Hello from AnyPrice

Hello OzBargain Folks,

My name is Rayn and I am from http://www.AnyPrice.com.au - a new shopping information portal.

We are bringing true price transparency to all shoppers in Australia. AnyPrice aggregates thousands of prices from online shops, making it easy to find a good deal. We believe having access to all available prices is empowering, just like being able to see and discuss deals posted by community on OzBargain.

You can help make AnyPrice better by adding new links to products from stores we don’t know about. If you see anything broken on the site, feel free to post feedback here or comment on our site. Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for updates. We are constantly adding new shops, products and features.

We look forward to participating in the OzBargain community.


TL;DR Get all prices on all products on http://www.AnyPrice.com.au/

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  • Is this supposed to be like get-price?

  • Wrong forum. You should have posted in Introduce yourself

    • Hey Moots,

      I am following the advice I got in the "Talk to a Moderator" forum.

  • You should also include MASTERS in your comparison list

  • Welcome, Australia needs a good price comparison site. However you may need to look at the way your search engine works.

    A search for HTC One gives over 5 pages of results and doesn't display the HTC One on the first page: http://www.anyprice.com.au/search?q=htc+one

    • Thank you for your feedback. I have to admit our search is quite "fuzzy" at the moment as we are constantly tweaking it.

      We added the first product (a washing machine) to our site about 2 months ago, so we are still quite young. However, search term is surely one of our focus and we use it to figure out what to add/make-pretty next.

      We do not have HTC One nor most mobile/smart phones yet :]
      The better categories are the ones on the homepage (washers, dryers and coffee machines). Eventually we want to have all categories to be quite complete like that.

  • +1

    Also, searching by model numbers is a good option.
    I understand there may be variants of the same product, but take a look at how staticice is setup for computer shops

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