Posting Bargains in Images and PDF Files

One of the biggest issues I found after running OzBargain for 2 months is, a lot of great bargains and deals are not available as direct web links!! I had a bit of rant on my blog about the lack of permalinks on many online stores. However, many good deals are not available online — many still exist in your local brick and mortar retail shops. Many coupons and specials are also only available from email attachments (like those family and friends discount coupons). The question is, how can we share that?

You do want to spread the good news around, don't you? :)

Last week I set up a small file uploading site at DreamHost, where there's more disk space and bandwidth I'll ever need. Currently it allows OzBargain members to upload images (JPEG, GIF or PNG) and PDF files, and then submit a story about it.

How to use it?

You should see an extra hyperlink "Use Media File Uploader" under URL when you try to submit a deal.

Use Media File Uploader

Click on it will bring you to the following site:

OzBargain Media File Uploader Site

Then you just need to

  1. Select the file you wish to upload. Currently only JPEG, PNG, GIF and PDF files are supported.
  2. Use your OzBargain username and password to authenticate yourself. You'll stay logging into that site for up to 30 days from the same browser.
  3. Agree to the Terms of Services. Basically pointing to the ToS of this site, but I'll add more clauses later on, like no illegal files, etc.
  4. Click on Upload and you will be given an URL to your uploaded file, and a link to bring you back here with URL filled out.

You can then fill out the title, one or two sentences of description, and submit your latest bargain findings.

What can I use it for?

Here are some use cases.

Photos from the shopping mall

I am pretty sure I am the only one on the planet that does not have a camera phone, as every friend of mine can use their phones to take photos and videos. Since you bring your phones everywhere, even to the shopping centres, they are actually quite useful for sharing bargains!

  1. Drop by a nearby Westfield, and spot your favourite XYZ shop has a big SALES banner outside.
  2. Wow! Something you wish to get is now having a 50% discount!
  3. Take out your camera and capture the lot!
  4. Come home, take out the picture, and upload to OzBargain.
  5. Write a sentence or two to share how great this bargain is.

When you write about bargains from local retail shops, do remember to mention where the shop actually is. I hate to get excited by a super special, but only realise they are on a totally different state when I try to dig deeper.

Special coupons from your email

I found a lot of coupons are only sent via emails these days to make the subscribers to feel a bit of exclusiveness. Or you happen to have a friend who can get a special discount somewhere though staff deals. If they come in PDFs — great! Upload the file and share the good news :)

  1. Foo Bargain just sent out their exclusive email offerings with the coupon attached as PDF.
  2. Save the PDF file, and upload it to OzBargain!
  3. Share that deal with us. Oops. Not exclusive anymore.

Any question?

What can't I use it for?

One thing for sure is, this file uploading service is not there for your file sharing needs. There are lots of free online storage out there where you can park your files, and recently I have been using DivShare who will host unlimited files for unlimited time for you.

What now?

Remember — anything you have uploaded and posted can get you an extra entry to our current competition which could win you $50 or $20 shopping vouchers. So keep them coming!

Meanwhile, I think I might want to get a new mobile phone now.


  • GREAT!!!!

    Now is there something for TV ads and Radio Spots!!

    Just kidding

    BTW any prepaid Optus phone works with iSim

    • I actually love to be able to host video files, which might contain

      • TV ads
      • Your recent shopping trip

      As of anything else that can't be captured and uploaded, there's always a forum where you can use "words" to share it :)

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