point as you have brought into account what you view are your entitlement under the Australian Consumer Law. If this was addressed on a matter of customer service I could have viewed the escalation differently however I now have to comply, due to threat of ACL, with your statutory warranty rights as I viewed them with is to provide you a full refund of your order.

Please do let me know if you have any further questions or concerns."

This sucks. I'll be getting a replacement.


  • You can't really complain about getting a replacement though…
    Have you since bought another monitor or do you just not want it because of the bad experience?

    Not saying what there doing is legal because I don't know a lot about consumer laws, I always thought it could be refund only, or refund or replacement.

  • +3

    "I immediately called Dell and was offered a replacement. Thing is, I don't want a replacement.My time has been wasted, I still don't have a working monitor, and this was not my fault."

    I don't get what you want..

  • +2

    So you don't want a replacement "Thing is, I don't want a replacement." and your complaining that they are offering you your money back "with your statutory warranty rights as I viewed them with is to provide you a full refund of your order"? I don't get what you want either.

  • Whoops, sorry guys! I ment refund.

    • +2

      Just quote their own policy back to them see if that helps

      12.4 Our goods come with consumer guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

  • +3

    Can't you just buy it again after you get your refund?

    • +1

      Refurbished products on the Dell Outlet aren't there all the time. It's pot luck what shows up.

  • +2

    Where's my elephant anyone get the reference???

    • +2

      They're playing the elephant song again!

  • Minor – it can be fixed within a reasonable time.
    You must give the store the chance to fix the problem.
    They choose whether to refund, repair or replace. If the
    store chooses to repair the item, it is their responsibility to
    return it to (and deal with) the manufacturer.
    If the store takes too long or refuses to fix the problem,
    you can:

    return the item and ask for a refund or
    replacement, or
    get someone else to repair the item and ask
    the store to pay reasonable costs.

    Please note, They choose whether to refund, repair or replace.

    • In which way is this minor? I cannot even use the product.

  • we will not be replacing your factory refurbished Dell Factory Outlet purchase with a new replacement.

    Maybe they think you want a brand new monitor to replace your cheaper refurbished monitor?

    • They probably don't have a refurbished unit to replace it with, so it's fair enough they're offering a refund…

  • +3

    Ummm, this is just crazy! They're offering you a full refund of your purchase price. The fact of the matter is, if you had the (refunded) money in your hand you could purchase another refurbished monitor from them IF they had one. Your problem seems to be that they currently have none on offer in their store so you want them to mysteriously pluck one out of thin air because you see it as your right?

    I think you'll find ACCC would side with Dell on this one.

  • +1

    Does the monitor work?

    • My thought also altomic…

      Can the casing just be pushed back onto the locking clips?
      As for the power cord… is it a standard computer/jug cord?… if so just stick one in and see if it works.

      Your "wording" to dell may have indicated that you now want a NEW monitor and this is why they are giving you the run around. My experience with them is quite the opposite with a problem.

      All you want is what you paid for… a refurbished monitor in working condition. Mention that to them and you may get what you paid for.

      If they do not have one of the same make and model then you are only entitled to a refund, unlike the purchase of a new monitor. They cannot guarantee to have replacement "refurbished" monitors of the same make & model as you ordered… just how it goes.

  • +1

    Anyway, on Friday we settled on a replacement refurbished monitor and I stated that it must be in pristine condition.
    And guess what! A brand new one showed up at my door today after a confirmation call yesterday.
    Sometimes it pays to be persistent.
    Thanks guys!!

    P.s. U2412M = Awesome monitor, I haven't got a chance to use it on a machine yet but it looks awesome on my desk!

  • Dell outlet support is terrible, they find every excuse in the book.

    Bought a XPS 13 with dead pixel, support refused to replace until I got out their own warranty terms and sent it to them highlighted.

  • After a day of emails, this is what I have just received (I won't post all our emails in public as this is currently in progress).

    Since it's resolved; Can you please share with us how he came to change his mind?

    • This was back in 2013 so I can’t remember but from looking back on my emails the “CSMB Escalations Manager APJ” after referencing consumer law offered me a refund or a refurbished “like for like” replacement.

      I accepted the refurbished replacement and a new one was delivered instead. This could have been because:

      • I was a persistent pain in the ass (but from looking back, wow this employee was rude in some emails) and the employee did not want to deal with me anymore but did not want to give in and say they would give me a brand new monitor.

      • They has no refurbished models to replace it with (the most likely reason).

      • There was an error and a new model was accidentally sent.

      Either way it seems like I was stubborn about trying to hold onto a good deal as factory outlet items don’t come up all that often. A refund would have left me back where I started.
      I’m glad I persisted though. Awesome monitor.

      • man im on the same freaken boat. they sent me a refurb with more defects than my original one .-. scratches on the display body and screws were falling out. Contacted support within weeks of my purchase and only just received my replacement

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