Nexus 7 (1B066A) 32GB $226 Delivered, Asus - ME400C $381 Delivered @ Bing Lee
Nexus 7 (1B066A) 32GB $226, Asus - ME400C $381 Delivered @ Bing Lee

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Was $199 at Bing Lee around one month ago..
So…… it's not $199 now is it .
That's my point. This is a higher price than their offer a month ago, so how can this be a bargain?
The FUNDAMENTALLY wrong Negative Vote TEST
Comparing a deal that is now, to a deal that is no longer available. This is not a valid reason. Don't vote at all if you don't like the deal compared to one that was offered last month etc. Yes sometimes the 50c off a pizza, isn’t a “good” deal compared to the regular offerings of $1 off that many Pizza stores may make. In this case leave the deal alone, don't vote, make a comment, but it’s not a valid reason to negatively vote a deal. It's the one that is currently on offer, and 50 cents off or nothing off is a deal that some might want to take.
Just one person's point of view - which I disagree with. But I respect that everyone is entitled to their opinion, regardless of how irrational it may be.
Just one person's point of view - which I disagree with.
They aren't called 'Rules and Guidelines' for nothing. The point is, if this is the cheapest sale price at the moment, the post in and of itself is not worthy of a neg. It might not be a great bargain, but it's not a bad one right now - therefore it's suggested that you comment to that effect and withhold voting.
But I respect that everyone is entitled to their opinion, regardless of how irrational it may be.
Oh really? Because your snide little remark just proved that you don't.
Everyone is entitled to a vote and an opinion on here, despite you thinking that isn't the case. You appear very self righteous. And in the end, this item was $199 around one month ago at Bing Lee. Let the public decide what they consider a bargain now.
Sure people are entitled to an opinion… but they also have to conform with the rules. You were perfectly capable of voicing your concerns without negging.
Me self righteous? I'm not the one who thinks they're above the rules… and who was it that said this not three comments ago?
But I respect that everyone is entitled to their opinion, regardless of how irrational it may be.
Sure as hell wasn't me.
But……it's a relevant point to make isn't it.
Not to me - unless you consider stating the obvious relevant.
Not a good deal at all.
Who wants to buy a tablet that came out over a year ago anyway?People that can't afford $500 for an ipad or similar??
throws out all tech over 1 year old and runs to store
Who wants to buy a tablet that came out over a year ago anyway?
What an ignorant statement. It's not as if the device is rendered useless the second it hits one year old, or if a new one is released. Not everyone requires the latest and greatest - the original is perfectly suitable for some. The comparative value is another story, but the point is it still has some.
Im looking at buying 3 for the kids when prices drop below $200. They have ipads already but just to have something different and a bit lighter. Better than a bunch of crap for Xmas. In my opinion only maybe. They dont need the newest model.
They don't need the older model either, they are already spoilt little kids with tablets.
I find the 7in tablets much more comfortable to hold than 10in tablets.
There is a MUCH better selection of games on IOS.
IPad mini is WAY over priced and WAY over rated (start with the very low res screen, which was substandard at release)
Price of new Nexus 7 models might come down enough to make them appealing before Christmas. The new screen is much brighter than the older Nexus and there are no storage bottlenecks reported with the newer model (that I know of). Check out some tech sites for reviews on the new Nexus 7 for a similar summary to mine ;)Yes, I am an [Android/IOS] fanboy who obviously hates on [IOS/Android].*
(*) Please select the option that best suits your view of my prejudice..
nothing special about this at all, standard Gen 1 clearance price
Off course they dont need them!! :) Hardly spoilt in this day an age. Only got the ipads as one is autistic and the visual learning games available are fantastic. But thanks for you ignorant opinion either way.
Wow Bing Lee do have bad reviews!
I agree. My experience with them is so, so. They advertised stock previously (on their website) for a tablet when clearly they did not have any. I know this for a fact. However, their instore service is reasonable.
When was this? Still available?
All gone unfortunately. Only the display model left.
Was there any other offers on the nexus 10 / 32gb / 3g models?
There was the 3G model but even the display had been sold. I didn't see what the price was for the 3G model. There was nothing else.
ok thanks!
I have been looking for a Windows 8 (NOT RT) tablet.
Can anybody tell me whether ME400C $381 is a good deal?
Or why/why not buy ME400C?This is an Android tablet… if you're looking for full Windows 8, this is far from the right place.
As far as Android tablets go, anyway, it's not bad. The 2013 model is leaps and bounds better, but this is still a good solution for those on a budget.
This Nexus 7 32GB tablet was advertised at $199 at Bing Lee around a month ago. Who thinks this is price is a bargain now?
May I correct $199 deal was from DSE not from bing lee.
I know better because I was the one who posted it information for you so you can stop talking (O)
Can you leave me in peace now?
i dont think people here are that interested in a gen 1 nexus 7 unless its like $139