This was posted 11 years 5 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Samsung 840 SSD from $99 | 1TB EVO $729 Free Shipping + Lucky Draw BONUS Entries for OzBargain


Purchase any selected Samsung 840 SSDs today & receive Free Shipping for your Entire order + bonus entries/chances to win a prize including Sony Vaio Duo 11 from our Spring Carnival 2013 lucky draw :).

More details about Lucky draw & prize to be won here
Besides the bonus 20 more entires/chances you receive for each Samsung SSD purchased, if you add the provided coupon code: MOREMOREMORE before you checkout, you will be emailed with 10 MORE entries/chances to this lucky draw. Will an ozbargainer win our Grand Prize? :)

i. Samsung 840 SSD 120GB - $99 Free Shipping
3 Years Manufacturer's Warranty

ii. Samsung 840 SSD 250GB - $175 Free Shipping
3 Years Manufacturer's Warranty

iii. Samsung 840 SSD 500GB - $377 Free Shipping
3 Years Manufacturer's Warranty

iv. Samsung 840 EVO SSD 750GB - $579 Free Shipping
3 Years Manufacturer's Warranty

v. Samsung 840 EVO SSD 1TB - $729 Free Shipping
3 Years Manufacturer's Warranty
Pre-order - We are allocated for their limited First batch of stock (coming soon) - so you are guaranteed to be one of the first to receive this new product from AUS stores.

Samsung Laptops Ultrabooks - From $299

Other Participating Brand & Products in Lucky Draw Promotion

All stocks are limited, with limited quantity per customer.
Free Shipping applies to entire order as long as you buy 1 of the Samsung SSDs on promotion, otherwise Shipping starts $8.95 and averages $10 Australia Wide
No Grey Imports, All Genuine & carries Australia's Manufacturer Warranty.

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Shopping Express
Shopping Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    I just boght an ssd for $120 :( so tempted on this one now.
    I was seriously one day off :( I bought it on the 4th, wish it was possible to atleast have gotten a chance to win or have the price difference deducted.

    • +14

      Hi rekkore,

      Can you PM me your order id? I'll see what i can do for ya.


      • Samehere rep. Just bought a 250GB EVO on the 30th. Could you do something as well? Thanks.

        • +1

          The 120GB, 250GB, 500GB in this deal are non EVO versions

  • +15

    Good price, but I can't help thinking about the amazon uk non-deal.

    • Yeah $70 was a damn good price…even if it wasn't real.

      • +6

        It was $90 delivered for 250Gb

        • Was it 90? when i did it , it put mine at $70 or 75ish.

        • +3

          you must have ordered more than one…

          for one, incl shipping, it was closer to $90


  • +4

    I always give these guys a +ve vote; nothing but great service! Could have saved myself $10 on the 120GB if I hadn't pulled the trigger last Sunday when it was $109; haven't even opened the box yet!

    • +1

      Depending what it was you ordered, you might have gotten the newer EVO model as many of the drives in this deal are the regular 840 so it was probably worth the extra 10 bucks.

      • -1

        so it was probably worth the extra 10 bucks

        What feature is better about the EVO ones ???

        • +5

          Hi jv. Not sure why you got the neg.

          Whilst the following video will not really tell you the differences between each series it will allow you to witness possibly the worst acting in product advertisement history. Especially at 1:55 mins.

          For actual info on the device and it's advantages check out the numerous reviews:

          Toms goes with the Crucial M500 series. Anand goes with the EVO. I know that this does not give you the specifics but maybe this closing comment from Hexus may provide some insight.

          "With a triple-core processor and a TurboWrite cache, Samsung's 840 EVO has the upper hand as far as performance is concerned - and that's without taking RAPID Mode shenanigans into account. But on the other side of the fence, the 960GB M500 is more-keenly priced on a per-GB basis, and Crucial includes compatibility with Windows 8's Encrypted Hard Drive standard - something that Samsung is only promising in a future firmware update."

          Cheers, R3b3l66

        • +14

          He got the neg because hes jv.

        • -3

          Why do people hate jv?

        • Perhaps he is related to Mrbabyman

        • -Turbowrite gives short bursts of very fast performance (writes)
          -RAPID software boosts performance with memory caching
          -Better overall performance reads/writes etc.
          -Better performance consistency
          -Lower active power consumption

      • +3

        Ahh, thanks foobar I missed that detail… I did get an EVO! Yeeeeeeeeee

  • Is the warranty 1 year or 3 years? Specifications tab says 3 years, Warranty tab says 1 year.

