New slimmer PS Vita announce in Japan

Sony just announced a 20% slimmer PS Vita with a 5" LCD screen (current model is OLED) and 1GB built in memory.
Battery life lasts an estimated 1 hour longer due to the LCD screen and it now takes a micro USB charge cable. Price works out to be roughly US$200 and it comes in an array of colours.

Also announced was a 64GB (roughly US$100) memory card and a general price drop in memory cards.

Here's a video of it and a link to a more detailed post I will keep updated.


  • +2

    Oh shi…

    They just announced Vita TV.

    I've just thrown together a post, borrowed a bit from kotaku to be honest as I have to pop out ;)

  • It'd be good if we can list some sites of where we can preorder and import the new VITA. Maybe an OzB group buy to save on shipping?

    $200 for a day 1 release of the new VITA is pretty good considering the old still sells for $200. Only problem is that the x and o might be swapped around.

    • +1

      I have a Jap Soul Sacrifice console and the X and O are swapped in some games (not many) it depends on how the game is coded and tends to be only in menu screens of the game rather than in game play. It doesn't bother me at all though to be honest.

      I pre-ordered my SS Vita at and another one at

      Amiami was a little cheaper but they were also a bit slower (only a couple of days)

      • Nice LE console. Is the interface all in Japanese? Not possible to change it to English?

        • Nope, it's all in English, 100%. You change it in the settings when you first switch on the console.

        • Damn man, had I known that I would have got one myself. :P

  • +1

    Hohoho, made the right decision to move to Japan.

    I'm gonna get the New PS Vita and that TV unit. Also gonna get that 64gb card and moving my 32gb card to the TV unit, perfect!

    • +2

      You'll also be getting the PS4 a few months late!

      • +1

        Well thank god for Amazon's global domination plans… strokes virtual PS4 preorder confirmation

    • I'll put my order in with you for a 64GB and VitaTV now then cheers mate ;)

  • Will you be getting the new vita beakeroo?

    • +1

      64GB card yes, VitaTV maybe - there's a lot of games that it won't support due to it having no touch screen, mic etc. New Vita? No I don't think so. I love my SS Vita and although I'm interested in seeing one (especially the screen quality as OLED is agreed to be a superior tech than LCD) I can't justify the purchase. I'm getting the PS4 as well on release and I will probably grab a smart watch before Xmas so the wife will skin me as it is.

      • 64gb card is awesome news. It will be over $100 though so a bit too pricey for me (considering the new vita will be $190 in japan).

        Yeah the vita tv wont work with alot of games that use touch. I am also interested in seeing how a vita game would look on a big 50 inch tv.

        • I actually read somewhere recently that the Killzone Merc graphics are so high res that they looked almost as good as Killzone 3 on a 40" screen. Not sure whether to take that with a grain of salt or not.

        • Probably a bit of an exaggeration.

          But the Wii was only 480p and that still looked reasonably decent especially if it was a 2D sidescroller like Muramasa. Given that the Vita is 544p and has better graphics right off the bat, i'd say it'll be passable.

          Probably my most anticipated point, is that you'd be able to stream that audio over HDMI and process it better than the Vita handheld. Games like Gravity Rush would benefit greatly as it has good music.

  • I don't really understand the technical spec but OLED is better than LCD, right? Vita TV is interesting, might get it depending on the price.

    • Yeah, OLED is brighter, more vibrant but also more power hungry.

      • +1

        Nah OLED isn't necessarily better than LCD (if you assume it's good quality LCD).

        Pros for OLED
        - No backlight bleeding
        - Almost perfect blacks
        - No ghosting
        - Pleasing colours for the eyes due to saturation
        - Viewing angles

        Cons for OLED vs LCD
        - Not as bright as LCD, major cause for worse outdoor legibility
        - Doesn't have accurate colours (especially whites) nor as high colour gamut.
        - Black crush compared to LCD.

        Personally though I like OLED better than LCD, but not the one on the Vita (Samsung manfcaturerd 1st gen OLED not Super AMOLED). I've got a few Sony products that have Sony manfucatured OLEDs including the head display HMZ-T2 and their camera viewfinder FDA-EV1mk, and they are all much more superior than the Vita's OLED despite being much smaller.

