New Sidebar

I like the new sidebar, but there's two things that I want to see changed/added:

  • When you go into a bargain post, on the right-hand side you see Top Deals, then Upcoming Deals - I would like them to swap places, because its hard when I click on a bargain (thinking is a new post) to find out that I already seen it.

  • How come Latest Deals has changed to Upcoming Deals - how can the deals be upcoming?

  • Can you have something where you see the latest comments for just the forum area, so we can keep track of forum posting?


  • Hi JeffreyM — thanks for the suggestion!

    1. I guess it was designed for the visitors rather than regulars so I am highlighting the top deals than the new deals. The architecture of Drupal makes it not that easy to swap them around if a logged in user is detected. Let me think about it…

    2. There is one thing changed in that block, where promoted deals (to front page) are no longer listed there. I think it is more a paradigm for Digg or Pligg-based sites, where "Upcoming" means they are not on the front page yet. Again, I'll need to think about an appropriate term.

    3. These are really "upcoming" :)

    • 'Recently submitted' fits well.

      I find some Open Source projects poorly engineered. Drupal is one of them. This is one of the biggest failures of the Open Source Movement. Not to say that Microsoft or Apple are doing that much better… they all have superiority in some aspects but this doesn't make it well engineered.

      • "I find some Open Source projects poorly engineered."

        I agree.

        "Drupal is one of them."

        Well. I chose Drupal because it is actually one that is better engineered.

        "This is one of the biggest failures of the Open Source Movement."

        Failure does not come because open source promotes poor software engineering. Besides you actually cannot know how well a piece of software is engineered without looking deep into its source, which would be virtually impossible with proprietary software without paying a hefty fee and signing lengthy NDA.

        Good software engineering requires thinking, planning, well practised methodology and lots more, but you can find it in both open and closed source software. Just that with OSS, bad coding is easier to spot :)

        Well. Let me get back to some coding…

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