    • +2

      3 Years Manufacturer Warranty

      • Is "Manufacturer Warranty" the "Your stuff died? Good luck resolving it with the manufacturer, now get off my lawn?" thing? Apart from Dell (NON Aus!) and Apple I never had good experience with "Manufacturer Warranty" :(

        • +1

          Samsung has repair centres in most Australian states. You're covered for that.

        • I've had a Samsung Manufacturer warranty complain (with my tv), and it went fine. Although I had to drive quite a way, they fixed my tv.

  • +6

    Can you give deals for Samsung 840 EVO SSD 120GB by any chance? Thanks

    • +5

      lol and which they didn't honor

      250gb at that price is insane and would be well under cost price.
      factor in shipping and this is kinda a good deal

    • +7

      'MasterNoob' nuff said.

      • +2

        he has numerous comments like this.

        • Hence he is a self proclaimed Master I assume.

    • -3

      I dont know why the negs, but i am with you bro :)

  • +1

    Just bought a 120GB 840 EVO yesterday for $118 at MSY lol.

    Oh well :)

    • -2

      EVO is not a dirty word…

  • +2

    How about a deal for PRO ?…thx

    • Yes please. Been hanging out for a PRO deal for awhile now.

      • Will try to get a PRO deal out - just not ready yet :).

        • +1

          The only reason i haven't pulled the trigger on this deal is the relatively low price difference for significantly better write speeds from the EVO's. I'll be scouring the www for good deals on them for the next couple of weeks.
          A deal on the EVO's and PRO's would be an awesome follow up deal for anyone who resisted the temptation on the base 840's. Plus it'll save me a lot of time on searching and monitoring prices lol. Your deals have been great in the past and i can usually trust you guys, which is why i've bought 2 laptops and hard drive in the past 2 years, plus i've liked the speed and service so far. Keep up the good work.

          UPDATE: amazon has the 250gb 840 EVO on sale for 182.99 with free shipping. ShoppingExpress do you think you could you beat their price in your next deal?

        • Thanks for your support :). We will do our best to offer the best SSD deal in Australia :).

  • Whats the difference between 840 and 840 EVO?

    Can we get a deal on the 840 EVO 120GB?…

    • EVO is the replacement for the regular 840, slightly faster and apparently more reliable…

      • +1

        Sounds good, can we get a deal on the EVO now please :)

  • can we please get a deal on the next batch of 500gb evo? it's like the main one that you've skipped in your sale…

    • Evos are low on stock and 500GB is out with no ETA yet.

      Limited stock of the 1TB will arrive so anyone keen and able to afford must give it a think before promotion runs out by midnight tomorrow.


  • +1

    no 250GB Evo =((

      • It is not under bargain =(
        Not a free shipping
        Week ago it was 187$

    • +4

      Very long on stock for any promotion - will have to see the next batch of stock & pricing on the next batch. As usual we will do our best.


  • Thanks for the deal on the 1TB :-) What's your rough guess on its ETA?

    • Soon —- it will definitely be after the elections :P


      • Are we talking days, weeks or months?

        • -1

          Won't able to tell until goods on the way to us - but could be within weeks or (chance of)less.


        • +3

          You sounds like my boss

        • you must be running on tight schedules or better yet - your other half

        • Haha… just trying to figure out if its worth waiting another 2 months for the new Haswell Thinkpads to come out or upgrade the current one. But thanks very much!

  • +1

    Free postage for N54L:)

  • +1

    Cheers for the 500gb SSD ShoppingExpress!

    If anyone wants to buy my 250gb SSD (Samsung 840) when I migrate, please let me know :)

    • -2

      If it is brand new, how about AU$90? come on you should beat the price from Amazon. I won't ask you for further 5% off as OW

  • Hey Rep, willing to do any deals on 4TB drives?

    • Hi Jooniar,

      If you meant 4TB internal then we already have something from Seagate here


  • I was trying to order 1x of the 840 SSD but I cant see where I can add qty to the cart?

    • sold out earlier - please try again, we've put more stock available now

  • +3

    Any chance of reintroducing the 120gb 840 EVO for $109 deal you had last week?

  • Looks like the 120GB 840 are sold out…

    • +1

      sold out earlier - please try again, we've put more stock available now

      • Bought one. Thanks.

  • 840 120GB or 240GB Evo deal and I'll grab one ;)

  • +1

    rep can you do SanDisk Ultra Plus SSD 128GB $89 w/ free shipping again?

    • Sorry matt - no SanDisk Ultra Plus for this promotion.


  • 840 120GB just grabbed one, thanks!

  • Any specials on any non SSD 2.5" 1TB?

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