This was posted 11 years 6 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Steganos Online Shield (VPN) 5GB/Month Traffic, 5 Locations, 6 Months License FREE



Page is in German

Enter your email & press Abschicken

You'll get an email with serial number/download link.

Download software >> Press Menu >> Press Enter Serial Number

You can choose between 5 locations: USA, Switzerland, UK, France and Germany

Software is based on OpenVPN.

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closed Comments

  • Abschicken = OK

    • +4

      ABS Chicken on the other hand is a Plastic Flightless Bird

    • Mmmmm, abschicken…drools

  • great for us open

  • It didn't like my .Com email address, but my ISP address went through OK.

    If anyone's wondering, "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig" is German for "Your e-mail address is invalid", according to Google Translate.

    • +1

      gmail works fine too

    • Actually, the deal is different to what is listed. Translated, the email you receive is:

      "You receive this e-mail in your serial number for Steganos Online Shield. With this serial number you get 5GB total traffic volume per month for half a year, with which you can surf the protected through encryption network. Install Steganos Online Shield, and then click 'Enter Serial Number' on the menu. Then enter your serial number. The additional volume of traffic will be credited to you immediately."

      5GB per month is nothing to sneeze at, though. Good find!

  • +2

    May want to uncheck the tick box below where your e-mail is entered.

    Google translate says:

    I want to receive the newsletter in the future Steganos

    • I unchecked that without even reading or understanding… since I know those are marketing newsletter options most of the time.

  • I got the mail saying it's 5GB for 6 months. But it's good enough though.

  • +1

    How can we use for Android box to stream Netflix

    • Ditto. I think you can only use it by installing their software on your PC.

  • +8
    • +1…

      The policy which was issued today was poorly worded and incorrectly indicated that the Coalition supported an “opt out” system of internet filtering for both mobile and fixed line services. That is not our policy and never has been.
      The correct position is that the Coalition will encourage mobile phone and internet service providers to make available software which parents can choose to install on their own devices to protect their children from inappropriate material.

      • +2

        Seems legit. Simple mistake.

      • It's a simple mistake to write: "As has recently been achieved in the UK, we expect these standards will involve mobile phone operators installing adult content filters on phones which will be switched on as the default unless the customer proves he or she is at least 18 years of age.

        "The Coalition will work with internet service providers (which provide fixed-line broadband services to the home) to develop online safety standards for those services, recognising that they are very often accessed by children.

        "As has recently been achieved in the UK, we expect these standards will involve the major internet service providers providing home network filters for all new home broadband services, which will be switched on as the default unless the customer specifies otherwise."

        Tosh. Another backflip.

        • The first paragraph is ambiguous. The remaining 2 fit perfectly with the clarification.

          Conspiracy theory not required.

      • +1
      • +2

        After reading the original document, their response to the backflip was what is poorly worded.

        Unless by poorly worded they mean "our words were correct but since we accidentally released them quite clearly just days before the election and we realise it may cost us votes so we retract it"

    • Almost 40 and, still, all I see in our government offices is the sickening fight for power. Hell, most of the people I work with don't even know the various policies, they just vote according to how their parents do/did.
      Hope I see a change in their school yard before I pass from this world, maybe then I'll enrol and vote ….. or if it effects my internet.

      Oh, good find OP :)

  • Just used my serial and got told it was good through to October 2014 (5GB of protection per month).

    • +1

      Tried to get another key to a different email address but got blocked as they log the IP. Switched on their VPN and tried again, still blocked (incognito mode as well, so no cookie tracking). Not sure that I'd trust this for covering my tracks, but still handy for accessing geo-blocked sites and services.

      • Ended up getting more keys by using Tor and sending to other email addresses.

      • Wouldn't they know what ip's their own servers generate?

    • Just used my serial and got told it was good through to October 2014 (5GB of protection per month).

      I thought it was 6months only?
      Or did you have an existing subscription from the last offer?

    • … good through to October 2014?

      Mine came up as 3/10/2014, which I assume is March 2014.

      • +1

        That would be it. Damn the rest of the world and their stupid date conventions!

  • +4

    For some reason its not working. It says invalid serial key on the Steganos Online Shield. Also there was no download link in my email.

  • Last time this deal ran some people had trouble with the serial because they translated their email, hence the serial also changed.

    • Thanks that actually worked. It was because google chrome was auto translating so when i switch to internet explore the code work cheers!

  • +6

    Anyone know their policy on logging and reporting users?
    And what is the software download address?
    Found it 13.7mb ->
    Dont feel like learning german today.

  • so what software do I download when I get the key?

  • delete

  • Warning:
    It appears on Windows XP, Staganos just locksup.
    Maybe it will work for others.
    I forgot this is what happened last time the free trial was offered.

    Back to Expat Shield daisy-chained with TOR, I guess.

  • Anyone having problem connecting to US server? It seems I can connect to some servers, but not others. UK and Switzerland is ok for me, but not US, Germany.

  • +1

    will this be good for netflix? will it affect download speed?

  • I'm new to all of this but can we not use for Mac? I don't have a link in my mail and when I download from the site, it's an .exe file.

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