Updating of free coupons for 6 paid udemy courses.
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Again, thanks to Lurker, Reddit, Twitter & RMN
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Learn How to Create a Wordpress Blog in 1 Hour(udemy.com)
Giving you more time to create must-read material
Listed price $49
Coupon Code=Twitterfreebie00Facebook Advertising using Pay Per Click(udemy.com)
Looking to utilise and understand more about pay per click on the Facebook platform? This course is for you.
Listed price $17
Coupon Code=RMNAdventures in Classical Music(udemy.com) Free again
A journey through the history of classical music, including an expansion on the basic fundamental elements of music.
Listed price $99
Coupon Code=REDDIT1Photo Gallery with PHP, MySQL, ImageMagick and jQuery(udemy.com)
Create a Photo Gallery with image upload, resize and crop functionality using PHP, MySQL, ImageMagick and jQuery.
Listed price $60
Coupon Code=FREESSDPHOTOGALLERYBasics of Using a Mac(udemy.com)
Finally a video course for Senior Citizens and non-Technical people with content from Hawaii Mac & Apple User Society.
Listed price $20
Coupon Code=freemeSimple Contact Form with PHP(udemy.com)
Learn how to create a simple contact form for your website with Object Oriented PHP and JavaScript.
Listed price $30
All working ! Thx.