Lately iv seen many people having LV hand bags, but curious if most of them are replica?, I asked my friend what you think of replica High quality Lv bags she said would never buy one, people say that the quality is horrible, but that's not true, depending which grade you purchas,. Would you ever purchase one? The only replica item ever purchased was a tag huer carrar class 3, hight quality replica watch, they come in 3 grades usually.
Replica LV bags

They don't care if you import counterfeit goods; just don't import them in commercial quantities.
Look at
When buying genuine, just be aware there are Japanese super replicas.
'Don't care' or 'isn't illegal'? I don't know, just asking for clarification.
I have been thinking bout buying my fiancé a LV bag, but don't want the risk of buying off eBay, gumtree. Happy to buy genuine but not the price :(.
I might have a look at costcos range next time I'm there.
Yes there is fake LV everywhere, but there is now a lot of real floating around as well with some of the bags actually starting off at about a little less than $1k and up depending on style.
Having said that, re-sale value for these bags is pretty good if the bag is kept in good condition.
I wouldn't buy off gum tree personally, but eBay is ok if u can get the bag authenticated before u buy - there's some websites that do it and there's a lot of forums where people have a lot of knowledge about how to spot a fake!
But if you do carry around a fake, no matter how good a copy u think it is, more than likely an LV lover will be able to tell its not real, just depends if u care I guess …I know someone who carries around a fake Lv bag, makes her look cheap (not the bargain type of cheap) and a wannabe.
The quality of the replica usually has a direct correlation with the amount of money you spend on it. Ask for pictures of the product in production to have a look whether the replica is a good looking one. Also ask what materials are being used, and find out what materials a good quality replica is.
Ioffer as a user mentioned above is extremely good. Try and get in contact with one of the sellers from Australia and really delve into the details of what makes a good replica product.
Don't listen to any of that AAA AA AAAA quality stuff, most of it means the same thing.
why buy a replica? did you want to show how rich you are when you arent?
if you cant afford it, you cant afford itlike JLove said, cheap and wannabe
If it's real, there is a confidence thing there too. If it's fake, your suspicious if people may ask questions, or comment on quality. If it's real, and you own a $5,000 bag, well. You'd be a bit more confident wouldn't you?
there is fake LV everywhere
I love how you say there are 3 grades of replica watch. Who makes these grades up and who grades the actual replicas. I reckon the 'grading' is something the pirates have dreamed up to make their dodgy products seem higher quality. There is no 'grading' process for replica watches. If you think there is try and buy a 'C' or 'D' grade watch, I think you will find they've all been graded 'AAA' by the dodgy folks that make them. I've never seen a replica LV handbag but I've seen replica watches and replica ski jackets, I would never buy either. All the replica stuff I saw was made to look like the real thing but on close inspection it really wasn't the real thing. The ski jackets weren't made from goretex like the real ones, the seams weren't sealed and so just when you need your high end ski jacket to perform (ie when it is freezing cold and snowing) it will let you down.
The watches I have seen look legit from the outside but had cheap quartz movements inside. Watch people are almost more interested in features like the mechanical movements inside the watch, the quality and longevity of the lume (luminous glow in the dark paint on the numbers) etc. If somebody makes a replica with the right movement, right lume, right bracelet, right bezel and right crystal then it probably isn't a replica any more. Finally, I get a kick out of my Omega watch not because I think I have gotten away with something but because I know I have a real Omega!
There are plenty of collector-worthy watches that you can get for a couple of hundred $$, most much more unique and interesting than a counterfeit TAG in my opinion. There is a whole micro watch brand scene making interesting design. Have a look at these guys for example, $300 So much more interesting than a counterfeit and probably at a similar price.
You probably know this, but the import and purchase of any counterfeit good is illegal in Australia. Just saying.