Still getting 5% INGDirect rebate past promo period?

I discovered to my surprise that I'm still getting the rebate even though I've already enjoyed 6+ months of rebate. I didn't reapply or anything. Is this a fortunate accident for me? Naturally I'm not going to complain :)

Edit: Never mind, maths fail, it's 2%. But I didn't deposit $2k per month. Oh well, I'll just enjoy 2%.

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  • are you sure it is not 2% rather than 5%? ing direct advertised the ongoing 2% rebate provided you deposit $2k/month into any of your accounts.

  • That's impossible, it auto reverts back to 2% when the 6month period has ended,
    You should double check it, just in case it might be something else!

  • +1

    Likely you're just getting 2%. Fortunately the re-application hack still works. Just sign up again for a new account, clicking "I am a new customer". Don't even have to close your old one.

    I did it only a few weeks ago, and the 5% is alive and well.

  • You guys are right, I fail maths. It's 2% but no way I put $2k in the account per month. But any freebie is good. :D

    • Are you sure you haven't got salary or some other automatic payment of at least $2000 going into this or another ING Direct account (or at least did for the month prior to the month is which you got the 2%)?

      • Definitely not. Salary doesn't go there.

  • Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but I see many Aldi in Sydney starting to roll out paywave on their EFTPOS terminals!

    • +1

      There'll probably be an EFTPOS surcharge for that, but that doesn't stop people.

    • i noticed self-serve bill pay terminals at an australia post branch which had paywave terminals

  • Can someone confirm if I close my ING OE & SM accounts, then a few days later, apply again as a new customer. Will I get 5% for 6 months again?
    Save me buying $1k worth of Giftcards knowing whether it's worked for others.

    • It worked for me
      But it may have something to do with different ID methods (to be safe)

      My first INGDirect was opened with Medicare + DLicense -> Need form, bring to local Auspost to verify.

      Second INGDirect was opened with Medicare + DLicense + Passport -> instant activation
      This was done on the 09/09/13

      • Thanks for that. I'll try adding my middle initial etc, which worked for a 2nd free Yatango month. Ode for a third.

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