Looking for options regarding an order I placed but have never received.

Hey guys, long time user, first time poster.

I hope i've posted this in the right place :/ was just looking for some help and opinions regarding an issue i've had with an order i placed almost 2 months ago.

for reference, this is the product which i ordered. note the estimated delivery time of 25 days. i'll give a summary of the communications i've had since my order has been placed
JUL 5: order placed, paying an extra $12 for express delivery in order to receive it before the season ended in September
AUG 1: after almost a month of waiting, contacted the club and was told by the president that all orders were 'in progress'.
AUG 18: after still not receiving it, i got in contact with the manufacturer of the product, who told me that what i ordered had already been delivered to the club.
AUG 22: contacted the club again, and was told that the president assumed i would be picking it up from a game, even though i specifically paid for express delivery (there was no option to pick it up, mind you). was then told to pick it up at the game on SEP 1
SEP 1: go to the game to pick my hoodie, told they don't have it there and told to e-mail the president once again, the same guy that told me it would be there to pick up on the day.

so now, almost 2 months after ordering the product and paying for express delivery, and knowing the club have had it for approximately 2 weeks, i'm pretty annoyed. i sent another email explaining my frustrations to the president, and asking for them to now send it and requested a partial refund on at least the express delivery that never happened. i still have not received a reply.

this is where i want you guys to help.
am i justified to ask for a partial refund or am i overreacting?
is there someone else i can take this up with if i dont recieve the product or continue to have trouble?
how much longer should i wait before completely losing it at them? :P

any way you can help will be a bonus! (sorry about the long post)



  • +1

    if you paid via paypal or credit/debit card then lodge a chargeback/dispute

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