    • some people like leonheart1 dont like the blotchy effect that OLED screens have when you are in a dim environment. It happens when the screen is all black and it looks like there are ink drops all over the screen. I personally dont have a problem with it at all. I guess the LCD tech is also easier on battery life.

      • It actually happens when the screen is backlit but no graphics are pushed to it, this usually happens in loading screens. At least it does on my consoles anyway, if the screen is supposed to be black then it is very black indeed.

        • yeah it happens during loading screens and possibly during a dark scene in a movie? I havent watched one on my vita so i dont know. In any case isnt really a problem i reckon.

  • They should use 4k psp screen, now that's something to dream.

  • +1
    • i wanna move to japan…

  • i prefer OLED…
    or in case LED over LCD

    I like the original one due to the grip thickness…
    the around the Ps Vita 2000 is it plastic or rubber? no aluminum "exoskeleton"?

    • i prefer OLED…
      or in case LED over LCD

      Generally, LED is LCD with LED lighting.
      Whereas OLED uses organic LEDs which don't need backlighting.

  • I thought OLED was self illuminating and used less power than LCD? So why would the new version with LCD use less power than the original OLED?

    • OLED uses less power to produce black or dark colors, but it uses more power to white or brighter color compared to LCD.

  • Wow, might get one of these instead.

  • +1

    List of compatible Vita games for the Vita TV

    Obviously a lot of the titles are in Japanese, but you can pretty much say any game that is touch screen reliant is out of the picture. Which means sadly no Killzone, Uncharted or Gravity Rush. However Persona 4 Golden is there.

    • DS4 compatibility is expected in the future and is said to massively increase the game compatibility due to the touch pad.

      • Well with this device out of the bag now, I wouldn't be surprised if developers cater to non-touch screen control schemes from now on.

        • That would work for me, that or they may make touch controls an option that you must enable in game rather than have them as an auto enabled feature.
          I must say I have enjoyed the touch controls in Killzone Mercenary, they have been well implemented and actually added to the games depth.

        • thats true. I still want touch controls maybe less emphasis on back touch though.

        • +1

          Rear touchpad on FIFA is pimp.

        • not sure i want to support EA when they just update rosters and call it a new game.

  • So by the looks of it there is no difference in performance wise.

    Yes it has

    Built in 1gb storage
    Lcd screen thus netting longer battery

    The vita tv is interesting.
    I have used the composite cable for my old slim psp and played a few games on the big tv 55 inch and you couldnt notice issue with most games.
    Gt was one exception where blocks did show up but only on certain tracks with a lot going around you.

  • Screen comparison shot shows that the PCH-1000 (original Vita) has a much more vibrant and bright screen, the new LCD model has a yellow hue (a characteristic in many LCD screens apparently)


    • new LCD model has a yellow hue

      Oh wtf. That's exactly the same as my SGS2's piss stain and it had AMOLED+.

      Is this the same as with the iPhone's LCD but goes away after a week or two since it's just glue residue?

      If it doesn't go away, this is a deal breaker.

      • I can't say I remember noticing it on my SGS2 (been a while since I had one though) and unless you were to directly compare the two Vita's I would probably not pay much attention to the difference in all honesty. It's just that this is the internet and we all get to be armchair critics don't we? :)

        • If you still have the SGS2, try turning brightness all the way down and compare it to a white sheet of paper.

          It's just that this is the internet and we all get to be armchair critics don't we?

          Well I'd prefer to discuss these issues now before I make a purchase rather than bitching about it later when I can't do anything.

        • +1

          Nah I've had a SGS3 and a Nexus 4 since then. I do remember being in awe of the Amoled+ though after coming from a iPhone 3GS.

          I guess you have to decide which you would hate the most, blotchy loading screens occasionally or yellow hue to the overall screen.

  • +1 are taking preorders on Vita TV (AU$185 delivered) and 64gb card ($105 delivered)
    As much as I am interested in TV I am not gonna pay that much, perhaps $140 delivered (allowing $105 for unit and $35 EMS)
    The card on the other hand is a good price.

    • you mean play asia?

      • Nope,

        I've used them loads of times, free shipping at the moment.

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