1.1 TB blocks for $38 US. These blocks don't expire and can be shared with your friends. There a blog post about the sale here: http://www.newsgroupdirect.com/blog/2013/09/10/terabyte-twod…
Terabyte Tuesday at NewsgroupDirect - 1.1TB Usenet Blocks for $38 US

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No. You can download 1.1tb worth of stuff off usenet
Well, sorry yes you could, if you want the whole world to have access to it.
lol yes usenet is not a very secure back up solution.
Lol, got it.
This is a very good price. Have you used this provider enough to comment on it's completion? I know astraweb ($50us for 1tb) has been pretty horrible recently with lots of broken files (too many for par2 recovery), how might this be in the usual groups for this provider? (a.b.multimedia/teevee etc)
I might buy it irrelevant, be a great backup if not a new primary!Movies and TV shows taken down very VERY quickly.
I will be looking for another provider once my data finsihesNewsgroup Direct is a Highwinds reseller meaning they are U.S. based and DMCA compliant. You won't escape the incompletes as you have experienced with Astraweb.
Here is the best combination keeping in mind that you can have 10 providers and still get incompletes if its 60+ days old and was DCMA'd properly on day 7 for example, there are often alternatives you can download however.
Supernews or similar for general downloads, needs to be high speed, support lots of connections and be located in US for maximum speeds.
Astraweb specifically if you want 600+ day DCMA'd content, mostly useless for newer content due to automated DCMA.
Tweaknews or a similar European provider if you want your DCMA'd content to last a few more days/weeks longer as they are slower to respond.
If you only want new content, then the cheapest provider you can find is fine.
I have been using them for 6 months and find that they are ok. I have no idea what this "incomplete" talk is about, indeed, I know stuff all about newsgroups and had to follow simpletons guides to get the thing going.
Having used pretty much everything from napster - limewire - torrent - usenet I have observed the following:
- usenet is much faster than torrent. my downloads from these guys run roughly 5x faster than a torrent.
- however, usenet doesnt seem to have anywhere near as much stuff as torrent does. Even popular things, such as a tv show, they wont have at all.
- I have never encountered a virus or anything dodgy on torrent, but seem to encounter them regularly on usenet.
- for some unknown reason there are people who like to put up usenet files and then lock them with a password.
- the search engines for usenet are garbage, messy, and totally disorganised.
That said, I am happy running through my 1TB I got, but I find its not a total solution, I still use torrent.
Name the TV Show they don't have, torrents and usenet are both missing content, but most people are unable to name what usenet doesn't have.
If you are encountering virus's, you are not using an indexer, raw indexes are not intended to be used for regular searches.
You still use torrent because you are likely not using usenet properly.
I admit 100% I am not using usenet properly. I just go to search engines like nzbtvseeker.com and search from there, or binsearch, which I believe uses the previously mentioned search as part of it anyway.
Two shows recently: do no harm, and "mistresses." they only have 1 episode of the former and none of the new season of the latter.
You need to find yourself a better indexer mine has all of mistresses and Do no harm. btw I watched the first ep of mistresses and though it was awful which is a pity as I like Alyssa
which indexer do you use? My wife was interested in the show, and one of the girls looked hot, so I went for it ;-)
You have PM turned off in your ozbargain settings.
I have fixed it now, I tried to msg but it says I am locked out from initiating. I didn't know pm was turned off by default.
While you're definitely right for TV shows, I find that Newsgroups are almost completely useless for movies, they're almost 100% passworded rubbish. You definately need another source for that stuff. At the same time tho, there's almost never a good reason to ever use torrents. *ahem warez-bb *ahem
Did you even read what I said?
You are doing it wrong. If you see a passworded post then you are on the wrong website.
Name the movie, I can prove you wrong
WBB is full of deleted links, and for those that aren't, you need a premium account to get it without a lot of time and effort. You can use a multi premium account service, but this doesn't fix the deleted links as well as the sites that your multi host doesn't support.
Usenet is better, but it was not intended for those who don't understand and are not willing to try and understand.
About WBB, it's very good for certain things, particularly for apps, and also for smaller sized 720p, 1-2gb (often single link) movies which i can't usually find on newsgroups. I've got a raspberry pi running 24/7 with jdownloader so these slow host sites don't bother me, and i don't pay for premium. I think it's definitely got it's place.
Well i'm using newsleecher with supersearch (Newsleecher's built in indexer). Supersearch is incredibly convenient, so I've not really tried many nzb sites. It's one downside being that it doesn't list passworded content (I see now that that's what you mean by raw indexer).
If I'm doing it wrong, what way is better? which 'indexer'/nzb site is best? If I've been 'doing it wrong' for years, I'm happy to hear a better way :)
Usenet is full of 1-2GB movies, I download YIFY etc all the time.
jdownloader helps with the effort, it still takes a million years to get anything, whereas on Usenet you can download everything in minutes.
You NEED to use an indexer site, there is no alternative. I think NZB.SU is open, try that, there are plenty around.
Ok, thanks for the tip my friend, will see how nzb.su goes :)
I'm a bit vague on what this is. Can I back up any of my own data to a usenet block?